Derības apstiprināšana
1 Un Mozum viņš teica: “Kāpiet augšup pie Kunga, tu, Ārons, Nādābs, Abīhū un septiņdesmit no Israēla vecajiem, un zemojieties jau iztālēm! 2 Lai Mozus tuvojas Kungam viens pats, bet viņi lai netuvojas, lai ļaudis nekāpj kopā ar viņu.” 3 Tad Mozus nāca un pastāstīja tautai visus Kunga vārdus un tiesas, un tauta atbildēja visi kā viens: “Visu, ko Kungs ir runājis, mēs darīsim!” 4 Mozus pierakstīja visus Kunga vārdus. Viņš cēlās agri no rīta un kalna pakājē uzcēla altāri un uzslēja divpadsmit piemiņas stabus pēc divpadsmit Israēla ciltīm. 5 Tad viņš sūtīja israēliešu jaunekļus, un tie upurēja Kungam sadedzināmos upurus un miera kaujamos upurus – vēršus. 6 Mozus ņēma pusi no asinīm un salēja bļodās, bet pusi asiņu viņš slacīja pār altāri. 7 Tad viņš paņēma derības grāmatu, lasīja to, tautai dzirdot, un viņi teica: “Visu, ko runājis Kungs, mēs darīsim un klausīsim!” 8 Tad Mozus ņēma asinis, slacīja pār tautu un teica: “Redzi, šīs ir derības asinis, ko Kungs ar jums slēdzis saskaņā ar visiem šiem vārdiem!”
Kalnā ar Dievu
9 Tad Mozus un Ārons, Nādābs un Abīhū, un septiņdesmit Israēla vecajie kāpa kalnā. 10 Un viņi ieraudzīja Israēla Dievu – zem viņa kājām bija kā safīra akmeņu klājums, kā pašas debesis savā šķīstumā! 11 Viņš roku necēla pret Israēla dēlu vadoņiem! Tie skatīja Dievu, ēda un dzēra!
12 Un Kungs teica Mozum: “Kāp pie manis kalnā un paliec te, un es došu tev akmens plāksnes – bauslību un pavēles, ko es esmu rakstījis tiem par pamācību!” 13 Un cēlās Mozus un Jozua, viņa kalps, un Mozus uzkāpa Dieva kalnā. 14 Bet vecajiem viņš teica: “Palieciet šeit mūsu vietā, kamēr mēs pie jums atgriezīsimies, un, redzi, pie jums paliek Ārons un Hūrs. Kam ir kāda lieta, tas lai iet pie viņiem.” 15 Mozus uzkāpa kalnā, un kalnu apklāja mākonis. 16 Kunga godība iemājoja Sīnaja kalnā, mākonis to klāja sešas dienas, un septītajā dienā viņš sauca uz Mozu no mākoņa vidus. 17 Kunga godība Israēla dēliem likās kā rijoša uguns kalna galā. 18 Un Mozus iegāja mākonī un uzkāpa kalnā. Mozus bija kalnā četrdesmit dienas un četrdesmit naktis.
The Covenant Is Sealed
1 The Lord said to Moses, “Come up the mountain to me, you and Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, and seventy of the leaders of Israel; and while you are still some distance away, bow down in worship. 2 You alone, and none of the others, are to come near me. The people are not even to come up the mountain.”
3 Moses went and told the people all the Lord's commands and all the ordinances, and all the people answered together, “We will do everything that the Lord has said.” 4 Moses wrote down all the Lord's commands. Early the next morning he built an altar at the foot of the mountain and set up twelve stones, one for each of the twelve tribes of Israel. 5 Then he sent young men, and they burned sacrifices to the Lord and sacrificed some cattle as fellowship offerings. 6 Moses took half of the blood of the animals and put it in bowls; and the other half he threw against the altar. 7 Then he took the book of the Covenant, in which the Lord's commands were written, and read it aloud to the people. They said, “We will obey the Lord and do everything that he has commanded.”
8 Then Moses took the blood in the bowls and threw it on the people. He said, “This is the blood that seals the covenant which the Lord made with you when he gave all these commands.”
9 Moses, Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, and seventy of the leaders of Israel went up the mountain 10 and they saw the God of Israel. Beneath his feet was what looked like a pavement of sapphire, as blue as the sky. 11 God did not harm these leading men of Israel; they saw God, and then they ate and drank together.
Moses on Mount Sinai
12 The Lord said to Moses, “Come up the mountain to me, and while you are here, I will give you two stone tablets which contain all the laws that I have written for the instruction of the people.” 13 Moses and his helper Joshua got ready, and Moses began to go up the holy mountain. 14 Moses said to the leaders, “Wait here in the camp for us until we come back. Aaron and Hur are here with you; and so whoever has a dispute to settle can go to them.”
15 Moses went up Mount Sinai, and a cloud covered it. 16-17 The dazzling light of the Lord's presence came down on the mountain. To the Israelites the light looked like a fire burning on top of the mountain. The cloud covered the mountain for six days, and on the seventh day the Lord called to Moses from the cloud. 18 Moses went on up the mountain into the cloud. There he stayed for forty days and nights.