Svētku laiki
1 Kungs sacīja Mozum: 2 “Runā uz Israēla dēliem un saki tiem: šie ir Kunga svētki, kas jums jāsasauc, svētās sapulces. Šie ir mani svētki: 3 sešas dienas lai dara visus darbus, bet septītā ir sabatu sabats – svēta sapulce, tad lai nedara nekādu darbu, tas Kungam ir sabats it visur, kur jūs mītat.
Pashas un Neraudzētās maizes svētki
(4Moz 28:16–25)4 Šie ir Kunga svētki, svētas sapulces, kas jums jāsasauc paredzētajā laikā. 5 Pirmā mēneša četrpadsmitajā dienā mijkrēslī ir Kunga Pasha. 6 Mēneša piecpadsmitajā dienā ir Neraudzētās maizes svētki Kungam – septiņas dienas ēdiet neraudzētu maizi. 7 Pirmajā dienā lai jums ir svēta sapulce, nedariet nekādu darbu! 8 Septiņas dienas pienesiet Kungam dedzināmo upuri. Septītajā dienā ir svēta sapulce, tad nedariet nekādu darbu!”
Ražas pirmais pļāvums
9 Un Kungs sacīja Mozum: 10 “Runā uz Israēla dēliem un saki tiem: kad jūs nonāksiet zemē, ko es jums došu, un novāksiet tās ražu, tad nesiet priesterim kūli no pirmā pļāvuma. 11 Lai viņš šūpo kūli Kunga priekšā, lai jūs būtu tīkami, – lai priesteris to šūpo otrā dienā pēc sabata. 12 Tajā dienā, kad liksiet šūpot kūli, upurējiet gadu vecu aunu bez vainas par sadedzināmo upuri Kungam. 13 Labības dāvana lai ir šāda – divas desmitās daļas ēfas labāko miltu, kas iejauti eļļā, par dedzināmo upuri, tīkamu smaržu Kungam, un ceturto daļu hīna vīna par lejamo upuri. 14 Līdz dienai, kad pienesat šo upuri savam Dievam, ne maizi, ne graudus, ne grauzdētu neēdiet – tas jums ir mūžīgs likums uz paaudzēm, kur vien jūs mītat.
Nedēļu svētki
(2Moz 34:224Moz 28:26–315Moz 16:9–10)15 Sākot ar nākamo dienu pēc sabata, kopš dienas, kad pienesāt līgojamo kūli, noskaitiet septiņas pilnas nedēļas. 16 Līdz nākamajai dienai pēc septītā sabata saskaitiet piecdesmit dienas – un tad pienesiet Kungam jaunu labības dāvanu. 17 Nesiet no savām mājvietām divas līgojamās maizes no divām desmitām daļām ēfas labāko miltu, ceptas ar ieraugu, par pirmās pļaujas upuri Kungam. 18 Kopā ar maizi pienesiet septiņus jērus, gadu vecus, bez vainas, vienu vērsēnu un divus aunus – tie lai ir sadedzināmais upuris Kungam, un arī labības dāvanu, un lejamo upuri, un dedzināmo upuri – visu par tīkamu smaržu Kungam. 19 Kaujiet vienu āzi par grēku upuri un divus jērus, gadu vecus, par miera upuri. 20 Lai priesteris tos šūpo Kunga priekšā par līgojamo upuri virs pirmās pļaujas upuru maizes un diviem jēriem – tas būs svētums Kungam, tas tiks priesteriem. 21 Tajā pašā dienā sasauciet svētu sapulci, tad nedariet nekādu darbu – tas jums ir mūžīgs likums uz paaudzēm, kur vien jūs mītat. 22 Kad jūs novāksiet savas zemes ražu, tad atstājiet nenovāktu lauka malu un to, kas no jūsu ražas nokritis zemē, neuzlasiet, atstājiet to nabagam un svešiniekam – es esmu Kungs, jūsu Dievs!”
