Dieva godība atstāj templi
1 Es skatījos, un redzi – uz debesjuma, kas pār ķerubu galvām, augšā parādījās it kā tronis, kas safīram līdzīgs. 2 Viņš teica linaudumā tērptajam vīram: “Ieej starp riteņu lokiem, kas zem ķeruba, un grāb no ķerubiem pilnu sauju degošo ogļu un kaisi tās pār pilsētu!” Es redzēju, kā viņš nāca!
3 Kad vīrs nāca, ķerubi stāvēja nama dienvidu pusē un mākonis piepildīja iekšpagalmu. 4 Tad Kunga godība pārcēlās no ķerubiem uz nama slieksni – mākonis piepildīja namu, un pagalms piepildījās ar Kunga godības spožumu. 5 Ķerubu spārnu švīkstoņa bija dzirdama līdz pat ārējam pagalmam – kā balss, kad runā Visuvarenais!
6 Tad viņš pavēlēja linaudumā tērptajam vīram: “Ņem uguni no riteņa loka starp ķerubiem!” Viņš nāca un nostājās blakus ritenim. 7 Viens no ķerubiem stiepa roku pēc uguns, kas bija starp tiem, ņēma un deva to linaudumā tērptajam. Viņš paņēma un izgāja ārā. 8 Un ķerubiem zem spārniem parādījās itin kā cilvēka roka.
9 Es skatījos, un redzi – blakus ķerubiem bija četri riteņi, blakus katram ķerubam bija ritenis. Riteņi izskatījās kā no topāza. 10 Visi četri bija līdzīgi, it kā ritenis būtu ritenī, 11 ķerubi gāja uz četrām pusēm, un, kad tie gāja, tie nepagriezās – tie gāja taisni uz priekšu – iedami tie nepagriezās. 12 Visa to miesa, mugura, rokas, spārni un riteņi visapkārt, bija pilni acu un visi viņu četri riteņi. 13 Es sadzirdēju, ka riteņus nosauca par virpuli. 14 Tiem katram bija četras sejas: viena – ķeruba seja, otra – cilvēka seja, trešā – lauvas seja, ceturtā – ērgļa seja.
15 Ķerubi pacēlās, tie bija tās dzīvās būtnes, ko es redzēju pie Kebaras upes. 16 Kad ķerubi gāja, arī riteņi gāja tiem līdzi, un, kad ķerubi izpleta spārnus, lai celtos augšup pār zemi, tad arī riteņi palika tiem līdzās. 17 Kad viņi apstājās, tad arī tie apstājās, un, kad viņi pacēlās, tad arī tie cēlās viņiem līdzi, jo tajos bija dzīvo būtņu gars.
18 Kunga godība atstāja nama slieksni un nostājās pār ķerubiem. 19 Kamēr es skatījos, ķerubi pacēla spārnus – tie cēlās augšup no zemes un riteņi līdz ar tiem. Tie nostājās austrumos, Kunga nama vārtu ailā, un Israēla Dieva godība bija pār tiem.
20 Tie bija dzīvās būtnes, ko es redzēju zem Israēla Dieva pie Kebaras upes. Es zināju, ka tie ir ķerubi. 21 Tiem bija četras sejas un četri spārni, un zem viņu spārniem bija itin kā cilvēka rokas. 22 Viņu sejas bija tādas pašas kā tiem, kurus es redzēju pie Kebaras upes. Ikviens gāja taisni uz priekšu.
The Glory of the Lord Leaves the Temple
1 I looked at the dome over the heads of the living creatures and above them was something that seemed to be a throne made of sapphire. 2 God said to the man wearing linen clothes, “Go between the wheels under the creatures and fill your hands with burning coals. Then scatter the coals over the city.”
I watched him go. 3 The creatures were standing to the south of the Temple when he went in, and a cloud filled the inner courtyard. 4 The dazzling light of the Lord's presence rose up from the creatures and moved to the entrance of the Temple. Then the cloud filled the Temple, and the courtyard was blazing with the light. 5 The noise made by the creatures' wings was heard even in the outer courtyard. It sounded like the voice of Almighty God.
6 When the Lord commanded the man wearing linen clothes to take some fire from between the wheels that were under the creatures, the man went in and stood by one of the wheels. 7 One of the creatures reached his hand into the fire that was there among them, picked up some coals, and put them in the hands of the man in linen. The man took the coals and left.
8 I saw that each creature had what looked like a human hand under each of its wings. 9-10 I also saw that there were four wheels, all alike, one beside each creature. The wheels shone like precious stones, and each one had another wheel which intersected it at right angles. 11 When the creatures moved, they could go in any direction without turning. They all moved together in the direction they wanted to go, without having to turn around. 12 Their bodies, backs, hands, wings, and wheels were covered with eyes. 13 I heard a voice calling out, “Whirling wheels.”
14 Each creature had four faces. The first was the face of a bull, the second a human face, the third the face of a lion, and the fourth the face of an eagle. 15 (They were the same creatures that I had seen by the Chebar River.) When the creatures rose in the air 16 and moved, the wheels went with them. Whenever they spread their wings to fly, the wheels still went with them. 17 When the creatures stopped, the wheels stopped; and when the creatures flew, the wheels went with them, because the creatures controlled them.
18 Then the dazzling light of the Lord's presence left the entrance of the Temple and moved to a place above the creatures. 19 They spread their wings and flew up from the earth while I was watching, and the wheels went with them. They paused at the east gate of the Temple, and the dazzling light was over them. 20 I recognized them as the same creatures which I had seen beneath the God of Israel at the Chebar River.
21 Each of them had four faces, four wings, and what looked like a human hand under each wing. 22 Their faces looked exactly like the faces I had seen by the Chebar River. Each creature moved straight ahead.