Ījabs: es zinu, mans Pestītājs ir dzīvs
1 Ījabs atbildēja, sacīdams:
2 “Cik ilgi vēl mocīsiet mani
un satrieksiet mani vārdiem?
3 Jau desmit reižu mani nopeļat!
Nav jums kauna mani vajāt!
4 Pat ja tiešām maldījies es,
mani maldi paliek ar mani!
5 Vai patiešām pret mani lielīsieties,
manu pazemojumu pašam pārmezdami?
6 Ziniet, ka Dievs man darījis pāri,
savu tīklu man uzmetis.
7 Par pārestību kliedzu, bet atbildes nav,
saucu, bet nav tiesas!
8 Ceļš man aizmūrēts, netikt nekur,
manās takās viņš nolicis tumsu,
9 manu godību noģērbis man,
noņēmis kroni no galvas,
10 no visām pusēm viņš mani grauj,
manu cerību izrauj kā koku.
11 Iededzies dusmās viņš pret mani,
nolicis mani par pretinieku sev,
12 kopā nāk viņa karapulki,
taisa ceļu pie manis, lenc manu telti!
13 Manus brāļus no manis viņš šķir,
un mani paziņas izliekas sveši,
14 prom nu tuvinieki,
pazīstamie aizmirsuši mani,
15 nama ļaudis un manas kalpones tur mani par svešu,
pieklīdenis es esmu viņu acīs.
16 Saucu vergu, bet viņš neatbild,
lūgtin man jālūdzas šo!
17 Mana dvaša riebj manai sievai,
derdzos pat miesīgiem brāļiem!
18 Pat puišeļi nievā mani –
pieceļos, bet runā viņi!
19 Nicina mani pat tuvākie draugi,
tas, kuru mīlēju, vēršas pret mani!
20 Pie ādas un miesas man līp kauli,
tik smaganas mutē palikušas!
21 Žēlojiet, draugi, žēlojiet mani,
jo Dieva roka skārusi mani!
22 Ko vajājat mani tāpat kā Dievs?
Nav vēl jums sāta no manas miesas?
23 Kaut tiktu pierakstīti mani vārdi,
kaut tiktu tie grāmatā ierakstīti,
24 ar dzelzs cirtni un svinu
kaut tiktu uz mūžiem iekalti klintī!
25 Es zinu, mans Glābējs dzīvs
un galā nostāsies pāri pīšļiem,
26 kad man nebūs vairs ādas šīs –
tomēr miesā es skatīšu Dievu !
27 Es viņu skatīšu pats,
manas acis redzēs, ne citas!
Nieres man tirpst!
28 Jo jūs sakāt: kā vajāsim šo? –
Atrodiet ieganstu pret mani!
29 Bīstieties paši zobena asmens,
jo dusmība ir soda zobens –
lai jūs zinātu, ka pastāv tiesa!”
1-2 Why do you keep tormenting me with words?
3 Time after time you insult me
and show no shame for the way you abuse me.
4 Even if I have done wrong,
how does that hurt you?
5 You think you are better than I am,
and regard my troubles as proof of my guilt.
6 Can't you see it is God who has done this?
He has set a trap to catch me.
7 I protest his violence,
but no one is listening;
no one hears my cry for justice.
8 God has blocked the way, and I can't get through;
he has hidden my path in darkness.
9 He has taken away all my wealth
and destroyed my reputation.
10 He batters me from every side.
He uproots my hope
and leaves me to wither and die.
11 God is angry and rages against me;
he treats me like his worst enemy.
12 He sends his army to attack me;
they dig trenches and lay siege to my tent.
13 God has made my own family forsake me;
I am a stranger to those who knew me;
14 my relatives and friends are gone.
15 Those who were guests in my house have forgotten me;
my servant women treat me like a stranger and a foreigner.
16 When I call a servant, he doesn't answer—
even when I beg him to help me.
17 My wife can't stand the smell of my breath,
and my own brothers won't come near me.
18 Children despise me and laugh when they see me.
19 My closest friends look at me with disgust;
those I loved most have turned against me.
20 My skin hangs loose on my bones;
I have barely escaped with my life.
21 You are my friends! Take pity on me!
The hand of God has struck me down.
22 Why must you persecute me the way God does?
Haven't you tormented me enough?
23 How I wish that someone would remember my words
and record them in a book!
24 Or with a chisel carve my words in stone
and write them so that they would last forever.
25 But I know there is someone in heaven
who will come at last to my defense.
26 Even after my skin is eaten by disease,
while still in this body I will see God.
27 I will see him with my own eyes,
and he will not be a stranger.
My courage failed because you said,
28 “How can we torment him?”
You looked for some excuse to attack me.
29 But now, be afraid of the sword—
the sword that brings God's wrath on sin,
so that you will know there is one who judges.