Valdnieka upuris
1 Tā saka Kungs Dievs: iekšpagalma vārti, kas pret austrumiem, lai sešas darba dienas stāv aizvērti, bet sabatā un jauna mēness dienās tiem jābūt atvērtiem. 2 Valdniekam jāienāk pa lieveņa vārtiem un jānostājas pie vārtu stabiem. Priesteri lai upurē viņa sadedzināmo un miera upuri, viņš pats lai zemojas pie vārtu sliekšņa un tad iet ārā, bet vārtus lai neaizver līdz vakaram. 3 Sabatos un jaunā mēnesī ļaudis lai vārtos zemojas Kungam.
4 Sadedzināmais upuris, ko valdnieks sabatos upurē Kungam, ir: seši jēri bez vainas un auns bez vainas 5 un viena ēfa labības dāvanas pie auna, bet pie jēriem labības dāvana lai ir tāda, cik grib, un viens hīns eļļas pie ēfas. 6 Jauna mēness dienā jādod jauns vērsis bez vainas, seši jēri bez vainas un auns bez vainas, 7 un lai dod labības dāvanu – vienu ēfu miltu pie vērša un vienu ēfu pie auna, bet pie jēriem – cik var un vēl vienu hīnu eļļas pie ēfas. 8 Valdniekam jānāk pa lieveņa vārtiem un jāaiziet pa to pašu ceļu.
9 Kad noteiktajos svētkos ļaudis nāk pie Kunga, tad tiem, kuri ienāk pa Ziemeļu vārtiem zemoties, jāiziet ārā pa Dienvidu vārtiem, un tiem, kuri ienāk pa Dienvidu vārtiem, jāiziet pa Ziemeļu vārtiem. Neviens lai neiet ārā pa tiem vārtiem, pa kuriem ienācis, bet pa pretējiem vārtiem. 10 Lai valdnieks iet ar tiem reizē, un, kad tie iet ārā, lai arī viņš iet ārā. 11 Svētkos un noteiktās svētku reizēs labības dāvana lai ir viena ēfa miltu pie vērša un viena ēfa pie auna, pie jēriem – cik grib, un hīns eļļas pie ēfas.
12 Ja valdnieks labprātīgi pienes sadedzināmo vai miera upuri Kungam, tad lai viņš atver Austrumu vārtus un upurē sadedzināmo un miera upuri, kā viņš to dara sabata dienās. Kad viņš iet prom, lai aizver vārtus aiz sevis. 13 Viņam katru dienu – ik rītu – jāupurē par sadedzināmo upuri Kungam gadu vecs jērs bez vainas, 14 un ik rītu viņam jāpienes labības dāvana Kungam – sestdaļa ēfas miltu un trešdaļa hīna eļļas, ar ko aplaistīt miltus. Tas ir mūžīgs un neatceļams likums! 15 Ik rītu upurim jāpienes jērs, labības dāvana un eļļa.
16 Tā saka Kungs Dievs: ja valdnieks kādam no saviem dēliem dod dāvanu, tad tā lai paliek viņa dēlam par mantojumu, 17 bet, ja valdnieks dāvanu dod kādam no saviem vergiem, tad lai tā viņam ir īpašumā līdz brīvlaišanas gadam, pēc tam lai dod atpakaļ valdniekam, jo viņa īpašums drīkst piederēt viņa dēliem. 18 Valdnieks lai neņem neko no ļaužu īpašuma, lai neatņem tiem viņu mantojumu. Saviem dēliem lai viņš dod mantojumu no sava īpašuma – maniem ļaudīm lai neatņem viņu mantojumu!”
Vietas, kur sagatavot upura gaļu
19 Pa ieeju, kas blakus Ziemeļu vārtiem, viņš mani ieveda priesteru svētajās istabās un rādīja man kādu vietu rietumu galā, 20 un teica man: “Šī ir tā vieta, kur priesteri vārīs vainas un grēka upura gaļu un ceps labības dāvanu – lai to nenes ārējā pagalmā un nesvēta ar to ļaudis.”
