Pateicības dziesma, atgriežoties no trimdas
1 Augšupceļa dziesma.
Kad Kungs aizvestos pārveda Ciānā,
mums likās, ka redzam sapni!
2 Tad pildījās smiekliem mūsu mute
un mūsu valoda gavilēm,
tad runāja tautās:
re, diženas lietas Kungs dara ar šiem!
3 Diženas lietas Kungs darīja mums,
un mēs līksmojām!

4 Atjauno, Kungs, mūsu gūstekņus kā straumes Negevā –
5 kas ar asarām sēj, ar gavilēm pļaus!
6 Raudādams aiziet, nes sētuvi laukā,
gavilēdams nāks, pārnesīs labības kūļus!
A Prayer for Deliverance
1 When the Lord brought us back to Jerusalem,
it was like a dream!
2 How we laughed, how we sang for joy!
Then the other nations said about us,
“The Lord did great things for them.”
3 Indeed he did great things for us;
how happy we were!

4 Lord, make us prosperous again,
just as the rain brings water back to dry riverbeds.
5 Let those who wept as they planted their crops,
gather the harvest with joy!

6 Those who wept as they went out carrying the seed
will come back singing for joy,
as they bring in the harvest.