Ismaēla dzimšana
1 Sāraja, Ābrama sieva, nevarēja viņam dzemdēt, bet viņai bija ēģiptiešu kalpone, vārdā Hāgare. 2 Un Sāraja teica Ābramam: “Redzi, nu! Kungs man liedzis dzemdēt! Ej taču pie manas kalpones, varbūt es varu dabūt bērnu no viņas!” Un Ābrams paklausīja Sāraju. 3 Sāraja, Ābrama sieva, ņēma savu kalponi ēģiptieti Hāgari – pēc tam kad Ābrams desmit gadus bija dzīvojis Kanaānas zemē –, un viņa deva to savam vīram Ābramam par sievu. 4 Un viņš gāja pie Hāgares, un viņa tapa grūta. Kad viņa redzēja, ka tapusi grūta, viņas kundze tai šķita nevērta. 5 Un Sāraja teica Ābramam: “Tu man esi nodarījis pārestību – es devu savu kalponi starp taviem gurniem, un, kad viņa redzēja, ka ir grūta, tad es viņai kļuvu nevērta! Lai iztiesā Kungs starp mani un tevi!” 6 Un Ābrams teica Sārajai: “Še tava kalpone tavā rokā, dari viņai, kā tev tīk!” Sāraja viņu pazemoja, un tā no viņas aizbēga. 7 Bet Kunga eņģelis viņu atrada pie ūdens avota tuksnesī ceļā uz Šūru. 8 Un viņš teica: “Hāgare, Sārajas kalpone, no kurienes tu nāc un kurp tu ej?” Viņa teica: “Es bēgu no savas kundzes Sārajas!” 9 Kunga eņģelis viņai teica: “Ej atpakaļ pie savas kundzes un pakļaujies viņai!” 10 Un Kunga eņģelis viņai teica: “Vairot es vairošu tavus pēcnācējus, un viņus nevarēs saskaitīt – tik daudz to būs!” 11 Un Kunga eņģelis viņai teica:
“Redzi, tu esi grūta, un tu dzemdēsi dēlu,
un tu nosauksi viņu vārdā Ismaēls ,
jo Kungs tavas ciešanas uzklausījis!
12 Un viņš būs cilvēks kā mežēzelis!
Viņa roka – pret visiem, un visu roka pret viņu,
un visiem saviem brāļiem viņš iepretī mitīs!”
13 Un Kungu, kas uz viņu bija runājis, viņa nosauca vārdā: tu – mana redzējuma Dievs, jo viņa teica: “Vai tad ne šeit es redzēju to, kas redz mani?” 14 Tādēļ to aku nosauca par Beērlahajroī , redzi, tā ir starp Kādēšu un Beredu.
15 Un Hāgare dzemdēja Ābramam dēlu, un Ābrams savu dēlu, kuru viņam bija dzemdējusi Hāgare, nosauca vārdā Ismaēls. 16 Kad Hāgare dzemdēja Ābramam Ismaēlu, Ābrams bija astoņdesmit sešus gadus vecs.
Hagar and Ishmael
1 Abram's wife Sarai had not borne him any children. But she had an Egyptian slave woman named Hagar, 2 and so she said to Abram, “The Lord has kept me from having children. Why don't you sleep with my slave? Perhaps she can have a child for me.” Abram agreed with what Sarai said. 3 So she gave Hagar to him to be his concubine. (This happened after Abram had lived in Canaan for ten years.) 4 Abram had intercourse with Hagar, and she became pregnant. When she found out that she was pregnant, she became proud and despised Sarai.
5 Then Sarai said to Abram, “It's your fault that Hagar despises me. I myself gave her to you, and ever since she found out that she was pregnant, she has despised me. May the Lord judge which of us is right, you or me!”
6 Abram answered, “Very well, she is your slave and under your control; do whatever you want with her.” Then Sarai treated Hagar so cruelly that she ran away.
7 The angel of the Lord met Hagar at a spring in the desert on the road to Shur 8 and said, “Hagar, slave of Sarai, where have you come from and where are you going?”
She answered, “I am running away from my mistress.”
9 He said, “Go back to her and be her slave.” 10 Then he said, “I will give you so many descendants that no one will be able to count them. 11 You are going to have a son, and you will name him Ishmael, because the Lord has heard your cry of distress. 12 But your son will live like a wild donkey; he will be against everyone, and everyone will be against him. He will live apart from all his relatives.”
13 Hagar asked herself, “Have I really seen God and lived to tell about it?” So she called the Lord, who had spoken to her, “A God Who Sees.” 14 That is why people call the well between Kadesh and Bered “The Well of the Living One Who Sees Me.”
15 Hagar bore Abram a son, and he named him Ishmael. 16 Abram was eighty-six years old at the time.