Lūgšana pret netaisniem tiesnešiem
1 Korvedim. Pēc meldijas “Neizposti!” Dāvida uzraksts.
2 Vai patiešām lai taisnība klusē, kad jūs runājat?
Vai jūs pēc patiesības tiesājat cilvēku dēlus?
3 Ak, savās sirdīs jūs darāt netaisnību,
virs zemes jūs perināt varmācību!
4 Paklīduši ļaundari kopš mātes miesām,
alojas melkuļi kopš mātes klēpja!
5 Viņu inde kā čūsku inde,
kā kurlai odzei, kam ausis ciet, –
6 tā nedzird vārdotāju balsis, viedīgo zintnieku zintis!
7 Dievs, satriec tiem zobus viņu mutēs,
lauvu dzerokļus izlauz, Kungs!

8 Tie izsīkst kā ūdens, kas prom!
Tie velk bultas, bet uzgalis nost!
9 Kā gliemis, kas lienot iztek slienās,
kā nelaikā dzimis, kam neredzēt sauli!
10 Pirms jūsu podi sajutīs iekurtus ērkšķus – kā viņš ir dzīvs! –,
viņš aizraus ērkšķus prom dusmu virpulī!

11 Līksmos taisnais, kad ieraudzīs atriebību,
ļaundaru asinīs kājas viņš mazgās,
12 un cilvēki teiks: patiesi, taisnais atalgots,
patiesi, ir Dievs, kas tiesā virs zemes!
A Prayer for God to Punish the Wicked
1 Do you rulers ever give a just decision?
Do you judge everyone fairly?
2 No! You think only of the evil you can do,
and commit crimes of violence in the land.

3 Evildoers go wrong all their lives;
they tell lies from the day they are born.
4 They are full of poison like snakes;
they stop up their ears like a deaf cobra,
5 which does not hear the voice of the snake charmer,
or the chant of the clever magician.

6 Break the teeth of these fierce lions, O God.
7 May they disappear like water draining away;
may they be crushed like weeds on a path.
8 May they be like snails that dissolve into slime;
may they be like a baby born dead that never sees the light.
9 Before they know it, they are cut down like weeds;
in his fierce anger God will blow them away
while they are still living.

10 The righteous will be glad when they see sinners punished;
they will wade through the blood of the wicked.
11 People will say, “The righteous are indeed rewarded;
there is indeed a God who judges the world.”