Ījabs: dod man atdusu kaut vai kapā
1 Mans gars ir salauzts,
manas dienas izsīkušas –
kaps klāt!
2 Vai neesmu izsmieklā likts?
Viņu ņirgās man kavējas skatiens!
3 Galvo pats sev par mani!
Kurš cits sitīs man saujā?
4 Viņu sirdis tu esi saprātam slēdzis,
tad jau tu viņus nepaaugstināsi!
5 Kas draugus savtīgi nosūdz,
tā dēliem acis izīgs!
6 Viņš mani licis tautām par parunu,
par tādu, kam vaigā spļauj, esmu kļuvis.
7 No bēdām acis man tumst,
visi mani locekļi kā ēnas.
8 Taisnie iztrūcinātos par to,
un šķīstais noskaistos uz bezgodi.
9 Taisnais turēsies uz sava ceļa,
kam tīras rokas, tas pieaugs spēkā!
10 Nu visi nāciet vēlreiz pret mani!
Tik nerodu gudra jūsu vidū –
11 manas dienas ir garām, mani nodomi prom,
manas sirds alkas –
12 tās darītu nakti par dienu,
gaisma nāktu tūlīt pēc tumsas.
13 Ja kapu es cerētu sev par namu,
ja tumsā uzklātu cisas,
14 sacītu bedrei: tu mans tēvs! –
un tārpam: mana māte un māsa! –
15 Kur tad būtu mana cerība?
Kurš manu cerību ieraudzītu?
16 Vai tā nokāps man kapā līdzi?
Vai mēs kopā gulsimies pīšļos?”
1 The end of my life is near. I can hardly breathe;
there is nothing left for me but the grave.
2 I watch how bitterly everyone mocks me.
3 I am being honest, God. Accept my word.
There is no one else to support what I say.
4 You have closed their minds to reason;
don't let them triumph over me now.
5 In the old proverb someone betrays his friends for money,
and his children suffer for it.
6 And now people use this proverb against me;
they come and spit in my face.
7 My grief has almost made me blind;
my arms and legs are as thin as shadows.
8 Those who claim to be honest are shocked,
and they all condemn me as godless.
9 Those who claim to be respectable
are more and more convinced they are right.
10 But if all of them came and stood before me,
I would not find even one of them wise.
11 My days have passed; my plans have failed;
my hope is gone.
12 But my friends say night is daylight;
they say that light is near,
but I know I remain in darkness.
13 My only hope is the world of the dead,
where I will lie down to sleep in the dark.
14 I will call the grave my father,
and the worms that eat me
I will call my mother and my sisters.
15 Where is there any hope for me?
Who sees any?
16 Hope will not go with me
when I go down to the world of the dead.