Mirušo augšāmcelšanās
1 Tajā laikā celsies
Mihaēls, lielais varenais,
kurš sargā tavus ļaudis.
Tad nāks bēdu laiks –
tā nebūs bijis,
kopš tautas radušās
un līdz pat šim laikam,
bet tanī laikā
tavi ļaudis paglābsies –
visi, kas ierakstīti grāmatā!
2 Daudzi, kas atdusas zemes pīšļos,
celsies –
citi mūžīgai dzīvei,
citi mūžīgam kaunam un negodam.
3 Tad gudrie mirdzēs
kā spožais debesjums,
tie, kas pie taisnības veduši daudzus, –
kā zvaigznes mūžīgi mūžam.
Laika beigas
4 Bet tu, Daniēl, apslēp vārdus un aizzīmogo grāmatu līdz laika beigām! Tad daudzi skraidīs šurpu turpu, bet zināšana ies plašumā.”
5 Es, Daniēls, skatījos, un redzi – tur stāv vēl divi citi, viens upei vienā krastā, otrs – otrā. 6 Viens teica linā tērptajam, kas stāv virs upes ūdeņiem: “Kad šīs brīnumainās lietas piepildīsies?” 7 Es dzirdēju, ka linā tērptais vīrs, kas virs upes ūdeņiem, pacēlis labo un kreiso roku pret debesīm, zvērēja pie tā, kas dzīvs mūžam: “Tas būs pēc laika, diviem laikiem un puslaika – kad svētās tautas spēks būs pilnīgi sagrauts, tad tas viss piepildīsies!” 8 Es to dzirdēju, bet nesapratu un teicu: “Mans kungs, kā tas viss beigsies?”
9 Viņš sacīja: “Vari iet, Daniēl, jo apslēpti un aizzīmogoti ir šie vārdi līdz laika beigām! 10 Daudzi šķīstīsies, darīs sevi baltus un tiks kausēti, bet ļaundari turpinās darīt ļaunu. Neviens ļaundaris nesapratīs, bet gudrie sapratīs. 11 No tā laika, kad tiks atcelts dienišķais upuris un notiks šausmīgas preteklības, paies tūkstoš divi simti deviņdesmit dienas. 12 Svētīts, kas gaida un sagaida tūkstoš trīs simti trīsdesmit piecas dienas, 13 bet tu ej līdz galam! Tu atdusēsies un celsies saņemt savu mantojumu laika beigās.””
The Time of the End
1 The angel wearing linen clothes said, “At that time the great angel Michael, who guards your people, will appear. Then there will be a time of troubles, the worst since nations first came into existence. When that time comes, all the people of your nation whose names are written in God's book will be saved. 2 Many of those who have already died will live again: some will enjoy eternal life, and some will suffer eternal disgrace. 3 The wise leaders will shine with all the brightness of the sky. And those who have taught many people to do what is right will shine like the stars forever.”
4 He said to me, “And now, Daniel, close the book and put a seal on it until the end of the world. Meanwhile, many people will waste their efforts trying to understand what is happening.”
5 Then I saw two men standing by a river, one on each bank. 6 One of them asked the angel who was standing further upstream, “How long will it be until these amazing events come to an end?”
7 The angel raised both hands toward the sky and made a solemn promise in the name of the Eternal God. I heard him say, “It will be three and a half years. When the persecution of God's people ends, all these things will have happened.”
8 I heard what he said, but I did not understand it. So I asked, “But, sir, how will it all end?”
9 He answered, “You must go now, Daniel, because these words are to be kept secret and hidden until the end comes. 10 Many people will be purified. Those who are wicked will not understand but will go on being wicked; only those who are wise will understand.
11 “From the time the daily sacrifices are stopped, that is, from the time of The Awful Horror, 1,290 days will pass. 12 Happy are those who remain faithful until 1,335 days are over!
13 “And you, Daniel, be faithful to the end. Then you will die, but you will rise to receive your reward at the end of time.”