Īšbošets tiek nogalināts
1 Kad Saula dēls uzzināja, ka Abnērs Hebronā miris, viņam nolaidās rokas, un viss Israēls iztrūkās. 2 Bet Saula dēlam bija divi pulku virsnieki, beērotieša Rimmona dēli, vienu sauca Baāna un otru – Rēhābs; tie bija no Benjamīna dēliem, jo arī Beērots tiek pieskaitīts Benjamīnam. 3 Beērotieši bija aizbēguši uz Gitaimu, tur tie dzīvo kā ienācēji līdz šai dienai.
4 Saula dēla Jonatāna dēlam bija kroplas kājas. Viņam bija pieci gadi, kad no Jizreēlas pienāca ziņa par Saulu un Jonatānu, tad aukle viņu paņēma un bēga, bet steigā viņš tai nokrita un palika klibs. Viņa vārds ir Mefībošets. 5 Beērotieša Rimmona dēli Rēhābs un Baāna devās uz Īšbošeta namu un nonāca tur dienas karstumā, kad viņš gulēja diendusu. 6 Viņi ienāca namā it kā saņemt kviešus un iedūra viņam vēderā – pēc tam Rēhābs un viņa brālis Baāna aizbēga. 7 Kad viņi ienāca namā, viņš bija guļamistabā atlaidies guļvietā, un, kad tie bija viņu sadūruši un nonāvējuši, tie nogrieza viņam galvu, paņēma un visu nakti bēga pa klajuma ceļu. 8 Viņi atnesa Īšbošeta galvu Dāvidam uz Hebronu un teica ķēniņam: “Redzi, tava ienaidnieka Saula dēla Īšbošeta galva – viņš tīkoja pēc tavas dzīvības. Kungs šodien ir atriebis manu kungu, ķēniņu, Saulam un viņa pēcnācējiem!”
9 Dāvids atbildēja beērotieša Rimmona dēlam Rēhābam un viņa brālim Baānam: “Dzīvs Kungs, kas mani izglābis no visām bēdām! 10 Kad man kāds sacīja: Sauls ir miris! – un viņš pats sev likās labas ziņas nesējs, es viņu Ciklagā sagrābu un nokāvu! Tā bija mana atmaksa viņam par viņa labo vēsti. 11 Vēl jo vairāk tagad, kad ļauni vīri nokāvuši taisnu vīru paša namā, viņa paša gultā, – vai lai neatprasu viņa asinis no jūsu rokām un neiznīcinu jūs no zemes?” 12 Un Dāvids deva pavēli puišiem, un tie viņus nokāva, nocirta viņiem rokas un kājas un pakāra Hebronā pie dīķa, bet Īšbošeta galvu apbedīja Abnēra kapā Hebronā.
Ishbosheth Is Murdered
1 When Saul's son Ishbosheth heard that Abner had been killed in Hebron, he was afraid, and all the people of Israel were alarmed. 2 Ishbosheth had two officers who were leaders of raiding parties, Baanah and Rechab, sons of Rimmon, from Beeroth in the tribe of Benjamin. (Beeroth is counted as part of Benjamin. 3 Its original inhabitants had fled to Gittaim, where they have lived ever since.)
4 Another descendant of Saul was Jonathan's son Mephibosheth, who was five years old when Saul and Jonathan were killed. When the news about their death came from the city of Jezreel, his nurse picked him up and fled; but she was in such a hurry that she dropped him, and he became crippled.
5 Rechab and Baanah set out for Ishbosheth's house and arrived there about noon, while he was taking his midday rest. 6 The woman at the door had become drowsy while she was sifting wheat and had fallen asleep, so Rechab and Baanah slipped in. 7 Once inside, they went to Ishbosheth's bedroom, where he was sound asleep, and killed him. Then they cut off his head, took it with them, and walked all night through the Jordan Valley. 8 They presented the head to King David at Hebron and said to him, “Here is the head of Ishbosheth, the son of your enemy Saul, who tried to kill you. Today the Lord has allowed Your Majesty to take revenge on Saul and his descendants.”
9 David answered them, “I take a vow by the living Lord, who has saved me from all dangers! 10 The messenger who came to me at Ziklag and told me of Saul's death thought he was bringing good news. I seized him and had him put to death. That was the reward I gave him for his good news! 11 How much worse it will be for evil men who murder an innocent man asleep in his own house! I will now take revenge on you for murdering him and will wipe you off the face of the earth!” 12 David gave the order, and his soldiers killed Rechab and Baanah and cut off their hands and feet, which they hung up near the pool in Hebron. They took Ishbosheth's head and buried it in Abner's tomb there at Hebron.