Rūbena un Gada ciltis paliek Gileādā
(5Moz 3:12–22)1 Rūbena dēliem bija daudz ganāmpulku, Gada dēliem bija ļoti daudz, un viņi redzēja Jaazēra zemi un Gileāda zemi, redzi, tā bija vieta ganāmpulkiem! 2 Gada dēli un Rūbena dēli nāca un teica Mozum, priesterim Elāzāram un sapulces vadoņiem: 3 “Atārota un Dībona, un Jaazēra, un Nimra, un Hešbona, un Elāle, un Sebāma, un Nebo, un Beona ir 4 zeme, ko Kungs satriecis Israēla dēlu priekšā, – tā ir zeme ganāmpulkiem, un taviem kalpiem ir ganāmpulki!”
5 Un viņi teica: “Ja mēs esam guvuši tavu vēlību, tad lai šī zeme tiek par īpašumu taviem kalpiem, lai mums nav jāiet pāri Jordānai!” 6 Un Mozus teica Gada dēliem un Rūbena dēliem: “Vai lai jūsu brāļi iet karā, bet jūs paliksiet šeit?! 7 Kāpēc jūs gribat darīt gļēvas Israēla dēlu sirdis, ka tie neietu uz zemi, ko Kungs tiem devis? 8 Tā jau darīja jūsu tēvi, kad es tos no Kādēšbarnēas sūtīju izlūkot zemi, – 9 tie aizgāja līdz Eškolas ielejai, apskatīja zemi un darīja gļēvas Israēla dēlu sirdis, ka tie negāja uz zemi, ko Kungs tiem devis. 10 Tajā dienā iedegās Kunga dusmas, un viņš zvērēja, sacīdams: 11 “Tie vīri, kas iznāca no Ēģiptes, kam divdesmit gadu un vairāk, viņi neredzēs zemi, ko es apzvērēju Ābrahāmam, Īzakam un Jēkabam, jo ne visā tie man sekoja! 12 Vien izņemot kenazieti Kālebu, Jefunnes dēlu, un Jozuu, Nūna dēlu, jo tie visā sekoja Kungam!” 13 Tad pret Israēlu iedegās Kunga dusmas un viņš lika četrdesmit gadus tiem klīst pa tuksnesi, līdz izmira visa paaudze, kas bija darījusi to, kas Kungam likās ļauns. 14 Un, redzi, jūs, grēcinieku dzimums, esat nākuši savu tēvu vietā, lai uzpūstu Kunga dusmu kvēli pret Israēlu vēl lielāku! 15 Ja jūs novērsīsieties un nesekosiet viņam, tad viņš atkal atstās tautu tuksnesī un jūs viņus visus iedzīsiet postā!”
16 Tad tie nāca pie viņa un teica: “Mēs uzcelsim tur saviem ganāmpulkiem avju aplokus un pilsētas saviem bērniem, 17 bet mēs paši steigsim bruņoties kopā ar Israēla dēliem, līdz būsim tos noveduši viņu novadā, lai mūsu bērni paliek nocietinātās pilsētās šīs zemes iemītnieku dēļ! 18 Mēs neatgriezīsimies savās mājās, līdz visi Israēla dēli nebūs iemantojuši katrs savu īpašumu, 19 jo mēs nemantosim kopā ar viņiem viņpus Jordānas, mums būs savs mantojums šaipus Jordānai uz austrumiem!”
20 Un Mozus viņiem teica: “Ja jūs tā darīsiet, ja bruņosieties karam Kunga priekšā – 21 ja ikviens no jums bruņots ies pāri Jordānai Kunga priekšā, līdz viņš būs padzinis savus ienaidniekus 22 un zeme tiks iekarota Kunga priekšā, pēc tam jūs varēsiet iet atpakaļ, un jūs būsiet bez vainas Kunga un Israēla priekšā, un šī zeme būs jūsu īpašums Kunga priekšā. 23 Bet, ja jūs tā nedarīsiet, tad, redzi, jūs būsiet grēkojuši pret Kungu, tad zināsiet savu grēku, tas jūs uzmeklēs! 24 Celiet pilsētas saviem bērniem un aplokus savām avīm, bet dariet, ko esat solījuši!”
25 Gada dēli un Rūbena dēli teica Mozum: “Tavi kalpi darīs, kā mans kungs pavēl! 26 Mūsu bērni, sievas, mūsu ganāmpulki un lopi paliks tur, Gileāda pilsētās, 27 bet tavi kalpi ies – ikviens būs bruņojies karam Kunga priekšā, lai cīnītos, kā mans kungs teica!”
28 Un Mozus deva par viņiem pavēli priesterim Elāzāram un Jozuum, Nūna dēlam, un Israēla dēlu cilšu vadoņiem. 29 Mozus tiem teica: “Ja Gada dēli un Rūbena dēli kopā ar jums ies pāri Jordānai, visi bruņoti karam Kunga priekšā, un jūs ieņemsiet to zemi, tad dodiet viņiem par īpašumu Gileāda zemi. 30 Bet, ja tie nebruņosies un neies kopā ar jums, tad lai tie manto īpašumu kopā ar jums Kanaāna zemē!” 31 Un Gada dēli un Rūbena dēli atbildēja: “Mēs darīsim, ko Kungs taviem kalpiem teica! 32 Mēs iesim bruņoti Kunga priekšā uz Kanaāna zemi, un mūsu īpašuma mantojums otrpus Jordānas būs mums!” 33 Un Mozus deva viņiem, Gada dēliem un Rūbena dēliem, un pusei Manases, Jāzepa dēla, cilts, amoriešu ķēniņa Sīhona ķēniņvalsti un Bāšānas ķēniņa Oga ķēniņvalsti – zemi un pilsētas tajās un zemi visapkārt pilsētu robežām. 34 Gada dēli uzcēla Dībonu un Atārotu, un Aroēru, 35 un Atārotšofānu, un Jaazēru, un Jogbohu, 36 un Bētnimru, un Bēthārānu – nocietinātas pilsētas un avju aplokus. 37 Rūbena dēli uzcēla Hešbonu un Elāli, un Kirjataimu, 38 un Nebo, un Baālmeonu, to vārdi mainīti, un Sibmu – tām pilsētām, ko uzcēla, viņi deva vārdus.
