Sadedzināmo upuru altāra izgatavošana
(2Moz 27:1–8)
1 Un viņš uztaisīja no akācijkoka altāri sadedzināmajiem upuriem – piecus elkoņus garu, piecus elkoņus platu, četrstūrainu un trīs elkoņus augstu. 2 Viņš darināja tam visos četros stūros ragus – ragi ar to bija no viena gabala, un viņš pārklāja to ar varu. 3 Un viņš darināja visus altāra rīkus – katlus, liekšķeres, bļodas, dakšas un ogļu pannas, visus rīkus viņš darināja no vara. 4 Un viņš darināja altārim režģi, pītu vara darinājumu apakšā pie altāra malas, lai tas sniedzas līdz pusei. 5 Viņš izlēja četrus vara riņķus visiem četriem režģa stūriem kā turekļus nesamajām kārtīm. 6 Un viņš darināja akācijkoka nesamās kārtis un pārklāja tās ar varu. 7 Viņš ievēra nesamās kārtis riņķos abās altāra malās, lai to varētu nest aiz tām, – tos viņš taisīja gar abām malām.
8 Un viņš darināja vara katlu ar vara pamatni no to kalpoņu spoguļiem, kas kalpo Saiešanas telts durvīs.
Pagalma izveidošana
(2Moz 27:9–19)
9 Un viņš uztaisīja pagalmu dienvidu pusē. Pagalma priekškars bija no smalka lina, simts elkoņu garš. 10 Un tam – divdesmit stabus ar divdesmit vara pamatiem, stabu āķus un sudraba savienojumus. 11 Un ziemeļu pusē – simts elkoņu garu priekškaru un divdesmit stabus ar divdesmit vara pamatiem, stabu āķus un sudraba savienojumus. 12 Un priekškarus rietumu pusē – piecdesmit elkoņus garus un desmit stabus ar desmit pamatiem, desmit stabu āķus un sudraba savienojumus. 13 Un austrumu pusē, pret saules lēktu – piecdesmit elkoņus garu priekškaru. 14 Un piecpadsmit elkoņus garu priekškaru vārtu sānmalai un tam trīs stabus ar trīs pamatiem. 15 Arī otrā sānmalā, abpus pagalma vārtiem – piecpadsmit elkoņus garu priekškaru un tam trīs stabus ar trīs pamatiem. 16 Visi pagalma priekškari visapkārt bija no smalka lina. 17 Visi stabu pamati – no vara, stabu āķi un savienojumi – no sudraba, to galu pārklājums – no sudraba, un visi pagalma stabi bija sastiprināti ar sudrabu. 18 Un pagalma vārtu priekškaru, austu darinājumu – purpurzilu, purpura, sarkana un smalka lina auduma – divdesmit elkoņus garu un augstu, piecus elkoņus platu, atbilstoši pagalma priekškariem. 19 Un tam četrus stabus ar četriem pamatiem no vara, to āķus no sudraba, un to galu pārklājumu un savienojumus no sudraba. 20 Mājoklim un pagalmam visapkārt visi mietiņi bija no vara.
Telts celšanai izlietotie materiāli
21 Šis ir Mājokļa, liecības Mājokļa, lietu uzskaitījums, tās tika saskaitītas pēc Mozus pavēles, to darīja levīti priestera Ītāmāra, Ārona dēla, vadībā. 22 Un Becalēls, Ūrī dēls, Hūra dēls no Jūdas cilts darināja visu, ko Kungs Mozum bija pavēlējis. 23 Kopā ar viņu strādāja Āholīābs, Ahīsāmāha dēls, no Dana cilts, amatnieks un izgudrotājs, viņš mācēja aust purpurzilu, purpura, sarkanu un smalka lina audumu.