21 Viņš mani izveda ārējā pagalmā un veda mani uz visiem četriem pagalma stūriem, un redzi – katrā pagalma stūrī bija vēl viens pagalms. 22 Četros pagalma stūros bija noslēgti pagalmi, četrdesmit olekšu gari un trīsdesmit plati, visi četri stūra pagalmi bija viena lieluma. 23 Visiem četriem visapkārt bija akmens sēta, un visapkārt sētai bija vietas pavardiem. 24 Viņš man teica: “Šie ir pavardu nami, kur tempļa kalpotājiem vārīt tautas kaujamos upurus.”
The Prince and the Festivals
1 The Sovereign Lord says, “The east gateway to the inner courtyard must be kept closed during the six working days, but it is to be opened on the Sabbath and at the New Moon Festival. 2 The ruling prince will go from the outer courtyard into the entrance room of the gateway and stand beside the posts of the gate while the priests burn his sacrifices whole and offer his fellowship offerings. There at the gate he must worship and then go back out. The gate must not be shut until evening. 3 Each Sabbath and each New Moon Festival all the people are also to bow down and worship the Lord in front of the gate. 4 On the Sabbath the prince is to bring to the Lord, as sacrifices to be burned whole, six lambs and one ram, all without any defects. 5 With each ram he is to bring an offering of half a bushel of grain, and with each lamb he is to bring whatever he wants to give. For each half-bushel of grain offering he is to bring three quarts of olive oil. 6 At the New Moon Festival he will offer a young bull, six lambs, and a ram, all without any defects. 7 With each bull and each ram the offering is to be half a bushel of grain, and with each lamb the offering is to be whatever the prince wants to give. Three quarts of olive oil are to be offered with each half-bushel of grain. 8 The prince must leave the entrance room of the gateway and go out by the same way he went in.
9 “When the people come to worship the Lord at any festival, those who enter by the north gate are to leave by the south gate after they have worshiped, and those who enter by the south gate are to leave by the north gate. No one may go out by the same way he entered, but must leave by the opposite gate. 10 The prince is to come in when the people come, and leave when they leave. 11 On the feast days and at the festivals the grain offering will be half a bushel with each bull or ram, and whatever the worshiper wants to give with each lamb. Three quarts of olive oil are to be offered with each half-bushel of grain.
12 “When the ruling prince wants to make a voluntary offering to the Lord, either an offering to be burned whole or a fellowship offering, the east gate to the inner courtyard will be opened for him. He is to make the offering in the same way he does on the Sabbath, and the gate is to be closed after he goes back out.”
The Daily Offering
13 The Lord says, “Every morning a one-year-old lamb without any defects is to be burned whole as an offering to the Lord. This offering must be made every day. 14 Also an offering of five pounds of flour is to be made every morning, along with one quart of olive oil for mixing with the flour. The rules for this offering to the Lord are to be in force forever. 15 The lamb, the flour, and the olive oil are to be offered to the Lord every morning forever.”
The Prince and the Land
16 The Sovereign Lord commands: “If the ruling prince gives any of the land he owns to one of his sons as a present, it will belong to that son as a part of his family property. 17 But if the ruling prince gives any of his land to anyone who is in his service, it will become the prince's property again when the Year of Restoration comes. It belongs to him, and only he and his sons can own it permanently. 18 The ruling prince must not take any of the people's property away from them. Any land he gives to his sons must be from the land that is assigned to him, so that he will not oppress any of my people by taking their land.”
The Temple Kitchens
19 Then the man took me to the entrance of the rooms facing north near the gate on the south side of the inner courtyard. These are holy rooms for the priests. He pointed out a place on the west side of the rooms 20 and said, “This is the place where the priests are to boil the meat offered as sacrifices for sin or as repayment offerings, and to bake the offerings of flour, so that nothing holy is carried to the outer courtyard, where it might harm the people.”
21-22 Then he led me to the outer courtyard and showed me that in each of its four corners there was a smaller courtyard, 68 feet long and 48 feet wide. 23 Each one had a stone wall around it, with fireplaces built against the wall. 24 The man told me, “These are the kitchens where the Temple servants are to boil the sacrifices the people offer.”