Israēla Dievs ir tautu tiesnesis
1 Korvedim. Stīgu pavadījumam. Āsāfa psalms. Dziesma.
2 Pazīst gan Jūdā Dievu!
Israēlā liels viņa vārds!
3 Viņa mājvieta bija Šālēmā
un miteklis – Ciānā.
4 Tur viņš salauza uguns šautras,
vairogus, šķēpus un kara rīkus.
5 Spožs tu, dižens tu,
kas laupījuma kalnus
6 atņēmi drosmīgajiem!
Tie snauž, nevienam karotājam pat roka nepakust!
7 Tevis norāti, Jēkaba Dievs,
nemaņā gan braucēji, gan zirgi!
8 Tu, baiss esi tu!
Kurš nostāvēs tavā priekšā, kad tu dusmo?!
9 No debesīm tu spriedi tiesu –
zeme bijās un cieta klusu,
10 kad cēlās tiesāt Dievs,
glābt visus nabagos uz zemes!
11 Pat cilvēku naids tev sagādās slavu,
kas paliks pāri pēc naida –
to tu sev apjozīsi!
12 Solieties un dodiet Kungam, jūsu Dievam!
Visi, kas apkārt, nesiet veltes Bijājamam,
13 viņš dižajiem salauž garu
un zemes ķēniņiem iedveš bailes!
God the Victor
1 God is known in Judah;
his name is honored in Israel.
2 He has his home in Jerusalem;
he lives on Mount Zion.
3 There he broke the arrows of the enemy,
their shields and swords, yes, all their weapons.
4 How glorious you are, O God!
How majestic, as you return from the mountains
where you defeated your foes.
5 Their brave soldiers have been stripped of all they had
and now are sleeping the sleep of death;
all their strength and skill was useless.
6 When you threatened them, O God of Jacob,
the horses and their riders fell dead.
7 But you, Lord, are feared by all.
No one can stand in your presence
when you are angry.
8 You made your judgment known from heaven;
the world was afraid and kept silent,
9 when you rose up to pronounce judgment,
to save all the oppressed on earth.
10 Human anger only results in more praise for you;
those who survive the wars will keep your festivals.
11 Give the Lord your God what you promised him;
bring gifts to him, all you nearby nations.
God makes everyone fear him;
12 he humbles proud princes
and terrifies great kings.