1 Kungs sacīja Mozum: 2 “Runā uz Israēla dēliem un saki tiem: gan vīrs, gan sieva, kas dod nazīrieša solījumu, lai nošķirtu sevi Kungam, 3 lai atturas no vīna un skurba dzēriena, lai nedzer ne vīna, ne skurba dzēriena etiķi, lai vispār nedzer vīnogu sulu, lai neēd ne svaigas, ne žāvētas vīnogas. 4 Visu savu nošķirtības laiku lai neēd neko, kas gatavots no vīnogām, no to sēklām vai mizām. 5 Visu nošķirtības zvēresta laiku lai skuveklis nenāk pār viņa galvu – iekams paiet laiks, kurā viņš nošķirts Kungam, – viņš lai ir svēts, lai ļauj uz savas galvas kuplot cirtām. 6 Visu laiku, kamēr viņš ir nošķirts Kungam, lai viņš netuvojas mironim, 7 pat ne savam tēvam, ne savai mātei, ne savam brālim, ne savai māsai, ka nepaliek nešķīsts, tiem mirstot, jo viņam uz galvas ir nošķirtības zīme Dievam. 8 Visas dienas, kamēr viņš ir nošķirts, viņš ir svēts Kungam. 9 Ja viņam blakus piepeši kāds nomirst un viņš apgāna savu nazīrieša galvu, tad viņš lai noskuj savu galvu savā šķīstīšanās dienā, lai noskuj to septītajā dienā. 10 Astotajā dienā lai viņš pienes divas ūbeles vai divus balodēnus priesterim pie Saiešanas telts durvīm. 11 Vienu priesteris lai upurē par grēku upuri, bet otru – par sadedzināmo upuri un veic izlīgumu par viņa grēku, ar ko viņš grēkojis, pieskardamies mironim, tad viņš lai atkal svēta savu galvu tajā pašā dienā. 12 Lai viņš svētī Kungam savu nošķirtības laiku un upurē gadu vecu jēru par vainas upuri, bet iepriekšējais laiks neskaitās, jo viņa nošķirtība tika apgānīta.
13 Šis ir likums par nazīrieti. Tajā dienā, kad paiet viņa nošķirtības laiks, lai viņu ved pie Saiešanas telts durvīm. 14 Lai viņš pienes Kungam savu upuri – vienu gadu vecu jēru bez vainas sadedzināmajam upurim un vienu gadu vecu aitiņu bez vainas grēku upurim, un vienu aunu bez vainas miera upurim, 15 un grozu neraudzētas maizes no labākajiem miltiem, cepumus, kas iejauti eļļā, un neraudzētus plānos cepumus, kas svaidīti ar eļļu, un labības dāvanu, un lejamo upuri. 16 Lai priesteris to pienes Kunga priekšā un upurē viņa grēku upuri un viņa sadedzināmo upuri. 17 Aunu lai upurē par miera upuri Kungam kopā ar neraudzētās maizes grozu, un priesteris lai pienes arī labības dāvanu un lejamo upuri. 18 Saiešanas telts durvīs nazīrietis lai noskuj savu svētīto galvu, lai ņem savas svētītās galvas matus un iemet ugunī, kas zem miera upura. 19 Tad priesteris lai ņem vārīto auna plecu un vienu neraudzētas maizes cepumu no groza, un vienu neraudzēto plāno cepumu un dod nazīrietim, kad viņš noskuvis savas nošķirtības matus. 20 Lai priesteris tos šūpo par līgojamo upuri Kunga priekšā – tas ir svētums, kas tiek priesterim kopā ar līgojamā upura krūts gabalu un cilājamā upura cisku. Pēc tam nazīrietis var dzert vīnu.”
21 Šis ir likums par nazīrieti, kurš zvērējis savu upuri Kungam par savu nošķirtību, neskaitot to, ko atļauj viņa rocība, – saskaņā ar zvērestu, ko viņš devis, lai viņš to dara pēc likuma par nazīriešiem.
Ārona svētība
22 Un Kungs sacīja Mozum: 23 “Saki Āronam un viņa dēliem: tā svētiet Israēla dēlus, sakiet tiem:
24 lai Kungs tevi svētī, lai tevi sargā,
25 lai Kunga vaigs apgaismo tevi, lai žēlo tevi,
26 lai Kungs tev pievēršas, lai dod tev mieru!
27 Lai tie liek manu vārdu uz Israēla dēliem, un es svētīšu viņus!”
Rules for Nazirites
1 The Lord commanded Moses 2 to give the following instructions to the people of Israel. Any of you, male or female, who make a special vow to become a nazirite and dedicate yourself to the Lord 3 shall abstain from wine and beer. You shall not drink any kind of drink made from grapes or eat any grapes or raisins. 4 As long as you are a nazirite, you shall not eat anything that comes from a grapevine, not even the seeds or skins of grapes.
5 As long as you are under the nazirite vow, you must not cut your hair or shave. You are bound by the vow for the full time that you are dedicated to the Lord, and you shall let your hair grow. 6-7 Your hair is the sign of your dedication to God, and so you must not defile yourself by going near a corpse, not even that of your father, mother, brother, or sister. 8 As long as you are a nazirite, you are consecrated to the Lord.
9 If your consecrated hair is defiled because you are right beside someone who suddenly dies, you must wait seven days and then shave your head; and so you become ritually clean. 10 On the eighth day you shall bring two doves or two pigeons to the priest at the entrance of the Tent of the Lord's presence. 11 The priest shall offer one as a sin offering and the other as a burnt offering, to perform the ritual of purification for you because of your contact with a corpse. On the same day you shall reconsecrate your hair 12 and rededicate to the Lord your time as a nazirite. The previous period of time doesn't count, because your consecrated hair was defiled. As a repayment offering you shall bring a one-year-old lamb.
13 When you complete your nazirite vow, you shall perform this ritual. You shall go to the entrance of the Tent 14 and present to the Lord three animals without any defects: a one-year-old male lamb for a burnt offering, a one-year-old ewe lamb for a sin offering, and a ram for a fellowship offering. 15 You shall also offer a basket of bread made without yeast: thick loaves made of flour mixed with olive oil and thin cakes brushed with olive oil, and in addition the required offerings of grain and wine.
16 The priest shall present all these to the Lord and offer the sin offering and the burnt offering. 17 He shall sacrifice the ram to the Lord as a fellowship offering, and offer it with the basket of bread; he shall also present the offerings of grain and wine. 18 At the entrance of the Tent you nazirites shall shave off your hair and put it on the fire on which the fellowship offering is being burned.
19 Then, when the shoulder of the ram is boiled, the priest shall take it and put it, together with one thick loaf of bread and one thin cake from the basket, into the hands of the nazirite. 20 Next, the priest shall present them as a special gift to the Lord; they are a sacred offering for the priest, in addition to the breast and the leg of the ram which by law belong to the priest. After that, the nazirite may drink wine.
21 These are the regulations for you nazirites; but if you promise an offering beyond what your vow requires you to give, you must fulfill exactly the promise you made.
The Priestly Blessing
22 The Lord commanded Moses 23 to tell Aaron and his sons to use the following words in blessing the people of Israel:
24 May the Lord bless you and take care of you;
25 May the Lord be kind and gracious to you;
26 May the Lord look on you with favor and give you peace.
27 And the Lord said, “If they pronounce my name as a blessing upon the people of Israel, I will bless them.”