Debora un Bārāks
1 Tomēr Israēla dēli turpināja darīt to, kas ļauns Kunga acīs, kad Ēhūds bija miris. 2 Tad Kungs viņus pārdeva kanaāniešu ķēniņam Jābīnam, kurš valdīja Hācorā. Viņa karaspēka virspavēlnieks bija Sīsra – Harošetgojīmas iemītnieks. 3 Un Israēla dēli brēca uz Kungu, jo Sīsram bija deviņi simti dzelzs kararatu un viņš nežēlīgi apspieda Israēlu divdesmit gadus.
4 Tolaik praviete Debora, Lapīdota sieva, bija soģe Israēlā. 5 Viņa sēdēja zem Deboras palmas starp Rāmu un Bēteli Efraima kalnos, un Israēla dēli nāca pie viņas, lai viņa spriestu tiesu. 6 Viņa sūtīja pēc Bārāka, Abīnoama dēla, no Kedešas Naftaļa novadā un sacīja viņam: “Vai tad Kungs, Israēla Dievs, nav pavēlējis: ej, dodies uz Tābora kalnu un ņem sev līdzi desmit tūkstošus vīru no Naftaļa dēliem un Zebulona dēliem? 7 Pie Kīšonas straumes es izdošu tev Sīsru, Jābīna karaspēka virspavēlnieku, viņa kararatus un viņa lielo pulku – es nodošu viņu tev.” 8 Bet Bārāks viņai atbildēja: “Ja tu nāksi ar mani, es iešu, bet, ja tu nenāksi ar mani, es neiešu.” 9 Tad viņa sacīja: “Es noteikti iešu ar tevi, tomēr ne tev tiks slava uz tā ceļa, kuru tu ej, jo sievas rokā Kungs pārdos Sīsru!” Un Debora cēlās un gāja kopā ar Bārāku uz Kedešu. 10 Bārāks sapulcināja Zebulonu un Naftali Kedešā, desmit tūkstoši vīru sekoja viņam, un arī Debora devās kopā ar viņu. 11 Kēnietis Hebers bija nošķīries no kēniešiem, Mozus sievastēva Hobāba dēliem. Viņš bija uzslējis savu telti pie ozola Caanannīmā, kas pie Kedešas. 12 Sīsram tika paziņots, ka Bārāks, Abīnoama dēls, ir uzkāpis Tābora kalnā.
13 Sīsra sapulcināja pie Kīšonas straumes visus savus kararatus – deviņi simti dzelzs kararatu – un visus savus ļaudis no Harošetgojīmas. 14 Tad Debora teica Bārākam: “Celies! Šī ir tā diena, kad Kungs nodevis Sīsru tavā rokā. Vai gan pats Kungs nav izgājis tavā priekšā?!” Un Bārāks nāca lejā no Tābora kalna, un desmit tūkstoši vīru sekoja viņam. 15 Kungs radīja apjukumu Sīsram un sajukumu kararatu pulkā un visā viņa karaspēkā – Bārāka zobena asmens priekšā. Sīsra nolēca no saviem kararatiem un bēga kājām. 16 Bārāks vajāja kararatus un karaspēku līdz Harošetgojīmai, un viss Sīsras karaspēks krita no zobena asmens, netika saudzēts neviens. 17 Sīsra kājām aizbēga līdz kēnieša Hebera sievas Jaēlas teltij, jo starp Hācoras ķēniņu Jābīnu un kēnieša Hebera namu bija miers. 18 Jaēla iznāca Sīsram pretī un teica: “Iegriezies, mans kungs, iegriezies pie manis, nebīsties!” Viņš ienāca pie tās teltī, un viņa to apklāja ar paklāju. 19 Tad viņš tai sacīja: “Jel iedod man padzerties mazliet ūdens, jo man slāpst!” Un viņa attaisīja piena trauku, iedeva tam padzerties un apklāja viņu. 20 Viņš tai sacīja: “Nostājies telts durvīs un, ja kāds nāk un jautā, vai te kāds ir, atbildi: nav!” 21 Tad Hebera sieva Jaēla ņēma telts mietiņu, satvēra rokā āmuru, klusi pienāca pie viņa un iedzina mietiņu viņa deniņos, tā ka tas iedūrās zemē. Cieši aizmidzis bez samaņas viņš nomira. 22 Un, redzi, Bārāks dzinās pakaļ Sīsram. Bet Jaēla iznāca viņam pretī un sacīja: “Nāc, es tev parādīšu to vīru, ko tu meklē!” Viņš ienāca pie tās, un, redzi, Sīsra gulēja beigts, un mietiņš tam deniņos. 23 Tā Dievs todien Israēla dēlu priekšā pazemoja kanaāniešu ķēniņu Jābīnu. 24 Israēla dēli jo varen cīkstējās pret kanaāniešu ķēniņu Jābīnu, līdz tie kanaāniešu ķēniņu Jābīnu iznīdēja pavisam.
