Slavas dziesma mūsu Dievam uzvarētājam
1 Korvedim. Dāvida psalms. Dziesma.
2 Lai ceļas Dievs, lai pašķīst viņa naidnieki,
kas viņu nīst, lai bēg no viņa!
3 Kā dūmus aizpūš, tu aizpūt tos!
Kā kūst vasks pie uguns,
tā lai zūd ļaundari Dieva priekšā!
4 Bet taisnie lai priecājas,
lai līksmojas Dieva priekšā, lai gavilē priekā!
5 Dziediet Dievam, dziediet slavu viņa vārdam,
sataisiet ceļu tam, kas tuksnešos jāj, –
Kungs viņa vārds,
līksmojiet viņa priekšā!
6 Bāreņu tēvs un atraitņu tiesnesis,
Dievs savā svētajā mājoklī!
7 Dievs vientuļos iemitina namā,
gūstekņus viņš rimtumā izved,
taču spītnieki mīt akmenājā.
8 Dievs, kad tu gāji savas tautas priekšā,
kad tu soļoji pāri tukšatnei, –
9 zeme līgojās, ak, debess lāsoja
Sīnaja Dieva priekšā,
Dieva, Israēla Dieva, priekšā!
10 Dāsnu lietu tu slacīji, Dievs, pār savu mantojumu –
kad tas bija panīcis, tu to aprūpēji.
11 Tava radība dzīvo tur,
tu savā laipnībā gādā par nabagiem, Dievs!
12 Kungs sūta pasacīt, ziņnešu liels pulks:
13 pulku ķēniņi, tie bēg, tie bēg,
nama skaistules dala sev laupījumu –
14 vai gulšņājāt, vīri, pie avju aplokiem?! –
dūjas spārni klāti ar sudrabu
un tās spalvas ar zaļu zeltu!
15 Kad Visuvarenais tur izsvaidīja ķēniņus,
sniegs sniga pār Calmonu!
16 Dievu kalns, Bāšānas kalns,
kupru kalns, Bāšānas kalns!
17 Ko tu glūni, kupru kalns,
uz kalnu, kas Dievam par sēdekli tīk?
Patiesi, Kungs mājos tur mūžam!
18 Dievam kaujas ratu divkārt desmit tūkstoši –
tūkstošu tūkstoši! –
Kungs vidū tiem – Sīnajietis! – savā svētumā!
19 Tu uzkāpi augstumos, vezdams gūstā,
tu ņēmi cilvēkus sev par balvu,
pat spītniekus, lai mājo pie Kunga Dieva!
20 Slavēts lai Kungs diendienā, mūsu nastu viņš nes,
Dievs ir mūsu glābiņš!
21 Dievs ir mūsu glābšanas Dievs,
un Dievam Kungam pieder izeja no nāves!
22 Patiesi, Dievs sašķaidīs savu naidnieku galvas
un matainos pakaušus tiem, kas mīt grēkā!
23 Kungs saka:
no Bāšānas kalna tos vedīšu atpakaļ,
tos vedīšu atpakaļ no jūras dzelmes,
24 lai tu nošķaidi asinīm kājas,
lai tavu suņu mēles no naidniekiem lok!
25 Redzi, tavs svētais gājiens, Dievs,
mana Dieva, mana ķēniņa gājiens svētnīcā –
26 pa priekšu dziedoņi, nopakaļ spēlmaņi,
pa vidu jaunavas tamburīnus skandina:
27 pulcējieties slavēt Dievu Kungu,
jūs, kas cēlušies no Israēla! –
28 Tur Benjamīns, jaunākais, visiem priekšā,
Jūdas augstmaņi trokšņainā pūlī,
Zebulona augstmaņi, Naftaļa augstmaņi!
29 Tavs Dievs lai pavēl tavam spēkam,
nostiprini, Dievs, ko tu mums devis, –
30 no sava tempļa, kas augšā Jeruzālemē!
Tev ķēniņi sanes veltes!
