Kunga vēstījums tautām
1 Nāciet, tautas, klausieties,
sadzirdiet, ļaudis,
klausies, zeme, un viss, kas to pilda,
zemes virsa un viss, kas nāk no tās!
2 Jo Kungam dusmas pret visām tautām
un niknums pret visiem to pulkiem,
viņš tās nīcībai nolēmis,
atdevis nokaušanai!
3 Viņu nokautie lai tiek izmesti,
no to līķiem lai ceļas smārds,
lai viņu asinīm pārplūst kalni!
4 Satrups viss debesu pulks,
kā rakstu rullis saritināsies debesis,
visi to pulki nobirs
kā vīnakokam lapas,
kā nobirst vīģes!
5 Tad debesīs mans zobens atdzersies –
redzi, pret Edomu tas laidīsies,
pret tautu, ko esmu lēmis iznīcībai!
6 Kunga zobens asiņu pilns,
ar tauku treknumu,
ar jēru un āžu asinīm,
ar aunu nieru taukiem,
jo Bocrā Kunga kaujamais upuris
un liels slaktiņš Edoma zemē!
7 Meža vērši kritīs kopā ar tiem,
bullēni kopā ar vēršiem –
viņu zeme atdzersies asiņu
un viņu augsne tauku treknumu!
8 Jo Kungam atriebes diena,
atmaksas gads strīdā par Ciānu!
9 Visas Edoma upes tiks pārvērstas piķī
un tā augsne par sēru,
zeme kļūs par degošu piķi!
10 Dienu un nakti tā nedzisīs,
mūžam no tās celsies dūmi,
no audzes audzē tā kalšņa vien paliks,
nemūžam tur vairs neviens neies!
11 To mantos dzeloņcūkas un ūpji,
pūces un kraukļi tur mitīs,
un viņš pār to izstieps
sajukuma mēru un jucekļa atsvarus!
12 Tās dižciltīgajiem
vairs nebūs valsts, ko saukt vārdā,
ar tās augstmaņiem būs cauri!
13 Pār tās mūriem pacelsies ērkšķi,
nātres un dadži – pār nocietinājumiem,
tā būs šakāļu mājvieta
un patvērums strausenēm!
14 Tur plēsoņas ar hiēnām tiksies,
tur āžkāji sasauksies viens ar otru,
tur naksneniece apmetīsies,
sev atpūtas vietu radīs.
15 Tur lēcējčūska ligzdos un dēs,
perēs un lolos tur savas olas,
tur maitasputns sev atradīs pāri!
16 Meklējiet Kunga grāmatā un lasiet –
tur netrūks neviena no šiem,
ne viena, ne otra tur netrūks,
jo Kunga mute tā vēlējusi
un viņa Gars tos tur sapulcējis!
17 Tādu lozi viņš izmetis tiem,
tādu mēru viņa roka tiem piešķīrusi –
uz mūžiem tie iemantos to,
uz audžu audzēm tie dzīvos tur!
God Will Punish His Enemies
1 Come, people of all nations! Gather around and listen. Let the whole earth and everyone living on it come here and listen. 2 The Lord is angry with all the nations and all their armies. He has condemned them to destruction. 3 Their corpses will not be buried, but will lie there rotting and stinking; and the mountains will be red with blood. 4 The sun, moon, and stars will crumble to dust. The sky will disappear like a scroll being rolled up, and the stars will fall like leaves dropping from a vine or a fig tree.
5 The Lord has prepared his sword in heaven, and now it will strike Edom, those people whom he has condemned to destruction. 6 His sword will be covered with their blood and fat, like the blood and fat of lambs and goats that are sacrificed. The Lord will offer this sacrifice in the city of Bozrah; he will make this a great slaughter in the land of Edom. 7 The people will fall like wild oxen and young bulls, and the earth will be red with blood and covered with fat. 8 This is the time when the Lord will rescue Zion and take vengeance on her enemies.
9 The rivers of Edom will turn into tar, and the soil will turn into sulfur. The whole country will burn like tar. 10 It will burn day and night, and smoke will rise from it forever. The land will lie waste age after age, and no one will ever travel through it again. 11 Owls and ravens will take over the land. The Lord will make it a barren waste again, as it was before the creation. 12 There will be no king to rule the country, and the leaders will all be gone. 13 Thorns and thistles will grow up in all the palaces and walled towns, and jackals and owls will live in them. 14 Wild animals will roam there, and demons will call to each other. The night monster will come there looking for a place to rest. 15 Owls will build their nests, lay eggs, hatch their young, and care for them there. Vultures will gather there, one after another.
16 Search in the Lord's book of living creatures and read what it says. Not one of these creatures will be missing, and not one will be without its mate. The Lord has commanded it to be so; he himself will bring them together. 17 It is the Lord who will divide the land among them and give each of them a share. They will live in the land age after age, and it will belong to them forever.