Lūgšana pret slepeniem naidniekiem
1 Korvedim. Dāvida psalms.
2 Dzirdi, Dievs, manu balsi, kad sūdzos,
no naidnieku briesmām pasargā mani,
3 paslēp mani no kaitnieku pulka, nekrietno pūļa,
4 tie kā zobenu asina sev mēli,
vērš savas bultas – rūgtus vārdus,
5 no slēptuves piepeši šauj uz krietno,
šauj uz viņu, pat nebaidās!
6 Cieši kopā tie turas uz ļaunu,
tie runā, kā slazdus izlikt,
saka: kurš ieraudzīs mūs? –
7 Tie sagudro nekrietnības:
dabūjām gatavu smalku stiķi –
dziļi paslēpta cilvēka sirds!
8 Bet Dievs šaus tiem bultu,
acumirklī tos ievainos!
9 Viņš liks tiem klupt viņu mēles dēļ,
visi, kas to redzēs, iztrūkušies bēgs.
10 Tad visi bīsies un teiks Dieva darbus,
ko viņš veicis, tie sapratīs.
11 Taisnais līksmos par Kungu
un patversies pie viņa!
Sirdsskaidrie dziedās slavu!
A Prayer for Protection
1 I am in trouble, God—listen to my prayer!
I am afraid of my enemies—save my life!
2 Protect me from the plots of the wicked,
from mobs of evil people.
3 They sharpen their tongues like swords
and aim cruel words like arrows.
4 They are quick to spread their shameless lies;
they destroy good people with cowardly slander.
5 They encourage each other in their evil plots;
they talk about where they will place their traps.
“No one can see them,” they say.
6 They make evil plans and say,
“We have planned a perfect crime.”
The human heart and mind are a mystery.
7 But God shoots his arrows at them,
and suddenly they are wounded.
8 He will destroy them because of those words;
all who see them will shake their heads.
9 They will all be afraid;
they will think about what God has done
and tell about his deeds.
10 All righteous people will rejoice
because of what the Lord has done.
They will find safety in him;
all good people will praise him.