31 Norāj jel niedru zvēru,
varenu vēršu baru ar tautu teļiem,
kas samīda cits citu sudraba gabalu dēļ!
Izdzenā tautas, kam karot tīk!
32 Lai nāk sūtņi no Ēģiptes,
lai Kūša stiepj rokas pret Dievu!
33 Zemes valstis, dziediet Dievam,
dziediet slavu Kungam,
34 kas kopš mūžības jāj debesu debesīs –
klau, viņš dārdina savu balsi, vareno balsi!
35 Atzīstiet Dieva spēku!
Pār Israēlu viņa diženums un viņa spēks padebešos!
36 Bailes tu iedves, Dievs, no savām svētnīcām!
Israēla Dievs – viņš spēku un stiprumu tautai dod!
Slavēts lai Dievs!
A National Song of Triumph
1 God rises up and scatters his enemies.
Those who hate him run away in defeat.
2 As smoke is blown away, so he drives them off;
as wax melts in front of the fire,
so do the wicked perish in God's presence.
3 But the righteous are glad and rejoice in his presence;
they are happy and shout for joy.
4 Sing to God, sing praises to his name;
prepare a way for him who rides on the clouds.
His name is the Lord—be glad in his presence!
5 God, who lives in his sacred Temple,
cares for orphans and protects widows.
6 He gives the lonely a home to live in
and leads prisoners out into happy freedom,
but rebels will have to live in a desolate land.
7 O God, when you led your people,
when you marched across the desert,
8 the earth shook, and the sky poured down rain,
because of the coming of the God of Sinai,
the coming of the God of Israel.
9 You caused abundant rain to fall
and restored your worn-out land;
10 your people made their home there;
in your goodness you provided for the poor.
11 The Lord gave the command,
and many women carried the news:
12 “Kings and their armies are running away!”
The women at home divided what was captured:
13 figures of doves covered with silver,
whose wings glittered with fine gold.
(Why did some of you stay among the sheep pens on the day of battle?)
14 When Almighty God scattered the kings on Mount Zalmon,
he caused snow to fall there.
15 What a mighty mountain is Bashan,
a mountain of many peaks!
16 Why from your mighty peaks do you look with scorn
on the mountain on which God chose to live?
The Lord will live there forever!
17 With his many thousands of mighty chariots
the Lord comes from Sinai into the holy place.
18 He goes up to the heights,
taking many captives with him;
he receives gifts from rebellious people.
The Lord God will live there.
19 Praise the Lord,
who carries our burdens day after day;
he is the God who saves us.
20 Our God is a God who saves;
he is the Lord, our Lord,
who rescues us from death.
21 God will surely break the heads of his enemies,
of those who persist in their sinful ways.
22 The Lord has said, “I will bring your enemies back from Bashan;
I will bring them back from the depths of the ocean,
23 so that you may wade in their blood,
and your dogs may lap up as much as they want.”
24 O God, your march of triumph is seen by all,
the procession of God, my king, into his sanctuary.
25 The singers are in front, the musicians are behind,
in between are the young women beating the tambourines.
26 “Praise God in the meeting of his people;
praise the Lord, all you descendants of Jacob!”
27 First comes Benjamin, the smallest tribe,
then the leaders of Judah with their group,
followed by the leaders of Zebulun and Naphtali.
28 Show your power, O God,
the power you have used on our behalf
29 from your Temple in Jerusalem,
where kings bring gifts to you.
30 Rebuke Egypt, that wild animal in the reeds;
rebuke the nations, that herd of bulls with their calves,
until they all bow down and offer you their silver.
Scatter those people who love to make war!
31 Ambassadors will come from Egypt;
the Ethiopians will raise their hands in prayer to God.
32 Sing to God, kingdoms of the world,
sing praise to the Lord,
33 to him who rides in the sky,
the ancient sky.
Listen to him shout with a mighty roar.
34 Proclaim God's power;
his majesty is over Israel,
his might is in the skies.
35 How awesome is God as he comes from his sanctuary—
the God of Israel!
He gives strength and power to his people.
Praise God!