Pāvila ceļojums uz Jeruzālemi
1 Šķīrušies no viņiem, mēs taisnā ceļā nonācām Kosā, pēc tam Rodā un no turienes Patarā. 2 Atraduši kuģi, kas devās uz Foinīkiju, mēs uzkāpām uz klāja un devāmies ceļā. 3 Kad ieraudzījām Kipru, atstājām to pa kreisi un devāmies tālāk uz Sīriju un piestājām Tīrā, jo tur no kuģa bija jāizkrauj krava. 4 Sastapuši mācekļus, palikām tur septiņas dienas; mācekļi, Gara mudināti, brīdināja Pāvilu, lai viņš neiet uz Jeruzālemi. 5 Kad šīs dienas bija pagājušas, mēs devāmies prom, un visi ar sievām un bērniem mūs pavadīja, līdz bijām izgājuši ārā no pilsētas. Tur, nometušies ceļos, jūras krastā lūdzām Dievu. 6 Tad mēs atvadījāmies un uzkāpām uz kuģa, bet ļaudis atgriezās mājās. 7 Mēs atstājām Tīru un jūras ceļu pabeidzām Ptolemaīdā. Tur, apsveicinājušies ar brāļiem, palikām pie viņiem vienu dienu. 8 Nākamajā rītā mēs devāmies ceļā un nonācām Cēzarejā. Iegājuši evāņģēlija sludinātāja Filipa namā – viņš bija viens no tiem septiņiem –, mēs palikām pie viņa. 9 Viņam bija četras meitas, jaunavas, kas pravietoja. 10 Mēs bijām tur uzkavējušies jau vairākas dienas, kad atnāca kāds pravietis no Jūdejas, vārdā Hagabs. 11 Viņš ienāca pie mums un, paņēmis Pāvila jostu, sasēja sev rokas un kājas un teica: “Tā saka Svētais gars: jūdi Jeruzālemē tieši tāpat sasies vīru, kam šī josta pieder, un nodos to pagānu rokās.” 12 To dzirdējuši, gan mēs, gan vietējie lūdzāmies, lai viņš neiet uz Jeruzālemi. 13 Bet Pāvils atbildēja: “Ko jūs darāt, raudādami un manu sirdi plosīdami? Es esmu gatavs ne tikai tam, ka mani Jeruzālemē sasien, bet esmu gatavs pat mirt Kunga Jēzus vārda dēļ.” 14 Tā kā viņš mūs neklausīja, mēs rimāmies, sacīdami: “Lai notiek Kunga griba.” 15 Pēc tam mēs sagatavojāmies ceļam un devāmies uz Jeruzālemi. 16 Ar mums kopā gāja daži mācekļi no Cēzarejas, kas mūs aizveda un izmitināja pie kāda sena mācekļa kiprieša Mnāsona.
Pāvila vizīte pie Jēkaba
17 Kad nonācām Jeruzālemē, brāļi mūs ar prieku uzņēma. 18 Nākamajā dienā Pāvils kopā ar mums iegāja pie Jēkaba, un tur ieradās visi presbiteri. 19 Viņš tos sveicināja un pēc kārtas izstāstīja visu, ko Dievs pagāniem bija darījis caur viņa kalpošanu. 20 To dzirdējuši, viņi slavēja Dievu un viņam sacīja: “Redzi, brāl, cik daudzi tūkstoši ticīgo ir Jūdejā, un viņi visi ir dedzīgi Mozus bauslībā. 21 Bet par tevi klīst runas, ka tu jūdiem, kas dzīvo starp pagāniem, māci atkrišanu no Mozus, ka viņiem nav jāapgraiza savi bērni, nedz jādzīvo pēc tēvu paradumiem. 22 Kā nu ir? Katrā ziņā viņi dzirdēs, ka tu esi atnācis. 23 Tad nu izdari, ko mēs tev lūgsim: mums šeit ir četri vīri, kas devuši solījumu. 24 Ej un šķīsties kopā ar viņiem un iemaksā par viņiem, lai viņiem var apcirpt matus uz galvas un lai visi zina, ka tie ir nieki, ko par tevi dzirdējuši, un ka tu arī pats dzīvo, ievērodams Mozus likumu. 25 Par pagānu ticīgajiem mēs savu spriedumu esam darījuši zināmu – lai sargās no elku upuriem, asinīm, žņaugtu dzīvnieku gaļas un netiklības.” 26 Tad nākamajā dienā Pāvils, šos vīrus ņēmis un kopā ar viņiem šķīstījies, iegāja templī un paziņoja šķīstīšanās dienu piepildījumu, kad arī par ikvienu no viņiem tiks atnests upuris.
