1 Īzaks pasauca Jēkabu, svētīja viņu un pavēlēja: “Neņem sev sievu no Kanaāna meitām! 2 Dodies uz Padānarāmu, uz savas mātes tēva Betuēla namu, un ņem sev sievu no turienes, no sava mātesbrāļa Lābana meitām. 3 Visvarenais Dievs tevi svētīs, darīs tevi auglīgu, vairos tevi un darīs par tautu pulku! 4 Viņš tev dos Ābrahāma svētību, tev un taviem pēcnācējiem pēc tevis, lai tu iemanto to zemi, kur tu mīti, kuru Dievs deva Ābrahāmam!” 5 Un Īzaks atlaida Jēkabu, un viņš devās uz Padānarāmu pie aramieša Lābana, Betuēla dēla, Jēkaba un Ēsava mātes Rebekas brāļa.
Ēsavs ņem sievu no Ismaēla meitām
6 Ēsavs redzēja, ka Īzaks ir svētījis Jēkabu un sūtījis viņu uz Padānarāmu, lai viņš no turienes ņem sev sievu, un ka, viņu svētīdams, ir pavēlējis: “Neņem sev sievu no Kanaāna meitām!” – 7 un Jēkabs ir paklausījis savam tēvam un mātei un devies uz Padānarāmu. 8 Ēsavs redzēja, ka viņa tēvam Īzakam netīk Kanaāna meitas. 9 Tad Ēsavs gāja pie Ismaēla un ņēma sev vēl klāt pie citām sievām Mahalatu, Ābrahāma dēla Ismaēla meitu, Nebājota māsu.
Jēkaba sapnis
10 Jēkabs izgāja no Bēršebas un devās uz Hārānu. 11 Viņš tuvojās kādai vietai un palika tur pa nakti, jo norietēja saule. Viņš ņēma akmeni no tās vietas, lika sev pagalvī un nolikās gulēt tai vietā. 12 Viņš sapņoja, un, re, zemē noliktas kāpnes un to gals sniedzas debesīs, un, re, Dieva eņģeļi kāpj pa tām augšup lejup. 13 Un, re, Kungs nostājies augšā un saka: “Es esmu Kungs, tava tēva Ābrahāma Dievs un Īzaka Dievs! To zemi, kur tu guli, es došu tev un taviem pēcnācējiem! 14 Un tavu pēcnācēju būs tik, cik putekļu uz zemes, un tu izpletīsies uz rietumiem un austrumiem, uz ziemeļiem un dienvidiem, un visas zemes dzimtas tiks svētītas tevī un tavos pēcnācējos! 15 Un, redzi, es būšu ar tevi, es sargāšu tevi visur, kur tu iesi, un es atvedīšu tevi atpakaļ uz šo zemi, jo es tevi nepametīšu, līdz nebūšu izdarījis to, ko tev apsolīju!”
16 Tad Jēkabs pamodās no miega un teica: “Tiešām Kungs ir šajā vietā, bet es nezināju!” 17 Un viņš bijās un teica: “Cik baisa šī vieta! Kas cits, ja ne Dieva nams? Un šie ir debesu vārti!” 18 Un Jēkabs cēlās agri no rīta, ņēma akmeni, kas viņam bija pagalvī, uzslēja to par piemiņas stabu un izlēja uz tā eļļu. 19 To vietu viņš nosauca vārdā Bētele , bet iepriekš tās vietas vārds bija Lūza. 20 Un Jēkabs zvērēja, sacīdams: “Ja Kungs Dievs būs ar mani un sargās mani šajā ceļā, ko eju, un dos man maizi, ko ēst, un drēbes, ko vilkt, 21 un es sveikā atgriezīšos sava tēva namā, tad Kungs būs man par Dievu! 22 Un šis akmens, ko es uzslēju par piemiņas stabu, būs Dieva nams! No visa, ko tu man dosi, desmito daļu es atdošu tev!”
1 Isaac called Jacob, greeted him, and told him, “Don't marry a Canaanite. 2 Go instead to Mesopotamia, to the home of your grandfather Bethuel, and marry one of the young women there, one of your uncle Laban's daughters. 3 May Almighty God bless your marriage and give you many children, so that you will become the father of many nations! 4 May he bless you and your descendants as he blessed Abraham, and may you take possession of this land, in which you have lived and which God gave to Abraham!” 5 Isaac sent Jacob away to Mesopotamia, to Laban, who was the son of Bethuel the Aramean and the brother of Rebecca, the mother of Jacob and Esau.
Esau Takes Another Wife
6 Esau learned that Isaac had blessed Jacob and sent him away to Mesopotamia to find a wife. He also learned that when Isaac blessed him, he commanded him not to marry a Canaanite woman. 7 He found out that Jacob had obeyed his father and mother and had gone to Mesopotamia. 8 Esau then understood that his father Isaac did not approve of Canaanite women. 9 So he went to Ishmael son of Abraham and married his daughter Mahalath, who was the sister of Nebaioth.
Jacob's Dream at Bethel
10 Jacob left Beersheba and started toward Haran. 11 At sunset he came to a holy place and camped there. He lay down to sleep, resting his head on a stone. 12 He dreamed that he saw a stairway reaching from earth to heaven, with angels going up and coming down on it. 13 And there was the Lord standing beside him. “I am the Lord, the God of Abraham and Isaac,” he said. “I will give to you and to your descendants this land on which you are lying. 14 They will be as numerous as the specks of dust on the earth. They will extend their territory in all directions, and through you and your descendants I will bless all the nations. 15 Remember, I will be with you and protect you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done all that I have promised you.”
16 Jacob woke up and said, “The Lord is here! He is in this place, and I didn't know it!” 17 He was afraid and said, “What a terrifying place this is! It must be the house of God; it must be the gate that opens into heaven.”
18 Jacob got up early next morning, took the stone that was under his head, and set it up as a memorial. Then he poured olive oil on it to dedicate it to God. 19 He named the place Bethel. (The town there was once known as Luz.) 20 Then Jacob made a vow to the Lord: “If you will be with me and protect me on the journey I am making and give me food and clothing, 21 and if I return safely to my father's home, then you will be my God. 22 This memorial stone which I have set up will be the place where you are worshiped, and I will give you a tenth of everything you give me.”