Deborah and Barak
1 After Ehud died, the people of Israel sinned against the Lord again. 2 So the Lord let them be conquered by Jabin, a Canaanite king who ruled in the city of Hazor. The commander of his army was Sisera, who lived at Harosheth-of-the-Gentiles. 3 Jabin had nine hundred iron chariots, and he ruled the people of Israel with cruelty and violence for twenty years. Then the people of Israel cried out to the Lord for help.
4 Now Deborah, the wife of Lappidoth, was a prophet, and she was serving as a judge for the Israelites at that time. 5 She would sit under a certain palm tree between Ramah and Bethel in the hill country of Ephraim, and the people of Israel would go there for her decisions. 6 One day she sent for Barak son of Abinoam from the city of Kedesh in Naphtali and said to him, “The Lord, the God of Israel, has given you this command: ‘Take ten thousand men from the tribes of Naphtali and Zebulun and lead them to Mount Tabor. 7 I will bring Sisera, the commander of Jabin's army, to fight you at the Kishon River. He will have his chariots and soldiers, but I will give you victory over him.’”
8 Then Barak replied, “I will go if you go with me, but if you don't go with me, I won't go either.”
9 She answered, “All right, I will go with you, but you won't get any credit for the victory, because the Lord will hand Sisera over to a woman.” So Deborah set off for Kedesh with Barak. 10 Barak called the tribes of Zebulun and Naphtali to Kedesh, and ten thousand men followed him. Deborah went with him.
11 In the meantime Heber the Kenite had set up his tent close to Kedesh near the oak tree at Zaanannim. He had moved away from the other Kenites, the descendants of Hobab, the brother-in-law of Moses.
12 When Sisera learned that Barak had gone up to Mount Tabor, 13 he called out his nine hundred iron chariots and all his men, and sent them from Harosheth-of-the-Gentiles to the Kishon River.
14 Then Deborah said to Barak, “Go! The Lord is leading you! Today he has given you victory over Sisera.” So Barak went down from Mount Tabor with his ten thousand men. 15 When Barak attacked with his army, the Lord threw Sisera into confusion together with all his chariots and men. Sisera got down from his chariot and fled on foot. 16 Barak pursued the chariots and the army to Harosheth-of-the-Gentiles, and Sisera's whole army was killed. Not a man was left.
17 Sisera ran away to the tent of Jael, the wife of Heber the Kenite, because King Jabin of Hazor was at peace with Heber's family. 18 Jael went out to meet Sisera and said to him, “Come in, sir; come into my tent. Don't be afraid.” So he went in, and she hid him behind a curtain. 19 He said to her, “Please give me a drink of water; I'm thirsty.” She opened a leather bag of milk, gave him a drink, and hid him again. 20 Then he told her, “Stand at the door of the tent, and if anyone comes and asks you if anyone is here, say no.”
21 Sisera was so tired that he fell sound asleep. Then Jael took a hammer and a tent peg, quietly went up to him, and killed him by driving the peg right through the side of his head and into the ground. 22 When Barak came looking for Sisera, Jael went out to meet him and said to him, “Come here! I'll show you the man you're looking for.” So he went in with her, and there was Sisera on the ground, dead, with the tent peg through his head.
23 That day God gave the Israelites victory over Jabin, the Canaanite king. 24 They pressed harder and harder against him until they destroyed him.