Pāvilu templī apcietina
27 Gāja jau septītā diena, kad jūdi no Āzijas, viņu templī ieraudzījuši, sakūdīja ļaužu pūli un sagrāba viņu, kliegdami: 28 “Israēlieši, palīgā! Šis ir tas cilvēks, kas visur māca pret mūsu tautu, pret Mozus likumu un šo vietu. Viņš vēl arī grieķus ir ievedis templī un apgānījis šo svēto vietu.” 29 Viņi bija redzējuši efesieti Trofimu kopā ar viņu pilsētā un domāja, ka Pāvils viņu ir ievedis templī. 30 Visa pilsēta saviļņojās, ļaudis saskrēja kopā, sagrāba Pāvilu un izvilka viņu ārā no tempļa, un durvis tūlīt tika aizslēgtas. 31 Kad tie jau dzīrās viņu nogalināt, ziņa, ka visa Jeruzāleme ir nemieru pilna, nonāca līdz vienības komandierim. 32 Paņēmis kareivjus un centurionus, viņš nekavējoties steidzās pie tiem. Ieraudzījuši komandieri un kareivjus, tie pārstāja sist Pāvilu. 33 Komandieris, pienācis klāt, viņu arestēja un pavēlēja saistīt ar divām ķēdēm. Viņš taujāja, kas viņš tāds ir un ko nodarījis. 34 Daži ļaužu pūlī sauca vienu, daži ko citu. Trokšņa dēļ neko skaidri nevarēdams saprast, tribūns pavēlēja viņu aizvest uz karaspēka nometni. 35 Kad viņš bija nonācis līdz kāpnēm, pūlis tā spiedās virsū, ka kareivjiem vajadzēja viņu nešus nest, 36 jo aiz viņiem nāca liels ļaužu pūlis, saucot: “Nost ar viņu!”
Pāvils lūdz atļauju aizstāvības runai
37 Kad kareivji jau grasījās ievest Pāvilu karaspēka nometnē, viņš jautāja komandierim: “Vai man ir ļauts tev ko teikt?” Tas teica: “Vai tu proti grieķiski? 38 Vai tik tu neesi tas ēģiptietis, kas pirms nedaudz dienām sadumpojās un izveda tuksnesī četrus tūkstošus sikariešu vīru?” 39 Bet Pāvils atbildēja: “Es esmu jūds, tarsietis no Kilikijas un ievērojamas pilsētas pilsonis. Es tevi lūdzu, atļauj man runāt uz tautu.” 40 Atļauju saņēmis, Pāvils nostājās uz kāpnēm un māja ļaudīm ar roku. Kad beidzot iestājās klusums, viņš aramiešu valodā sacīja:
Paul Goes to Jerusalem
1 We said good-bye to them and left. After sailing straight across, we came to Cos; the next day we reached Rhodes, and from there we went on to Patara. 2 There we found a ship that was going to Phoenicia, so we went aboard and sailed away. 3 We came to where we could see Cyprus, and then sailed south of it on to Syria. We went ashore at Tyre, where the ship was going to unload its cargo. 4 There we found some believers and stayed with them a week. By the power of the Spirit they told Paul not to go to Jerusalem. 5 But when our time with them was over, we left and went on our way. All of them, together with their wives and children, went with us out of the city to the beach, where we all knelt and prayed. 6 Then we said good-bye to one another, and we went on board the ship while they went back home.
