Ījabs: bezdievis bieži iziet bez soda
1 Ījabs atbildēja, sacīdams:
2 “Klausīt klausieties manus vārdus –
tad būsiet mani mierinājuši!
3 Cietieties, kamēr runāju, –
kad būšu runājis, tad varat smiet!
4 Vai tad pret cilvēku sūdzību ceļu?
Kā lai neizsīkst mana pacietība?
5 Uzlūkojiet mani un trūkstieties,
lieciet sev roku uz mutes!
6 Iedomājos un tūliņ sabīstos,
manu miesu drebuļi sagrābj:
7 kādēļ ļaundari dzīvo,
sasniedz vecumu vareni spēkos?
8 To dzimta stipra ap viņiem,
viņu atvases tiem acu priekšā,
9 to nami pasargāti no briesmām,
pār tiem neceļas Dieva rīkste,
10 tiem bullis aplec – un neviļas,
tiem tele apvedas – un neizmetas!
11 Tie savus mazuļus gana kā jērus,
un viņu bērni lēkā,
12 tie ņem bungas un kokles
un līksmo, kad stabule spēlē,
13 tie labi aizvada dienas,
tie viegli kapā aiziet,
14 Dievam tie saka: atkāpies no mums,
mēs tavus ceļus negribam zināt!
15 Kas ir Visuvarenais, ka mēs tam kalpotu,
kāds labums mums, ka mēs to piesauktu?
16 Vai tad viņu labums nav viņu rokā? –
Lai man ļaundaru padoms tāls!
17 Vai gadās, ka ļaundaru gaismekļi apdziest?
Vai nāk pār tiem posts?
Vai viņš dusmās piešķir tiem mokas,
18 ka tie taptu kā salmi vējā,
kā pelavas, ko viesulis dzen?
19 Vai Dievs viņu dēliem taupa sodību?
Lai atmaksā pašam – ka zin!
20 Lai viņa acis nestundu pieredz,
lai Visuvarenā naidu viņš atdzeras –
21 kas viņam vairs gar savu namu,
kad mēnešu skaits jau aprāvies?
22 Vai Dievam kāds mācīs saprašanu?
Viņš pašus augstākos tiesā.
23 Viens nomirst pilns spēka,
itin drošs un rimts,
24 viņa sāni taukuma klāti,
smadzenes kaulos atveldzētas.
25 Bet cits mirst ar rūgtu sirdi,
nebaudījis laba.
26 Blakus tie pīšļos gulēs,
un tārpi tos klās!
27 Saprotu gan jūsu domas,
jūsu viltu, kad uzbrūkat man!
28 Jūs sakāt: kur augstmaņa nams?
Kur telts, kurā ļaundari mita?
29 Vai ceļiniekiem neesat jautājuši,
vai viņu liecībām neesat ticējuši –
30 ka posta diena ļaundari saudzē
un dusmu dienā tas iziet sveikā?
31 Kas tam pārmetīs viņa gaitas?
Viņa nodarīto kas atmaksās?
32 Aizvada viņu uz kapiem –
pie kapa tam sardzi liek.
33 Tīksma tam ielejas smilts!
Pakaļ tam visi cilvēki nāk,
priekšgājējiem nav skaita!
34 Ko mierināt mani velti –
jūsu atbildēm nevar ticēt.”
1-2 Listen to what I am saying;
that is all the comfort I ask from you.
3 Give me a chance to speak and then,
when I am through, sneer if you like.

4 My quarrel is not with mortals;
I have good reason to be impatient.
5 Look at me. Isn't that enough
to make you stare in shocked silence?
6 When I think of what has happened to me,
I am stunned, and I tremble and shake.

7 Why does God let evil people live,
let them grow old and prosper?
8 They have children and grandchildren,
and live to watch them all grow up.
9 God does not bring disaster on their homes;
they never have to live in terror.
10 Yes, all their cattle breed
and give birth without trouble.
11 Their children run and play like lambs
12 and dance to the music of harps and flutes.
13 They live out their lives in peace
and quietly die without suffering.

14 The wicked tell God to leave them alone;
they don't want to know his will for their lives.
15 They think there is no need to serve God
nor any advantage in praying to him.
16 They claim they succeed by their own strength,
but their way of thinking I can't accept.

17 Was a wicked person's light ever put out?
Did one of them ever meet with disaster?
Did God ever punish the wicked in anger
18 and blow them away like straw in the wind,
or like dust carried away in a storm?

19 You claim God punishes a child for the sins of his father.
No! Let God punish the sinners themselves;
let him show that he does it because of their sins.
20 Let sinners bear their own punishment;
let them feel the wrath of Almighty God.
21 When our lives are over,
do we really care whether our children are happy?
22 Can anyone teach God,
who judges even those in high places?

23-24 Some people stay healthy till the day they die;
they die happy and at ease,
their bodies well-nourished.
25 Others have no happiness at all;
they live and die with bitter hearts.
26 But all alike die and are buried;
they all are covered with worms.

27 I know what spiteful thoughts you have.
28 You ask, “Where are the homes of great people now,
those who practiced evil?”

29 Haven't you talked with people who travel?
Don't you know the reports they bring back?
30 On the day God is angry and punishes,
it is the wicked who are always spared.
31 There is no one to accuse the wicked
or pay them back for all they have done.
32 When they are carried to the graveyard,
to their well-guarded tombs,
33 thousands join the funeral procession,
and even the earth lies gently on their bodies.

34 And you! You try to comfort me with nonsense!
Every answer you give is a lie!