Tauru svētki
(4Moz 29:1–6)23 Un Kungs sacīja Mozum: 24 “Saki Israēla dēliem: septītā mēneša pirmajā dienā lai jums ir sabats ar taures skaņām, svēta sapulce. 25 Tad jūs nedariet nekādu darbu un pienesiet Kungam dedzināmos upurus.”
Izlīguma diena
(4Moz 29:7–11)26 Un Kungs sacīja Mozum: 27 “Šā paša septītā mēneša desmitajā dienā ir grēku izlīguma diena, tā lai jums ir svēta sapulce – zemojieties un pienesiet dedzināmo upuri Kungam. 28 Tajā dienā nedariet nekādu darbu, jo tā ir grēku izlīguma diena, lai veiktu izlīgumu par jūsu grēkiem Kunga, jūsu Dieva, priekšā. 29 Ikviens, kas tajā dienā nezemojas, lai tiek nošķirts no savas tautas. 30 Ikvienu, kas tajā dienā dara kādu darbu, es pats izdeldēšu no savas tautas. 31 Nedariet tad nekādu darbu – tas lai jums ir mūžīgs likums uz paaudzēm visur, kur vien jūs mītat. 32 Tas lai jums ir sabatu sabats – zemojieties mēneša devītās dienas vakarā, no vakara līdz vakaram sviniet sabatu!”
Būdiņu svētki
(4Moz 29:12–395Moz 16:13–17)33 Un Kungs sacīja Mozum: 34 “Saki Israēla dēliem: septītā mēneša piecpadsmitajā dienā septiņas dienas ir Būdiņu svētki Kungam. 35 Pirmajā dienā ir svēta sapulce, tad nedariet nekādu darbu. 36 Septiņas dienas pienesiet Kungam dedzināmos upurus, un astotajā dienā lai jums ir svēta sapulce, un pienesiet Kungam dedzināmo upuri – tie ir svētki, nedariet nekādu darbu!
37 Šie ir Kunga svētki, kas jums jāsvin, svētas sapulces, lai pienestu Kungam dedzināmos upurus, sadedzināmos upurus, labības dāvanas, kaujamos upurus un lejamos upurus – katru savā dienā, 38 neskaitot Kunga sabatus, neskaitot visas jūsu dāvanas, neskaitot visus jūsu zvērestus un neskaitot visus jūsu labprātīgos upurus, ko jūs dodat Kungam.
39 Taču septītā mēneša piecpadsmitajā dienā, kad esat savākuši, ko jums devusi zeme, sviniet septiņas dienas Kungam svētkus. Sabats lai ir pirmajā dienā un astotajā dienā. 40 Pirmajā dienā ņemiet labāko koku augļus, palmu zarus, lapu koku un upes vītolu zarus – un septiņas dienas līksmojiet Kunga, sava Dieva, priekšā. 41 Sviniet šos svētkus Kungam septiņas dienas gadā – tas jums ir mūžīgs likums uz paaudzēm, sviniet tos septītajā mēnesī. 42 Septiņas dienas dzīvojiet būdiņās – visi savējie Israēlā lai dzīvo būdiņās! 43 Tas tādēļ, lai jūs uz paaudzēm zinātu, ka es Israēla dēliem liku dzīvot būdiņās, kad tos izvedu no Ēģiptes zemes, – es esmu Kungs, jūsu Dievs!”
44 Un Mozus pavēstīja Israēla dēliem par Kunga svētkiem.
The Religious Festivals
1 The Lord gave Moses 2 the following regulations for the religious festivals, when the people of Israel are to gather for worship. 3 You have six days in which to do your work, but remember that the seventh day, the Sabbath, is a day of rest. On that day do not work, but gather for worship. The Sabbath belongs to the Lord, no matter where you live. 4 Proclaim the following festivals at the appointed times.
Passover and Unleavened Bread
(Numbers 28.16-25)5 The Passover, celebrated to honor the Lord, begins at sunset on the fourteenth day of the first month. 6 On the fifteenth day the Festival of Unleavened Bread begins, and for seven days you must not eat any bread made with yeast. 7 On the first of these days you shall gather for worship and do none of your daily work. 8 Offer your food offerings to the Lord for seven days. On the seventh day you shall again gather for worship, but you shall do none of your daily work.
9-10 When you come into the land that the Lord is giving you and you harvest your grain, take the first sheaf to the priest. 11 He shall present it as a special offering to the Lord, so that you may be accepted. The priest shall present it the day after the Sabbath. 12 On the day you present the offering of grain, also sacrifice as a burnt offering a one-year-old male lamb that has no defects. 13 With it you shall present four pounds of flour mixed with olive oil as a food offering. The odor of this offering is pleasing to the Lord. You shall also present with it an offering of one quart of wine. 14 Do not eat any of the new grain, whether raw, roasted, or baked into bread, until you have brought this offering to God. This regulation is to be observed by all your descendants for all time to come.
The Harvest Festival
(Numbers 28.26-31)15 Count seven full weeks from the day after the Sabbath on which you bring your sheaf of grain to present to the Lord. 16 On the fiftieth day, the day after the seventh Sabbath, present to the Lord another new offering of grain. 17 Each family is to bring two loaves of bread and present them to the Lord as a special gift. Each loaf shall be made of four pounds of flour baked with yeast and shall be presented to the Lord as an offering of the first grain to be harvested. 18 And with the bread the community is to present seven one-year-old lambs, one bull, and two rams, none of which may have any defects. They shall be offered as a burnt offering to the Lord, along with a grain offering and a wine offering. The odor of this offering is pleasing to the Lord. 19 Also offer one male goat as a sin offering and two one-year-old male lambs as a fellowship offering. 20 The priest shall present the bread with the two lambs as a special gift to the Lord for the priests. These offerings are holy. 21 On that day do none of your daily work, but gather for worship. Your descendants are to observe this regulation for all time to come, no matter where they live.
22 When you harvest your fields, do not cut the grain at the edges of the fields, and do not go back to cut the heads of grain that were left; leave them for poor people and foreigners. The Lord is your God.
The New Year Festival
(Numbers 29.1-6)23-24 On the first day of the seventh month observe a special day of rest, and come together for worship when the trumpets sound. 25 Present a food offering to the Lord and do none of your daily work.
The Day of Atonement
(Numbers 29.7-11)26-27 The tenth day of the seventh month is the day when the annual ritual is to be performed to take away the sins of the people. On that day do not eat anything at all; come together for worship, and present a food offering to the Lord. 28 Do no work on that day, because it is the day for performing the ritual to take away sin. 29 Any who eat anything on that day will no longer be considered God's people. 30 And if any do any work on that day, the Lord himself will put them to death. 31 This regulation applies to all your descendants, no matter where they live. 32 From sunset on the ninth day of the month to sunset on the tenth observe this day as a special day of rest, during which nothing may be eaten.
The Festival of Shelters
(Numbers 29.12-40)33-34 The Festival of Shelters begins on the fifteenth day of the seventh month and continues for seven days. 35 On the first of these days come together for worship and do none of your daily work. 36 Each day for seven days you shall present a food offering. On the eighth day come together again for worship and present a food offering. It is a day for worship, and you shall do no work.
( 37 These are the religious festivals on which you honor the Lord by gathering together for worship and presenting food offerings, burnt offerings, grain offerings, sacrifices, and wine offerings, as required day by day. 38 These festivals are in addition to the regular Sabbaths, and these offerings are in addition to your regular gifts, your offerings as fulfillment of vows, and your freewill offerings that you give to the Lord.)
39 When you have harvested your fields, celebrate this festival for seven days, beginning on the fifteenth day of the seventh month. The first day shall be a special day of rest. 40 On that day take some of the best fruit from your trees, take palm branches and limbs from leafy trees, and begin a religious festival to honor the Lord your God. 41 Celebrate it for seven days. This regulation is to be kept by your descendants for all time to come. 42 All the people of Israel shall live in shelters for seven days, 43 so that your descendants may know that the Lord made the people of Israel live in simple shelters when he led them out of Egypt. He is the Lord your God.
44 So in this way Moses gave the people of Israel the regulations for observing the religious festivals to honor the Lord.