Vēstījums par Moābu
Tik vienā naktī izdeldēta,
Moāba Āra nopostīta,
tik vienā naktī izdeldēta,
Moāba pilsēta nopostīta!
2 Izgājusi no mājām, Dībona kāpa
augstienēs raudāt,
pār Nebo, pār Mēdbu
Moābs gaudo –
visas galvas ir plikas,
nodzītas visas bārdas!
3 Ielās tiem apjozti maisi,
uz jumtiem un laukumos
visi kauc un iztek raudās,
4 un brēc Hešbona un Elāle,
līdz Jahacai viņu balsis dzirdamas,
tādēļ Moāba gurni ļogās,
par to viņam dvēsele ļimst!
5 Mana sirds par Moābu brēc!
Viņa bēgļi jau pie Coaras, pie Eglatšelīšijas!
Luhītas pārejā
raudas rāpjas augšā!
Horonaimas ceļā
kāpj sagrāves brēcieni!
6 Jo Nimrīmas ūdeņi
pagalam izsīkuši –
zāle nokaltusi,
ne dīgsta,
ne zaļuma nav!
7 Tādēļ – ko sakrājuši, ko sarūpējuši,
to pār Arabīmas strautu projām nes!
8 Brēkšana sagrābusi
visas Moāba robežas –
līdz Eglaimai kauc,
līdz Beērelīmai kauc!
9 Taču Dīmonas ūdeņi asiņu pilni,
bet es sadošu Dīmonai vēl:
kas Moābā izbēgs – tiem lauvas,
un tiem, kas uz vietas paliks, – arī!
God Will Destroy Moab
1 This is a message about Moab.
The cities of Ar and Kir are destroyed in a single night, and silence covers the land of Moab. 2 The people of Dibon climb the hill to weep at the shrine. The people of Moab wail in grief over the cities of Nebo and Medeba; they have shaved their heads and their beards in grief. 3 The people in the streets are dressed in sackcloth; in the city squares and on the rooftops people mourn and cry. 4 The people of Heshbon and Elealeh cry out, and their cry can be heard as far away as Jahaz. Even the soldiers tremble; their courage is gone. 5 My heart cries out for Moab! The people have fled to the town of Zoar, and to Eglath Shelishiyah. Some climb the road to Luhith, weeping as they go; some escape to Horonaim, grieving loudly. 6 Nimrim Brook is dry, the grass beside it has withered, and nothing green is left. 7 The people go across the Valley of Willows, trying to escape with all their possessions. 8 Everywhere at Moab's borders the sound of crying is heard. It is heard at the towns of Eglaim and Beerelim. 9 At the town of Dibon the river is red with blood, and God has something even worse in store for the people there. Yes, there will be a bloody slaughter of everyone left in Moab.