Vēstījums par Kūšu
1 Vai! švīkstošo spārnu zemei,
viņpus Kūšas upēm,
2 kas sūta pa Nīlu vēstnešus
niedru laivās pa ūdeni –
ejiet, vēstneši vieglie,
pie augumā garas tautas ar spīdīgu ādu,
pie tautas, ko bijā tuvu un tālu,
tautas, kas citus min kājām,
kuras zemi sadala upes!
3 Visi pasaules iemītnieki
un zemes iedzīvotāji,
skatiet, ka pacelts karogs kalnos!
Klausieties, kā pūš ragu!
4 Jo Kungs man tā saka:
“Es klusu skatīšos no savas vietas,
kā dzidra svelme izlīst gaismā,
kā rasas mākonis pļaujas karstumā!”
5 Vēl pirms ražas, kad vairs nav ziedu,
kad vīnogu ziedi par augļiem nobriest –
tad nogriezīs stīgas ar dzirklēm
un atvases nocirtīs nost!
6 Tās nometīs kalnos
maitasputniem un zemes zvēriem,
maitasputni ievāks ražu no tām,
un zemes zvēri ēdīs tās ziemā!
7 Tajā laikā pienesīs dāvanas Pulku Kungam
augumā gara tauta ar spīdīgu ādu,
tauta, ko bijā tuvu un tālu,
stipra tauta, kas citus min kājām,
kuras zemi sadala upes!
Tur, kur Pulku Kunga vārds, –
uz Ciānas kalnu!
God Will Punish Ethiopia
1 Beyond the rivers of Ethiopia there is a land where the sound of wings is heard. 2 From that land ambassadors come down the Nile in boats made of reeds. Go back home, swift messengers! Take a message back to your land divided by rivers, to your strong and powerful nation, to your tall and smooth-skinned people, who are feared all over the world.
3 Listen, everyone who lives on earth! Look for a signal flag to be raised on the mountaintops! Listen for the blowing of the bugle! 4 The Lord said to me, “I will look down from heaven as quietly as the dew forms in the warm nights of harvest time, as serenely as the sun shines in the heat of the day. 5 Before the grapes are gathered, when the blossoms have all fallen and the grapes are ripening, the enemy will destroy the Ethiopians as easily as a knife cuts branches from a vine. 6 The corpses of their soldiers will be left exposed to the birds and the wild animals. In summer the birds will feed on them, and in winter, the animals.”
7 A time is coming when the Lord Almighty will receive offerings from this land divided by rivers, this strong and powerful nation, this tall and smooth-skinned people, who are feared all over the world. They will come to Mount Zion, where the Lord Almighty is worshiped.