Par tiem, kas ir izslēgti no sapulces
1 Lai vīrs neņem sava tēva sievu, lai neatsedz, ko viņa tēvs apsedzis!
2 Lai Kunga sapulcē nenāk tāds, kam saspiesti sēklinieki vai nogriezts vīra loceklis!
3 Lai Kunga sapulcē nenāk ārlaulībā dzimušais, lai nenāk Kunga sapulcē līdz pat desmitajai paaudzei!
4 Lai Kunga sapulcē līdz pat desmitajai paaudzei nenāk amonietis vai moābietis, lai neviens no tiem nekad nenāk Kunga sapulcē, 5 tādēļ ka viņi nesagaidīja jūs ar maizi un ūdeni ceļā, kad jūs nācāt no Ēģiptes, un tādēļ ka viņi nolīga pret jums Bileāmu, Beora dēlu, no Petoras, Aramnaharaimas, lai tevi nolādētu! 6 Bet Kungs, tavs Dievs, negribēja klausīt Bileāmu un vērsa lāstu tev par svētību, jo Kungs, tavs Dievs, tevi mīlēja. 7 Nedzenies pēc viņu labklājības un labuma nekad, nemūžam!
8 Lai tev nav pretīgs edomietis, jo tas ir tavs brālis, un lai tev nav pretīgs ēģiptietis, jo tu miti tā zemē. 9 Dēli, kas tiem dzimuši trešajā paaudzē, drīkst nākt Kunga sapulcē.
Par šķīstību kara nometnē
10 Ja tu dodies karagājienā pret saviem ienaidniekiem, tad sargi sevi no visa ļauna. 11 Ja pie tevis ir kāds vīrs, kas nav šķīsts dēļ tā, kas noticis naktī, tad lai viņš iziet ārpus nometnes un nenāk nometnē. 12 Kad pienāk vakars, lai viņš mazgājas ūdenī, un, kad saule būs norietējusi, tad viņš atkal drīkst nākt nometnē. 13 Lai tev ārpus nometnes ir vieta, kur iziet. 14 Un lai kopā ar ieročiem tev ir lāpsta, un, kad tu būsi pasēdējis, tad paroc tur un aizber atkal ciet, apklāj savus izkārnījumus. 15 Jo Kungs, tavs Dievs, staigā nometnes vidū, lai glābtu tevi un atdotu tev tavus ienaidniekus, – lai tava nometne ir svēta, lai viņš neredz pie tevis riebeklību un nenovēršas no tevis.
Savstarpējās attiecības un attieksme pret Dievu
16 Vergu, kas pie tevis paglābies no sava kunga, neizdod atpakaļ viņa kungam. 17 Lai viņš mīt kopā ar tevi tajā vietā, ko tas izvēlējies, kādos no taviem vārtiem, kur tam ir labi, un neapspied viņu.
18 Lai nav neviena Israēla meita tempļa prostitūta, un lai nav neviens Israēla dēls tempļa prostitūta. 19 Nekad nepienes Kunga, sava Dieva, namā netikles atlīdzību un netikļa algu par solījuma upuri, jo tie ir preteklība Kungam, tavam Dievam.
20 Neaizdod savam brālim uz augļiem naudu vai ēdienu, nedod viņam uz augļiem neko, ko mēdz dot uz augļiem. 21 Svešiniekam tu vari augļot, bet savam brālim neaugļo, lai Kungs, tavs Dievs, tevi svētī visā, ko tu dari tajā zemē, kuru tu dodies iemantot.
22 Kad tu dod solījuma upuri Kungam, savam Dievam, tad nekavējies ar maksu, jo Kungs, tavs Dievs, tev prasīt atprasīs un tad tas tev būs grēks. 23 Ja tu vispār negribi dot solījuma upuri, tad tas tev nav grēks. 24 Kas nācis pār tavām lūpām, to dari un pildi, ko esi solījis Kungam, savam Dievam, jo pats no laba prāta tu esi to teicis!
25 Kad tu ieej sava kaimiņa vīnadārzā, tad līdz sātam vari ēst vīnogas, cik tev kārojas, bet traukā tās neliec!
26 Kad tu ieej sava kaimiņa labībā, tad vari plūkt vārpas ar roku, bet ar sirpi sava kaimiņa labībai klāt neķeries!
Exclusion from the Lord's People
1 “No man who has been castrated or whose penis has been cut off may be included among the Lord's people.
2 “No one born out of wedlock or any descendant of such a person, even in the tenth generation, may be included among the Lord's people.
3 “No Ammonite or Moabite—or any of their descendants, even in the tenth generation—may be included among the Lord's people. 4 They refused to provide you with food and water when you were on your way out of Egypt, and they hired Balaam son of Beor, from the city of Pethor in Mesopotamia, to curse you. 5 But the Lord your God would not listen to Balaam; instead he turned the curse into a blessing, because he loved you. 6 As long as you are a nation, never do anything to help these nations or to make them prosperous.
7 “Do not despise the Edomites; they are your relatives. And do not despise the Egyptians; you once lived in their land. 8 From the third generation onward their descendants may be included among the Lord's people.
Keeping the Military Camp Clean
9 “When you are in camp in time of war, you are to avoid anything that would make you ritually unclean. 10 If a man becomes unclean because he has had a wet dream during the night, he is to go outside the camp and stay there. 11 Toward evening he is to wash himself, and at sunset he may come back into camp.
12 “You are to have a place outside the camp where you can go when you need to relieve yourselves. 13 Carry a stick as part of your equipment, so that when you have a bowel movement you can dig a hole and cover it up. 14 Keep your camp ritually clean, because the Lord your God is with you in your camp to protect you and to give you victory over your enemies. Do not do anything indecent that would cause the Lord to turn his back on you.
Various Laws
15 “If slaves run away from their owners and come to you for protection, do not send them back. 16 They may live in any of your towns that they choose, and you are not to treat them harshly.
17 “No Israelite, man or woman, is to become a temple prostitute. 18 Also, no money earned in this way may be brought into the house of the Lord your God in fulfillment of a vow. The Lord hates temple prostitutes.
19 “When you lend money or food or anything else to Israelites, do not charge them interest. 20 You may charge interest on what you lend to foreigners, but not on what you lend to Israelites. Obey this rule, and the Lord your God will bless everything you do in the land that you are going to occupy.
21 “When you make a vow to the Lord your God, do not put off doing what you promised; the Lord will hold you to your vow, and it is a sin not to keep it. 22 It is no sin not to make a vow to the Lord, 23 but if you make one voluntarily, be sure that you keep it.
24 “When you walk along a path in someone else's vineyard, you may eat all the grapes you want, but you must not carry any away in a container. 25 When you walk along a path in someone else's grainfield, you may eat all the grain you can pull off with your hands, but you must not cut any grain with a sickle.