Israēls nav atgriezies pie Kunga
1 Klausieties šos vārdus,
Bāšānas govis, kas Samarijas kalnos,
kas apspiežat nabagos,
kas nomācat trūcīgos,
kas saviem vīriem sakāt:
tik nesiet mums dzert!
2 Kungs Dievs pie sava svētuma zvērējis:
“Redzi, jums nāks dienas,
kad jūs paraus ar kāšiem,
līdz pat pēdējai ar āķiem!
3 Pa spraugām viena aiz otras jūs līdīsiet,
un jūs uz Hermonu aizsūtīs! –
saka Kungs.
4 Ejiet vien uz Bēteli un grēkojiet,
Gilgālā vairojiet grēkus,
ik rītu pienesiet savus upurus
un ik pa trim dienām desmito tiesu!
5 Upurējiet ieraugu par pateicību,
nosakiet labprātīgos upurus un lielieties vien,
jo tas jau jums tīk, Israēla dēli! –
saka Kungs Dievs.
6 Kaut arī es jums liku
tukšā trīt zobus ik pilsētā,
bez maizes visur, kur mītat,
pie manis jūs neatgriezāties! –
saka Kungs.
7 Es jums aizturēju lietu,
kad bija vēl trīs mēneši līdz ražai,
es liku līt pār vienu pilsētu, bet pār otru neļāvu līt,
uz vienas lauka malas nolija, bet otra, kur nelija, izkalta,
8 un divu trīs pilsētu ļaudis
devās uz vienu pilsētu ūdeni dzert,
bet netika sāti, taču pie manis jūs neatgriezāties! –
saka Kungs.
9 Es situ jūs ar labības rūsu un dzelti,
krietni to devu jūsu dārziem un vīnadārziem,
bet jūsu vīģeskokus un olīvkokus aprija siseņi,
taču pie manis jūs neatgriezāties! –
saka Kungs.
10 Es uzsūtīju jums mēri kā Ēģiptē,
es slepkavoju ar zobenu jūsu jaunekļus,
līdz ar sagūstītajiem zirgiem,
es liku, lai jums nāsīs sitas jūsu nometņu smārds,
bet pie manis jūs neatgriezāties! –
saka Kungs.
11 Es jūs apgriezu otrādi,
kā Dievs Sodomu un Gomoru,
un jūs bijāt kā pagale, kas izrauta no liesmas,
bet pie manis jūs neatgriezāties! –
saka Kungs.
12 Tādēļ tā es tev darīšu, Israēl!
Tādēļ ka tā es tev darīšu,
sataisies satikt Dievu, Israēl!”
13 Jo, redzi,
viņš veido kalnus un rada vēju,
un stāsta cilvēkam, kas tam prātā,
viņš rītausmu pārvērš krēslā,
viņš zemes virsotnes min –
Kungs, Pulku Dievs, ir viņa vārds!
1 Listen to this, you women of Samaria, who grow fat like the well-fed cows of Bashan, who mistreat the weak, oppress the poor, and demand that your husbands keep you supplied with liquor! 2 As the Sovereign Lord is holy, he has promised, “The days will come when they will drag you away with hooks; every one of you will be like a fish on a hook. 3 You will be dragged to the nearest break in the wall and thrown out.”
Israel's Failure to Learn
4 The Sovereign Lord says, “People of Israel, go to the holy place in Bethel and sin, if you must! Go to Gilgal and sin with all your might! Go ahead and bring animals to be sacrificed morning after morning, and bring your tithes every third day. 5 Go on and offer your bread in thanksgiving to God, and brag about the extra offerings you bring! This is the kind of thing you love to do.
6 “I was the one who brought famine to all your cities, yet you did not come back to me. 7 I kept it from raining when your crops needed it most. I sent rain on one city, but not on another. Rain fell on one field, but another field dried up. 8 Weak with thirst, the people of several cities went to a city where they hoped to find water, but there was not enough to drink. Still you did not come back to me.
9 “I sent a scorching wind to dry up your crops. The locusts ate up all your gardens and vineyards, your fig trees and olive trees. Still you did not come back to me.
10 “I sent a plague on you like the one I sent on Egypt. I killed your young men in battle and took your horses away. I filled your nostrils with the stink of dead bodies in your camps. Still you did not come back to me.
11 “I destroyed some of you as I destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. Those of you who survived were like a burning stick saved from a fire. Still you did not come back to me,” says the Lord. 12 “So then, people of Israel, I am going to punish you. And because I am going to do this, get ready to face my judgment!”

13 God is the one who made the mountains
and created the winds.
He makes his thoughts known to people;
he changes day into night.
He walks on the heights of the earth.
This is his name: the Lord God Almighty!