24 Viss zelts, kas tika izlietots, ceļot svētvietu, ziedotais zelts, bija divdesmit deviņi talanti un septiņi simti trīsdesmit šekeļi, mērot pēc svētvietas šekeļa. 25 Un sudrabs, no tiem, kas sapulcē tika saskaitīti, – simts talantu un tūkstotis septiņi simti septiņdesmit pieci šekeļi, mērot pēc svētvietas šekeļa. 26 Galvasnauda bija pusšekelis, mērot pēc svētvietas šekeļa no katra, kas saskaitīts – no divdesmit gadiem un vairāk, – no seši simti trīs tūkstošiem pieci simti piecdesmit. 27 Svētvietas un priekškara pamatu liešanai izlietoja simts talantus sudraba – simts pamati no simts talantiem, pa talantam uz pamatu. 28 Un no tūkstoš septiņi simti septiņdesmit pieciem šekeļiem viņš darināja āķus stabiem, pārklāja to galus un savienoja tos. 29 Un tika ziedoti septiņdesmit talanti un divi tūkstoši četri simti šekeļu vara. 30 No tā viņš darināja pamatus Saiešanas telts durvīm, vara altāri un vara režģi tam, un visus altāra rīkus, 31 un pagalma pamatus visapkārt, un pagalma vārtu pamatus, un visus Mājokļa mietiņus, un visus pagalma mietiņus visapkārt.
Making the Altar for Burning Offerings
(Exodus 27.1-8)
1 For burning offerings, he made an altar out of acacia wood. It was square, 7½ feet long and 7½ feet wide, and it was 4½ feet high. 2 He made the projections at the top of the four corners, so that they formed one piece with the altar. He covered it all with bronze. 3 He also made all the equipment for the altar: the pans, the shovels, the bowls, the hooks, and the fire pans. All this equipment was made of bronze. 4 He made a bronze grating and put it under the rim of the altar, so that it reached halfway up the altar. 5 He made four carrying rings and put them on the four corners. 6 He made carrying poles of acacia wood, covered them with bronze, 7 and put them in the rings on each side of the altar. The altar was made of boards and was hollow.
Making the Bronze Basin
(Exodus 30.18)
8 He made the bronze basin and its bronze base out of the mirrors belonging to the women who served at the entrance of the Tent of the Lord's presence.
The Enclosure for the Tent of the Lord's Presence
(Exodus 27.9-19)
9 For the Tent of the Lord's presence he made the enclosure out of fine linen curtains. On the south side the curtains were 50 yards long, 10 supported by twenty bronze posts in twenty bronze bases, with hooks and rods made of silver. 11 The enclosure was the same on the north side. 12 On the west side there were curtains 25 yards long, with ten posts and ten bases and with hooks and rods made of silver. 13 On the east side, where the entrance was, the enclosure was also 25 yards wide. 14-15 On each side of the entrance there were 7½ yards of curtains, with three posts and three bases. 16 All the curtains around the enclosure were made of fine linen. 17 The bases for the posts were made of bronze, and the hooks, the rods, and the covering of the tops of the posts were made of silver. All the posts around the enclosure were connected with silver rods. 18 The curtain for the entrance of the enclosure was made of fine linen woven with blue, purple, and red wool and decorated with embroidery. It was 10 yards long and 2½ yards high, like the curtains of the enclosure. 19 It was supported by four posts in four bronze bases. Their hooks, the covering of their tops, and their rods were made of silver. 20 All the pegs for the Tent and for the surrounding enclosure were made of bronze.
Metals Used in the Tent of the Lord's Presence
21 Here is a list of the amounts of the metals used in the Tent of the Lord's presence, where the two stone tablets were kept on which the Ten Commandments were written. The list was ordered by Moses and made by the Levites who worked under the direction of Ithamar son of Aaron the priest.
22 Bezalel, the son of Uri and grandson of Hur from the tribe of Judah, made everything that the Lord had commanded. 23 His helper, Oholiab son of Ahisamach, from the tribe of Dan, was an engraver, a designer, and a weaver of fine linen and of blue, purple, and red wool.
24 All the gold that had been dedicated to the Lord for the sacred Tent weighed 2,195 pounds, weighed according to the official standard. 25 The silver from the census of the community weighed 7,550 pounds, weighed according to the official standard. 26 This amount equaled the total paid by all persons enrolled in the census, each one paying the required amount, weighed according to the official standard. There were 603,550 men twenty years old or older enrolled in the census. 27 Of the silver, 7,500 pounds were used to make the hundred bases for the sacred Tent and for the curtain, 75 pounds for each base. 28 With the remaining 50 pounds of silver Bezalel made the rods, the hooks for the posts, and the covering for their tops. 29 The bronze which was dedicated to the Lord amounted to 5,310 pounds. 30 With it he made the bases for the entrance of the Tent of the Lord's presence, the bronze altar with its bronze grating, all the equipment for the altar, 31 the bases for the surrounding enclosure and for the entrance of the enclosure, and all the pegs for the Tent and the surrounding enclosure.