7 We continued our voyage, sailing from Tyre to Ptolemais, where we greeted the believers and stayed with them for a day. 8 On the following day we left and arrived in Caesarea. There we stayed at the house of Philip the evangelist, one of the seven men who had been chosen as helpers in Jerusalem. 9 He had four unmarried daughters who proclaimed God's message. 10 We had been there for several days when a prophet named Agabus arrived from Judea. 11 He came to us, took Paul's belt, tied up his own feet and hands with it, and said, “This is what the Holy Spirit says: The owner of this belt will be tied up in this way by the Jews in Jerusalem, and they will hand him over to the Gentiles.”
12 When we heard this, we and the others there begged Paul not to go to Jerusalem. 13 But he answered, “What are you doing, crying like this and breaking my heart? I am ready not only to be tied up in Jerusalem but even to die there for the sake of the Lord Jesus.”
14 We could not convince him, so we gave up and said, “May the Lord's will be done.”
15 After spending some time there, we got our things ready and left for Jerusalem. 16 Some of the disciples from Caesarea also went with us and took us to the house of the man we were going to stay with —Mnason, from Cyprus, who had been a believer since the early days.
Paul Visits James
17 When we arrived in Jerusalem, the believers welcomed us warmly. 18 The next day Paul went with us to see James; and all the church elders were present. 19 Paul greeted them and gave a complete report of everything that God had done among the Gentiles through his work. 20 After hearing him, they all praised God. Then they said, “Brother Paul, you can see how many thousands of Jews have become believers, and how devoted they all are to the Law. 21 They have been told that you have been teaching all the Jews who live in Gentile countries to abandon the Law of Moses, telling them not to circumcise their children or follow the Jewish customs. 22 They are sure to hear that you have arrived. What should be done, then? 23 This is what we want you to do. There are four men here who have taken a vow. 24 Go along with them and join them in the ceremony of purification and pay their expenses; then they will be able to shave their heads. In this way everyone will know that there is no truth in any of the things that they have been told about you, but that you yourself live in accordance with the Law of Moses. 25 But as for the Gentiles who have become believers, we have sent them a letter telling them we decided that they must not eat any food that has been offered to idols, or any blood, or any animal that has been strangled, and that they must keep themselves from sexual immorality.”
26 So Paul took the men and the next day performed the ceremony of purification with them. Then he went into the Temple and gave notice of how many days it would be until the end of the period of purification, when a sacrifice would be offered for each one of them.
Paul Is Arrested in the Temple
27 But just when the seven days were about to come to an end, some Jews from the province of Asia saw Paul in the Temple. They stirred up the whole crowd and grabbed Paul. 28 “People of Israel!” they shouted. “Help! This is the man who goes everywhere teaching everyone against the people of Israel, the Law of Moses, and this Temple. And now he has even brought some Gentiles into the Temple and defiled this holy place!” ( 29 They said this because they had seen Trophimus from Ephesus with Paul in the city, and they thought that Paul had taken him into the Temple.)
30 Confusion spread through the whole city, and the people all ran together, grabbed Paul, and dragged him out of the Temple. At once the Temple doors were closed. 31 The mob was trying to kill Paul, when a report was sent up to the commander of the Roman troops that all of Jerusalem was rioting. 32 At once the commander took some officers and soldiers and rushed down to the crowd. When the people saw him with the soldiers, they stopped beating Paul. 33 The commander went over to Paul, arrested him, and ordered him to be bound with two chains. Then he asked, “Who is this man, and what has he done?” 34 Some in the crowd shouted one thing, others something else. There was such confusion that the commander could not find out exactly what had happened, so he ordered his men to take Paul up into the fort. 35 They got as far as the steps with him, and then the soldiers had to carry him because the mob was so wild. 36 They were all coming after him and screaming, “Kill him!”
Paul Defends Himself
37 As the soldiers were about to take Paul into the fort, he spoke to the commander: “May I say something to you?”
“You speak Greek, do you?” the commander asked. 38 “Then you are not that Egyptian fellow who some time ago started a revolution and led four thousand armed terrorists out into the desert?”
39 Paul answered, “I am a Jew, born in Tarsus in Cilicia, a citizen of an important city. Please let me speak to the people.”
40 The commander gave him permission, so Paul stood on the steps and motioned with his hand for the people to be silent. When they were quiet, Paul spoke to them in Hebrew: