Raudu dziesma par siseņu izpostīto zemi
(Sal. 2Moz 10:1–20)
1 Kunga vārds, kas dots Joēlam, Petuēla dēlam.
2 Klausieties, vecajie!
Sadzirdiet visi, kas mītat šajā zemē!
Vai tā ir noticis jūsu dienās,
vai tā ir bijis jūsu tēvu dienās?
3 Par to stāstiet saviem dēliem,
lai jūsu dēli stāsta saviem dēliem
un viņu dēli nākamām audzēm!

4 Ko atstāja cirmeņi, to apēda siseņi,
ko atstāja siseņi, to apēda sienāži,
ko atstāja sienāži, to apēda vaboles!
5 Mostieties, žūpas, un raudiet,
gaudojiet, vīna dzērāji, par saldo vīnu –
tas jūsu lūpām atņemts!
6 Jo nāk tauta pret manu zemi,
tie ir stipri, un skaita tiem nav!
Zobi tiem kā lauvas zobi,
un dzerokļi tiem kā lauvas jaunulim!
7 Manus vīnakokus tie izdeldējuši
un manus vīģeskokus nobraucījuši,
mizot nomizojuši, nosvieduši –
nu kaili zari!

8 Gaudies kā meitene,
kam maiss ap gurniem,
sērojot par savu jauno vīru!
9 Atņemta labības dāvana
un lejamais upuris Kunga namam –
sēro priesteri, Kunga kalpi!
10 Lauki nopostīti, un zeme sēro,
jo labība postā,
izsusis jaunvīns,
izčākstējusi jaunā eļļa.
11 Kaunā zemkopji, vaimanā vīnkopji –
par kviešiem un miežiem,
jo lauka raža pagalam!
12 Vīnakoki nokaltuši, un vīģeskoki izžuvuši
un granātāboli, un dateles, un āboli,
uz lauka visi koki ir nokaltuši,
nu cilvēka bērnu līksme ir izkaltusi!
Aicinājums uz grēknožēlu un lūgšanu
13 Jozieties un apraudiet, priesteri,
vaimanājiet, kas kalpojat pie altāra,
ejiet, nakšņojiet maisos, mana Dieva kalpi,
jo jūsu Dieva namam nu atņemta
labības dāvana un lejamais upuris!
14 Svētiet gavēni, sasauciet sapulci,
aiciniet vecajos un visus, kas mīt šajā zemē,
uz jūsu Dieva Kunga namu –
tur brēciet uz Kungu!
15 Vai tai dienā!
Kunga diena ir tuvu –
kā posts tā no Visuspēcīgā nāks!
16 Vai tad ne mūsu acu priekšā
tika atņemts ēdiens mūsu Dieva namam
un līksme un prieks?
17 Graudi satrupuši savās čaulās,
šķūņi noplēsti un klētis nojauktas,
jo visa labība izkaltusi!
18 Kā bauro lopi!
Klīst vēršu bari,
tiem nav kur ganīties,
nīkst pat avju pulki!
19 Uz tevi, Kungs, es saucu –
jo uguns aprijusi tuksneša ganības,
liesmas aplaizījušas visus lauka kokus!
20 Pat lauka zvēri īd uz tevi,
jo izsusuši ūdens strauti
un uguns aprijusi tuksneša ganības.
1 This is the Lord's message to Joel son of Pethuel.
The People Mourn the Destruction of the Crops
2 Pay attention, you older people;
everyone in Judah, listen.
Has anything like this ever happened
in your time or the time of your ancestors?
3 Tell your children about it;
they will tell their children,
who in turn will tell the next generation.

4 Swarm after swarm of locusts settled on the crops;
what one swarm left, the next swarm devoured.
5 Wake up and weep, you drunkards;
cry, you wine-drinkers;
the grapes for making new wine have been destroyed.

6 An army of locusts has attacked our land;
they are powerful and too many to count;
their teeth are as sharp as those of a lion.
7 They have destroyed our grapevines
and chewed up our fig trees.
They have stripped off the bark,
till the branches are white.

8 Cry, you people, like a young woman who mourns the death
of the man she was going to marry.
9 There is no grain or wine to offer in the Temple;
the priests mourn because they have no offerings for the Lord.
10 The fields are bare;
the ground mourns
because the grain is destroyed,
the grapes are dried up,
and the olive trees are withered.

11 Grieve, you farmers;
cry, you that take care of the vineyards,
because the wheat, the barley,
yes all the crops are destroyed.
12 The grapevines and fig trees have withered;
all the fruit trees have wilted and died.
The joy of the people is gone.
13 Put on sackcloth and weep,
you priests who serve at the altar!
Go into the Temple and mourn all night!
There is no grain or wine to offer your God.
14 Give orders for a fast;
call an assembly!
Gather the leaders
and all the people of Judah
into the Temple of the Lord your God
and cry out to him!
15 The day of the Lord is near,
the day when the Almighty brings destruction.
What terror that day will bring!

16 We look on helpless as our crops are destroyed.
There is no joy in the Temple of our God.
17 The seeds die in the dry earth.
There is no grain to be stored,
and so the empty granaries are in ruins.
18 The cattle are bellowing in distress
because there is no pasture for them;
the flocks of sheep also suffer.
19 I cry out to you, Lord,
because the pastures and trees are dried up,
as though a fire had burned them.
20 Even the wild animals cry out to you
because the streams have become dry.