Lūgšana briesmās un pateicība glābšanā
(Ps 108:1–6)1 Korvedim. Pēc meldijas “Neizposti!”. Dāvida uzraksts, bēguļojot alā no Saula.
2 Žēlo mani, Dievs, žēlo mani –
mana dvēsele tveras pie tevis,
un tavu spārnu ēnā es patveršos, kamēr posts paiet.
3 Es saucu visaugstajam Dievam,
Dievam, kas visu man piepilda!
4 Tas sūtīs no debesīm un glābs mani,
nonievās tos, kas mani mīda.
Dievs sūtīs žēlastību un patiesību!
5 Mana dvēsele starp lauvām,
es guļu kā liesmās starp cilvēku dēliem,
viņu zobi ir šķēps un bultas,
viņu mēles ir ass zobens.
6 Pacelies pār debesīm, Dievs,
pār visu zemi tava godība!
7 Tīklu tie izlika maniem soļiem,
nomākta mana dvēsele!
Bedri tie izraka man priekšā –
paši tajā iekrita.
8 Droša man sirds, Dievs,
droša man sirds,
dziedāšu es un spēlēšu!
9 Mosties, mans gods, mostieties, arfa un kokle, –
atmodināšu rīta ausmu!
10 Teikšu tevi starp ļaudīm, Kungs,
skandēšu tevi starp tautām,
11 jo liela līdz debesīm tava žēlastība
un līdz mākoņiem tava patiesība!
12 Pacelies pār debesīm, Dievs,
pār visu zemi lai tava godība!
A Prayer for Help
1 Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful,
because I come to you for safety.
In the shadow of your wings I find protection
until the raging storms are over.
2 I call to God, the Most High,
to God, who supplies my every need.
3 He will answer from heaven and save me;
he will defeat my oppressors.
God will show me his constant love and faithfulness.
4 I am surrounded by enemies,
who are like lions hungry for human flesh.
Their teeth are like spears and arrows;
their tongues are like sharp swords.
5 Show your greatness in the sky, O God,
and your glory over all the earth.
6 My enemies have spread a net to catch me;
I am overcome with distress.
They dug a pit in my path,
but fell into it themselves.
7 I have complete confidence, O God;
I will sing and praise you!
8 Wake up, my soul!
Wake up, my harp and lyre!
I will wake up the sun.
9 I will thank you, O Lord, among the nations.
I will praise you among the peoples.
10 Your constant love reaches the heavens;
your faithfulness touches the skies.
11 Show your greatness in the sky, O God,
and your glory over all the earth.