39 Tad Māhīra dēli, Manases dēli, gāja uz Gileādu, ieņēma to un padzina amoniešus, kas tur mita. 40 Un Mozus deva Gileādu Māhīram, Manases dēlam, un viņš tur apmetās. 41 Manases dēls Jaīrs gāja un ieņēma tās ciemus un nosauca tos par Jaīra ciemiem. 42 Nobahs gāja un ieņēma Kenātu un tās ciemus un nosauca tos savā vārdā par Nobahu.
The Tribes East of the Jordan
(Deuteronomy 3.12-22)1 The tribes of Reuben and Gad had a lot of livestock. When they saw how suitable the land of Jazer and Gilead was for cattle, 2 they went to Moses, Eleazar, and the other leaders of the community and said, 3-4 “This region which the Lord has helped the Israelites occupy—the towns of Ataroth, Dibon, Jazer, Nimrah, Heshbon, Elealeh, Sibmah, Nebo, and Beon—is good land for livestock, and we have so much livestock. 5 Please give us this land as our property, and do not make us cross the Jordan River and settle there.”
6 Moses replied, “Do you want to stay here while the other Israelites go to war? 7 How dare you try to discourage the people of Israel from crossing the Jordan into the land which the Lord has given them? 8 That is what your fathers did when I sent them from Kadesh Barnea to explore the land. 9 They went as far as Eshcol Valley and saw the land, but when they returned, they discouraged the people from entering the land which the Lord had given them. 10 The Lord became angry that day and made a promise: 11 ‘I swear that because they did not remain loyal to me, none of the men twenty years old or older who came out of Egypt will enter the land that I promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.’ 12 This included everyone, except Caleb son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite and Joshua son of Nun; they remained loyal to the Lord. 13 The Lord became angry with the people and made them wander in the wilderness forty years until that whole generation that had displeased him was dead. 14 And now you have taken your ancestors' place, a new generation of sinful people ready to bring down the fierce anger of the Lord on Israel again. 15 If you people of Reuben and Gad refuse to follow him now, he will once again abandon all these people in the wilderness, and you will be responsible for their destruction.”
16 They approached Moses and said, “First, allow us to build stone enclosures here for our sheep and fortified towns for our dependents. 17 Then we will be ready to go with the other Israelites into battle and lead the attack until we have settled them in the land that will be theirs. In the meantime, our dependents can live here in the fortified towns, safe from the people of this land. 18 We will not return to our homes until all the other Israelites have taken possession of the land assigned to them. 19 We will not take possession of any property among them on the other side of the Jordan, because we have received our share here east of the Jordan.”
20 Moses answered, “If you really mean what you say, then here in the presence of the Lord get ready to go into battle. 21 All your fighting men are to cross the Jordan and under the command of the Lord they are to attack our enemies until the Lord defeats them 22 and takes possession of the land. After that, you may return, because you will have fulfilled your obligation to the Lord and to the other Israelites. Then the Lord will acknowledge that this land east of the Jordan is yours. 23 But if you do not keep your promise, I warn you that you will be sinning against the Lord. Make no mistake about it; you will be punished for your sin. 24 So build your towns and the enclosures for your sheep, but do what you have promised!”
25 The men of Gad and Reuben said, “Sir, we will do as you command. 26 Our wives and children and our cattle and sheep will remain here in the towns of Gilead. 27 But all of us are ready to go into battle under the Lord's command. We will cross the Jordan and fight, just as you have said.”
28 So Moses gave these commands to Eleazar, Joshua, and the other leaders of Israel: 29 “If the men of Gad and Reuben cross the Jordan ready for battle at the Lord's command and if with their help you are able to conquer the land, then give them the land of Gilead as their property. 30 But if they do not cross the Jordan and go into battle with you, they are to receive their share of the property in the land of Canaan, as you do.”
31 The men of Gad and Reuben answered, “Sir, we will do as the Lord has commanded. 32 Under his command we will cross into the land of Canaan and go into battle, so that we can retain our property here east of the Jordan.”
33 So Moses assigned to the tribes of Gad and Reuben and to half the tribe of Manasseh all the territory of King Sihon of the Amorites and King Og of Bashan, including the towns and the country around them. 34 The tribe of Gad rebuilt the fortified towns of Dibon, Ataroth, Aroer, 35 Atroth Shophan, Jazer, Jogbehah, 36 Beth Nimrah, and Beth Haran. 37 The tribe of Reuben rebuilt Heshbon, Elealeh, Kiriathaim, 38 Nebo, Baal Meon (this name was changed), and Sibmah. They gave new names to the towns they rebuilt.
39 The clan of Machir son of Manasseh invaded the land of Gilead, occupied it, and drove out the Amorites who were there. 40 So Moses gave Gilead to the clan of Machir, and they lived there. 41 Jair, of the tribe of Manasseh, attacked and captured some villages and named them “Villages of Jair.” 42 Nobah attacked and captured Kenath and its villages, and he renamed it Nobah, after himself.