Dieva dusmas pret Israēlu
1 Efraims runāja – visi trīcēja!
Viņš bija augstu Israēlā,
bet apgrēkojās ar baāliem un mira!
2 Un tagad tie turpina grēkot,
taisa sev izlietus sudraba tēlus,
dievekļus pēc savas sajēgas –
tie visi tik kalēja darbs!
Par tiem viņi saka:
kas cilvēku upurēs,
tas drīkstēs skūpstīt šos teļus!
3 Tādēļ tie kļūs kā mākonis,
zudīs kā rīta rasa,
kā pelavas aizvirpuļos no klona,
kā dūmi no lūkas!
4 Es esmu Kungs, tavs Dievs,
jau kopš Ēģiptes zemes,
citu Dievu tu nepazīsti,
un nav glābēja, izņemot mani!
5 Es tevi pazinu tuksnesī, kalšņas zemē!
6 Bet tie tik ganās līdz sātam,
kad sāti – tad tiem lepna sirds
un tad aizmirst mani!
7 Es tiem būšu kā lauva,
kā leopards uz ceļa uzglūnēšu!
8 Es uzbrukšu tiem kā lācene, kam atņemti mazuļi,
es plēsīšu viņu cietās sirdis,
aprīšu viņus kā brangs lauva,
un viņus saplosīs lauka zvēri!
9 Iznīdēja tevi, Israēl!
Bet pie manis tev glābiņš!
10 Kur tad tavs ķēniņš? –
Lai līdz tev glābties ik pilsētā!
Kur tavi soģi, par kuriem tu teici:
dod tik man ķēniņu un augstmaņus!?
11 Savās dusmās es došu tev ķēniņu
un savā niknumā es arī ņemšu!
12 Savīkstītas Efraima vainas,
noglabāti viņa grēki –
13 dzemdību sāpes nāks pār viņu:
negudrs bērns,
laikā nav klāt,
lai lauztos no klēpja!
14 No šeola es atgūšu viņu,
no nāves es viņu izpirkšu –
kur gan tavas sērgas, nāve?
Kur gan tavs dzelonis, šeol?
Līdzcietība manām acīm būs slēpta!
15 Kaut viņš saukts par auglīgu starp saviem brāļiem –
nāks austrenis,
Kunga vējš no tuksneša celsies –
tas izkaltēs viņa spirgtumu,
izsusēs viņa avotu,
tas dārgumus nolaupīs,
it visus tīkamos traukus!
Final Judgment on Israel
1 In the past, when the tribe of Ephraim spoke, the other tribes of Israel were afraid; they looked up to Ephraim. But the people sinned by worshiping Baal, and for this they will die. 2 They still keep on sinning by making metal images to worship—idols of silver, designed by human minds, made by human hands. And then they say, “Offer sacrifices to them!” How can anyone kiss those idols—idols in the shape of bulls! 3 And so these people will disappear like morning mist, like the dew that vanishes early in the day. They will be like chaff which the wind blows from the threshing place, like smoke from a chimney.
4 The Lord says, “I am the Lord your God, who led you out of Egypt. You have no God but me. I alone am your savior. 5 I took care of you in a dry, desert land. 6 But when you entered the good land, you became full and satisfied, and then you grew proud and forgot me. 7 So I will attack you like a lion. Like a leopard I will lie in wait along your path. 8 I will attack you like a bear that has lost her cubs, and I will tear you open. Like a lion I will devour you on the spot, and will tear you to pieces like a wild animal.
9 “I will destroy you, people of Israel! Then who can help you? 10 You asked for a king and for leaders, but how can they save the nation? 11 In my anger I have given you kings, and in my fury I have taken them away.
12 “Israel's sin and guilt are on record, and the records are safely stored away. 13 Israel has a chance to live, but is too foolish to take it—like a child about to be born, who refuses to come out of the womb. 14 I will not save this people from the world of the dead or rescue them from the power of death. Bring on your plagues, death! Bring on your destruction, world of the dead! I will no longer have pity for this people. 15 Even though Israel flourishes like weeds, I will send a hot east wind from the desert, and it will dry up their springs and wells. It will take away everything of value. 16 Samaria must be punished for rebelling against me. Her people will die in war; babies will be dashed to the ground, and pregnant women will be ripped open.”