Kunga pavēle atjaunot templi
(Ezr 5:1)1 Ķēniņa Dārija otrā valdīšanas gada sestā mēneša pirmajā dienā Kunga vārds caur pravieti Hagaju tika atklāts Jūdas pārvaldniekam Zerubābelam, Šaltiēla dēlam, un augstajam priesterim Jozuam, Jehocādāka dēlam: 2 “Tā saka Pulku Kungs: šī tauta saka: vēl nav pienācis laiks celt Kunga namu!”
3 Tāds bija Kunga vārds, kas nāca pār pravieti Hagaju:
4 “Vai jums jau pienācis laiks
dzīvot ciedru namos,
kamēr šis nams ir drupās?!
5 Tā saka Pulku Kungs:
apdomājiet savas gaitas!
6 Jūs sējat daudz, bet pļaujat maz,
jūs ēdat, bet sāta nav,
jūs dzerat, bet veldzes netiek,
jūs velkat drēbes, bet siltuma nav,
ko algādžos nopelnījuši,
tas aiziet kā caurā maisā!
7 Tā saka Pulku Kungs:
apdomājiet savas gaitas!
8 Kāpiet kalnos,
sanesiet kokus un celiet namu!
Tas man būs tīkams, tur mani godās,
saka Kungs,
9 jūs alkāt daudz, bet, redzi, tik mazums,
un, kad to pārnesāt mājās,
es izputināju arīdzan to,
tas tādēļ,
saka Pulku Kungs,
tas tādēļ, ka mans nams stāv drupās,
bet jūs tik aptekat katrs savu namu!
10 Tādēļ jums debesis aiztur rasu
un zeme vairs nedod ražu,
11 es piesaucu zemei kaltētāju,
kalniem un labībai,
jaunvīnam un tikko spiestai eļļai,
un visam, kas spraucas no zemes,
un cilvēkam, un lopam,
un visam, ko rokas sastrādājušas!”
12 Tad Zerubābels, Šaltiēla dēls, un augstais priesteris Jozua, Jehocādāka dēls, un visi ļaudis, kas vēl bija atlikuši, dzirdēja sava Dieva, Kunga, balsi un pravieša Hagaja vārdus – tieši, kā Kungs, viņu Dievs, to bija vēstījis, un tauta bijās Kunga. 13 Un Kunga vēstnesis Hagajs Kunga vēstījumā tautai sacīja: “Kungs saka: es esmu ar jums!” 14 Tā Kungs atmodināja garu Jūdas pārvaldniekā Zerubābelā, Šaltiēla dēlā, un augstajā priesterī Jozuā, Jehocādāka dēlā, un visos ļaudīs, kas vēl bija atlikuši, un tie nāca un darīja darbus sava Dieva, Pulku Kunga, namā; 15 tas bija ķēniņa Dārija otrā valdīšanas gada sestā mēneša divdesmit ceturtajā dienā.
The Lord's Command to Rebuild the Temple
1 During the second year that Darius was emperor of Persia, on the first day of the sixth month, the Lord spoke through the prophet Haggai. The message was for the governor of Judah, Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, and for the High Priest, Joshua son of Jehozadak.
2 The Lord Almighty said to Haggai, “These people say that this is not the right time to rebuild the Temple.” 3 The Lord then gave this message to the people through the prophet Haggai: 4 “My people, why should you be living in well-built houses while my Temple lies in ruins? 5 Don't you see what is happening to you? 6 You have planted much grain, but have harvested very little. You have food to eat, but not enough to make you full. You have wine to drink, but not enough to get drunk on! You have clothing, but not enough to keep you warm. And workers cannot earn enough to live on. 7 Can't you see why this has happened? 8 Now go up into the hills, get lumber, and rebuild the Temple; then I will be pleased and will be worshiped as I should be.
9 “You hoped for large harvests, but they turned out to be small. And when you brought the harvest home, I blew it away. Why did I do that? Because my Temple lies in ruins while every one of you is busy working on your own house. 10 That is why there is no rain and nothing can grow. 11 I have brought drought on the land—on its hills, grainfields, vineyards, and olive orchards—on every crop the ground produces, on people and animals, on everything you try to grow.”
The People Obey the Lord's Command
12 Then Zerubbabel and Joshua and all the people who had returned from the exile in Babylonia, did what the Lord their God told them to do. They were afraid and obeyed the prophet Haggai, the Lord's messenger. 13 Then Haggai gave the Lord's message to the people: “I will be with you—that is my promise.” 14 The Lord inspired everyone to work on the Temple: Zerubbabel, the governor of Judah; Joshua, the High Priest, and all the people who had returned from the exile. They began working on the Temple of the Lord Almighty, their God, 15 on the twenty-fourth day of the sixth month of the second year that Darius was emperor.