Israēls lai teic Kungu
1 Slavējiet Kungu!
Dziediet Kungam jaunu dziesmu,
lai viņš slavēts uzticīgo pulkā!
2 Lai priecājas Israēls par savu Radītāju,
Ciānas dēli lai gavilē par savu ķēniņu,
3 lai slavē viņa vārdu ar deju,
tamburīnu un cītaru lai spēlē viņam,
4 jo tīk Kungam viņa tauta –
viņš grezno nabagos ar pestīšanu!
5 uzticīgie lai līksmo godā, lai gavilē savās guļvietās,
6 uz mēles tiem slavas dziesmas Dievam,
rokās tiem divpusgriezīgs zobens,
7 ar ko tā atmaksāt tautām, ar ko tā pārmācīt ciltis,
8 ka to ķēniņi saistīti ķēdēm
un to diženie ar dzelzs važām,
9 lai izpildīts, kas spriedumā rakstīts, –
visiem viņa uzticīgajiem par lepnumu!
Slavējiet Kungu!
A Hymn of Praise
1 Praise the Lord!
Sing a new song to the Lord;
praise him in the assembly of his faithful people!
2 Be glad, Israel, because of your Creator;
rejoice, people of Zion, because of your king!
3 Praise his name with dancing;
play drums and harps in praise of him.
4 The Lord takes pleasure in his people;
he honors the humble with victory.
5 Let God's people rejoice in their triumph
and sing joyfully all night long.
6 Let them shout aloud as they praise God,
with their sharp swords in their hands
7 to defeat the nations
and to punish the peoples;
8 to bind their kings in chains,
their leaders in chains of iron;
9 to punish the nations as God has commanded.
This is the victory of God's people.
Praise the Lord!