Ījaba nožēla un pazemošanās
1 Ījabs atbildēja Kungam:
2 “Zinu, ka tu visu spēj,
ko tu nolem, to nevar novērst!
3 Kurš padomu apslēpj bez zināšanas?
Jā, es runāju, bet nesapratu,
brīnums tas man – es nezināju.
4 Klausies jel, es runāšu,
es tev vaicāšu, stāsti tu man!
5 Tikai dzirdējis biju par tevi,
nu manas acis tevi ierauga –
6 tāpēc noliedzu sevi un nožēloju
pīšļos un pelnos.”
Ījaba labklājība tiek atjaunota
7 Kad Kungs bija tā runājis ar Ījabu, Kungs sacīja Elīfazam no Tēmānas: “Dusmas man deg pret tevi un taviem diviem draugiem, ka nerunājāt par mani patiesību kā mans kalps Ījabs. 8 Tādēļ ņemiet septiņus vēršus un septiņus aunus un ejiet pie mana kalpa Ījaba, un upurējiet par sevi sadedzināmo upuri. Un mans kalps Ījabs lai lūdz par jums, jo tikai viņa vaigu es uzlūkošu, – ka es vēl neapkaunoju jūs par to, ka netikāt runājuši par mani patiesību kā mans kalps Ījabs.” 9 Elīfazs no Tēmānas un Bildads no Šūhas, un Cofars no Naamas gāja un darīja, kā Kungs tiem bija sacījis. Tad Kungs uzlūkoja Ījaba vaigu, 10 Kungs Ījabam visu atdeva, kad tas bija lūdzis par saviem draugiem. Kungs vairoja otrtik visu, kas Ījabam bijis. 11 Tad nāca pie viņa visi brāļi un māsas un visi agrākie paziņas un ēda ar viņu maizi viņa namā. Tie žēloja viņu un mierināja visa tā posta dēļ, ko Kungs viņam bija uzsūtījis. Tie deva viņam katrs vienu sudraba gabalu un katrs vienu zelta gredzenu.
12 Kungs svētīja Ījaba mūža galu vēl vairāk nekā sākumu. Viņam bija četrpadsmit tūkstoši avju, seši tūkstoši kamieļu, tūkstotis jūgu vēršu un tūkstotis ēzeļmāšu. 13 Viņam bija septiņi dēli un trīs meitas, 14 un pirmajai viņš lika vārdu Jemīma, otrajai – Kecīā un trešajai – Kerenhapuha , 15 un visā zemē nebija citu tik skaistu sievu kā Ījaba meitas, un tēvs tām deva mantojuma daļu tāpat kā viņu brāļiem.
16 Pēc tam Ījabs dzīvoja vēl simts četrdesmit gadu un pieredzēja savus bērnus un bērnubērnus līdz ceturtajam augumam. 17 Ījabs nomira vecs un sāts savu dienu.
1 Then Job answered the Lord.
2 I know, Lord, that you are all-powerful;
that you can do everything you want.
3 You ask how I dare question your wisdom
when I am so very ignorant.
I talked about things I did not understand,
about marvels too great for me to know.
4 You told me to listen while you spoke
and to try to answer your questions.
5 In the past I knew only what others had told me,
but now I have seen you with my own eyes.
6 So I am ashamed of all I have said
and repent in dust and ashes.
7 After the Lord had finished speaking to Job, he said to Eliphaz, “I am angry with you and your two friends, because you did not speak the truth about me, the way my servant Job did. 8 Now take seven bulls and seven rams to Job and offer them as a sacrifice for yourselves. Job will pray for you, and I will answer his prayer and not disgrace you the way you deserve. You did not speak the truth about me as he did.”
9 Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar did what the Lord had told them to do, and the Lord answered Job's prayer.
10 Then, after Job had prayed for his three friends, the Lord made him prosperous again and gave him twice as much as he had had before. 11 All Job's brothers and sisters and former friends came to visit him and feasted with him in his house. They expressed their sympathy and comforted him for all the troubles the Lord had brought on him. Each of them gave him some money and a gold ring.
12 The Lord blessed the last part of Job's life even more than he had blessed the first. Job owned fourteen thousand sheep, six thousand camels, two thousand head of cattle, and one thousand donkeys. 13 He was the father of seven sons and three daughters. 14 He called the oldest daughter Jemimah, the second Keziah, and the youngest Keren Happuch. 15 There were no other women in the whole world as beautiful as Job's daughters. Their father gave them a share of the inheritance along with their brothers.
16 Job lived a hundred and forty years after this, long enough to see his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. 17 And then he died at a very great age.