Lūgšana pēc palīga un glābēja no naidniekiem
(Ps 40:14–18)1 Korvedim. Dāvida psalms atgādinājumam.
2 Dievs, nāc glāb mani, Kungs, palīgā steidzies!
3 Kauns tiem un misēklis, kas manu dzīvību meklē!
Lai bēg ar negodu, kas man vēl ļaunu!
4 Lai aizbēg apkaunoti tie, kas saka: āre! –
5 Lai līksmo tevī un priecājas visi, kas meklē tevi,
un allaž lai saka: liels ir Dievs! –
tie, kuri mīl tavu pestīšanu!
6 Bet es – nabaga cietējs –
Dievs, steidzies pie manis!
Mans palīgs un glābējs tu, Kungs, –
A Prayer for Help
(Psalm 40.13-17)1 Save me, O God!
Lord, help me now!
2 May those who try to kill me
be defeated and confused.
May those who are happy because of my troubles
be turned back and disgraced.
3 May those who make fun of me
be dismayed by their defeat.
4 May all who come to you
be glad and joyful.
May all who are thankful for your salvation
always say, “How great is God!”
5 I am weak and poor;
come to me quickly, O God.
You are my savior and my Lord—
hurry to my aid!