Dieva atmaksas diena
no Bocras sarkanās drēbēs?
Stalts savā ģērbā,
dižens savā varenā spēkā!
“Es runāju taisnību,
man ir glābšanas vara!”

2 Kādēļ tavas drēbes ir sarkanas
un tavs ģērbs kā vīnspaida minējam?
3 “Viens pats es minu vīnspaidu,
nevienas tautas pie manis nebija!
Savās dusmās es tās mīdīju,
savā niknumā es tās šķaidīju!
Tās nošķieda dzīvības sulām manas drēbes,
visu manu ģērbu tās notraipīja,
4 jo atriebes diena bija man sirdī
un izpirkšanas gads bija pienācis!
5 Es lūkoju, bet palīga nebija,
es raudzīju, bet nebija neviena,
kas atbalstītu, –
mans elkonis man palīdzēja,
un manas dusmas mani balstīja!
6 Savās dusmās es saminu tautas,
piedzirdīju tās savā niknumā
un izlēju pār zemi to dzīvības sulas!”
Dieva žēlastības piemiņa
7 Es pieminēšu Kunga žēlastību
un slavēšu Kungu –
par visu, ko mums piešķīris Kungs,
par lielo laipnību Israēla namam,
ko viņš tam rādījis savā žēlsirdībā,
savā dižajā žēlastībā!
8 Viņš sacīja:
“Tiešām viņi ir mana tauta,
mani dēli, kas nepievils!”
Un viņš kļuva to glābējs.
9 Postā viņš tos neapspieda,
un viņa sūtītais eņģelis tos glāba,
savā mīlestībā un maigumā
viņš tos izpirka,
viņš balstīja tos un nesa
kopš mūžsenām dienām!
10 Bet tie dumpoja
un apkaitināja viņa Svēto garu,
tādēļ viņš vērtās tiem par naidnieku
un sāka pret tiem karu,
11 tad atcerējās senlaiku dienas,
Mozu un savu tautu!
Kurš ir viņš, kas tos izveda no jūras
kopā ar sava ganāmpulka ganiem?
Kur ir viņš, kas tiem deva
savu Svēto garu,
12 kurš veda Mozu pie labās rokas,
pie sava diženā elkoņa,
kurš tiem priekšā pāršķēla jūru,
lai uz mūžiem sev celtu slavu,
13 kurš tos vadīja cauri dzelmei
kā zirgus caur tuksnesi,
ka tie neklupa?
14 Kā ganāmu pulku, kas ielejā nokāpj,
Kunga gars vadīja viņus
uz mierīgu vietu,
tā tu vadīji savu tautu,
lai darītu sev dižu slavu!
Grēku nožēlas lūgšana
15 Raugies no debesīm un skati
no sava svētā un dižā mājokļa –
kur tavs niknums un varenums?!
Tava sirds degsme
un tava žēlsirdība atturas no manis!
16 Tu gan esi mūsu Tēvs –
taču Ābrahāms mūs nepazīst,
un Israēls mūs nepagodā –
tu, Kungs, esi mūsu Tēvs,
jau no senlaikiem mēs tevi saucam
par savu Izpircēju!
17 Kungs, kādēļ tu maldini mūs
no saviem ceļiem,
kādēļ nocietini mums sirdis,
ka mēs tevis nebīstamies –
nāc atpakaļ savu kalpu dēļ,
cilšu dēļ, kas ir tavs mantojums!
18 Tikai īsu mirkli
tavai svētajai tautai kaut kas piederējis –
mūsu naidnieki tavu svētumu nomīdīja!
19 Nu mēs esam kļuvuši tādi,
it kā nemūžam
tu pār mums nebūtu valdījis,
it kā mēs nebūtu saukti
tavā svētajā vārdā –
kaut tu pāršķeltu debesis
un nonāktu lejā,
un tavā priekšā kalni līgotos!
The Lord's Victory over the Nations
1 “Who is this coming from the city of Bozrah in Edom? Who is this so splendidly dressed in red, marching along in power and strength?”
It is the Lord, powerful to save, coming to announce his victory.
2 “Why is his clothing so red, like that of someone who tramples grapes to make wine?”
3 The Lord answers, “I have trampled the nations like grapes, and no one came to help me. I trampled them in my anger, and their blood has stained all my clothing. 4 I decided that the time to save my people had come; it was time to punish their enemies. 5 I was amazed when I looked and saw that there was no one to help me. But my anger made me strong, and I won the victory myself. 6 In my anger I trampled whole nations and shattered them. I poured out their lifeblood on the ground.”
The Lord's Goodness to Israel
7 I will tell of the Lord's unfailing love;
I praise him for all he has done for us.
He has richly blessed the people of Israel
because of his mercy and constant love.
8 The Lord said, “They are my people; they will not deceive me.” And so he saved them 9 from all their suffering. It was not an angel, but the Lord himself who saved them. In his love and compassion he rescued them. He had always taken care of them in the past, 10 but they rebelled against him and made his holy spirit sad. So the Lord became their enemy and fought against them.
11 But then they remembered the past, the days of Moses, the servant of the Lord, and they asked, “Where now is the Lord, who saved the leaders of his people from the sea? Where is the Lord, who gave his spirit to Moses? 12-13 Where is the Lord, who by his power did great things through Moses, dividing the waters of the sea and leading his people through the deep water, to win everlasting fame for himself?”
Led by the Lord, they were as sure-footed as wild horses, and never stumbled. 14 As cattle are led into a fertile valley, so the Lord gave his people rest. He led his people and brought honor to his name.
A Prayer for Mercy and Help
15 Lord, look upon us from heaven, where you live in your holiness and glory. Where is your great concern for us? Where is your power? Where are your love and compassion? Do not ignore us. 16 You are our father. Our ancestors Abraham and Jacob do not acknowledge us, but you, Lord, are our father, the one who has always rescued us. 17 Why do you let us stray from your ways? Why do you make us so stubborn that we turn away from you? Come back, for the sake of those who serve you, for the sake of the people who have always been yours.
18 We, your holy people, were driven out by our enemies for a little while; they trampled down your sanctuary. 19 You treat us as though you had never been our ruler, as though we had never been your people.