Israēlam un Jūdai tiek apsolīta glābšana
1 Vārds, kas Jeremijam nāca no Kunga: 2 “Tā saka Kungs, Israēla Dievs: pieraksti grāmatā visus vārdus, ko es tev sacīju! 3 Jo, redzi, nāk dienas, saka Kungs, kad es pārvedīšu savu tautu Israēlu no gūsta, saka Kungs, es atvedīšu viņus uz zemi, ko es devu viņu tēviem, un viņi to iemantos!”
4 Šie ir vārdi, kurus Kungs runāja uz Israēlu un Jūdu. 5 Tā saka Kungs:
“Mēs dzirdējām drausmu balsi,
briesmas, ne miers!
6 Nu prasiet, nu redziet:
vai vīrs var dzemdēt?
Kādēļ es redzu ik vīru
ar rokām uz gurniem
kā dzemdētājai?
Kāpēc ik vaigs kļuvis bāls?
7 Vai! Liela tā diena,
nav līdzīgas!
Tas ir Jēkaba nelaimes laiks,
no tā viņš tiks glābts!
8 Tajā dienā, saka Pulku Kungs, es noraušu viņa jūgu no tava kakla, tavas saites es saraušu, un svešie tevi vairs nekalpinās. 9 Viņi kalpos Kungam, savam Dievam, un Dāvidam, savam ķēniņam, ko es tiem došu!
10 Tu nebaidies, Jēkab,
mans kalps,
saka Kungs,
nebīsties, Israēl,
jo, redzi, no tālienes es tevi glābju,
tavus pēcnācējus no gūsta zemes,
atgriezīsies Jēkabs
un dzīvos mierā
un bez rūpēm,
neviens viņu vairs nebaidīs.
11 Jo es esmu kopā ar tevi,
saka Kungs,
lai tevi glābtu,
jo es piebeigšu visas tautas,
starp kurām es tevi izklīdināju,
bet tevi es nepiebeigšu,
tik ar tiesu pārmācīšu,
bez soda jau neatstāšu!

12 Jo tā saka Kungs:
nedziedināms tavs posts,
kaist tava brūce!
13 Nav tiesā tev aizstāvja, kas pārsietu vātis,
zāļu čūlām tev nav!
14 Visi tavi mīlnieki tevi aizmirsuši,
tevi tie nemeklē,
jo kā naidnieks es tev situ brūces,
bez žēluma pārmācīju –
tavu vainu daudzuma dēļ un
tavu grēku skaita dēļ!
15 Kādēļ tu kliedz par savu postu,
tavas sāpes nav dziedējamas –
tavu vainu daudzuma dēļ,
tavu grēku skaita dēļ
es tev to darīju!
16 Tiks aprīti visi,
kas grib aprīt tevi,
visi tavi apspiedēji
aizies gūstā,
visi izlaupītāji
tiks izlaupīti,
un visus tevis aplaupītājus
es pašus par laupījumu atdošu!
17 Es dziedēšu tavu rētu,
tavas brūces es dziedināšu,
saka Kungs,
visi sauks tevi par patrenkto –
tā ir Ciāna,
tā nerūp nevienam!

18 Tā saka Kungs:
redzi, es likšu,
lai nāk atpakaļ Jēkaba teltis,
viņa mājokļus es apžēlošu,
uz pakalna atkal uzbūvēs pilsētu,
un pils būs īstajā vietā!
19 Tad atkal skanēs
pateicības un prieka balss,
es viņus vairošu,
tie mazumā neies,
es viņus celšu godā,
tie nebūs sīki.
20 Viņa bērnu būs tik, cik iepriekš,
viņa pulks manā priekšā būs stiprs,
un es visus viņa apspiedējus piemeklēšu!
21 Viņam būs savi dižciltīgie,
viņa valdnieki celsies no paša vidus,
es viņu sev tuvināšu,
un viņš tieksies pie manis, –
jo kurš gan liks ķīlā savu sirdi,
lai pats tiektos pie manis,
saka Kungs.
22 Un jūs būsiet mana tauta,
un es būšu jūsu Dievs!”

23 Redzi, atnāca Kunga niknuma vētra,
un viesulis virpuļo,
tas ķers ļaundaru galvu!
24 Kunga dusmu kvēle prom negriezīsies,
līdz viņš darīs un dabūs,
ko viņa sirds nodomājusi! –
pēdējās dienās,
tad jūs to sapratīsiet!
The Lord's Promises to His People
1 The Lord, the God of Israel, 2 said to me, “Write down in a book everything that I have told you, 3 because the time is coming when I will restore my people, Israel and Judah. I will bring them back to the land that I gave their ancestors, and they will take possession of it again. I, the Lord, have spoken.”
4 The Lord says to the people of Israel and Judah,
5 “I heard a cry of terror,
a cry of fear and not of peace.
6 Now stop and think!
Can a man give birth to a child?
Why then do I see every man with his hands on his stomach
like a woman in labor?
Why is everyone so pale?
7 A terrible day is coming;
no other day can compare with it—
a time of distress for my people,
but they will survive.”

8 The Lord Almighty says, “When that day comes, I will break the yoke that is around their neck and remove their chains, and they will no longer be the slaves of foreigners. 9 Instead, they will serve me, the Lord their God, and a descendant of David, whom I will enthrone as king.
10 “My people, do not be afraid;
people of Israel, do not be terrified.
I will rescue you from that faraway land,
from the land where you are prisoners.
You will come back home and live in peace;
you will be secure, and no one will make you afraid.
11 I will come to you and save you.
I will destroy all the nations
where I have scattered you,
but I will not destroy you.
I will not let you go unpunished;
but when I punish you, I will be fair.
I, the Lord, have spoken.”

12 The Lord says to his people,
“Your wounds are incurable,
your injuries cannot be healed.
13 There is no one to take care of you,
no remedy for your sores,
no hope of healing for you.
14 All your lovers have forgotten you;
they no longer care about you.
I have attacked you like an enemy;
your punishment has been harsh
because your sins are many
and your wickedness is great.
15 Complain no more about your injuries;
there is no cure for you.
I punished you like this
because your sins are many
and your wickedness is great.
16 But now, all who devour you will be devoured,
and all your enemies will be taken away as prisoners.
All who oppress you will be oppressed,
and all who plunder you will be plundered.
17 I will make you well again;
I will heal your wounds,
though your enemies say,
‘Zion is an outcast;
no one cares about her.’
I, the Lord, have spoken.”

18 The Lord says,
“I will restore my people to their land
and have mercy on every family;
Jerusalem will be rebuilt,
and its palace restored.
19 The people who live there will sing praise;
they will shout for joy.
By my blessing they will increase in numbers;
my blessing will bring them honor.
20 I will restore the nation's ancient power
and establish it firmly again;
I will punish all who oppress them.
21-22 Their ruler will come from their own nation,
their prince from their own people.
He will approach me when I invite him,
for who would dare come uninvited?
They will be my people,
and I will be their God.
I, the Lord, have spoken.”

23-24 The Lord's anger is a storm, a furious wind that will rage over the heads of the wicked. It will not end until he has done all that he intends to do. In days to come his people will understand this clearly.