Pateicības dziesmas
1 Tajā dienā tu teiksi:
“Es tev pateicos, Kungs, –
tu biji dusmīgs pret mani,
bet novērsi dusmas, mierināji mani!
2 Redzi, Dievs – mana glābšana!
Es uzticos un nebīstos! –
Mans spēks un mana dziesma ir Kungs!
Viņš man par glābšanu kļuvis!”
3 Līksmi jūs ūdeni smelsiet no glābšanas avotiem!

4 Tajā dienā jūs sauksiet:
“Pateicieties Kungam, piesauciet viņa vārdu,
sakiet, lai tautas zina viņa darbus,
pieminiet, cik augsts viņa vārds!
5 Dziediet Kungam – viņš diženi dara,
lai zina to visa zeme!
6 Skandē un gavilē, Ciānas iemītniece,
jo varens pie tevis ir Israēla Svētais!”
Hymn of Thanksgiving
1 A day is coming when people will sing,
“I praise you, Lord! You were angry with me,
but now you comfort me and are angry no longer.
2 God is my savior;
I will trust him and not be afraid.
The Lord gives me power and strength;
he is my savior.
3 As fresh water brings joy to the thirsty,
so God's people rejoice when he saves them.”

4 A day is coming when people will sing,
“Give thanks to the Lord! Call for him to help you!
Tell all the nations what he has done!
Tell them how great he is!
5 Sing to the Lord because of the great things he has done.
Let the whole world hear the news.
6 Let everyone who lives in Zion shout and sing!
Israel's holy God is great,
and he lives among his people.”