Sālamana nams
1 Bet sev namu Sālamans cēla trīspadsmit gadus, līdz pilnīgi pabeidza. 2 Viņš cēla māju no Lebanona koka, simts elkoņus garu, piecdesmit platu un trīsdesmit elkoņus augstu, uz četrām ciedru stabu rindām bija ciedru sijas, 3 un istabas, kas stāvēja uz četrdesmit pieciem stabiem, pa piecpadsmit katrā rindā, pārsedza ar ciedru. 4 Logi bija trīs rindās – aila pret ailu. 5 Visas ieejas un to apmales bija četrstūru un priekšpusē – aila pret ailu trīs rindās.
6 Viņš uzcēla kolonnu zāli, piecdesmit elkoņus garu un trīsdesmit platu, tās priekštelpu, pārjumi 7 un troņa zāli, kurā spriest tiesu – tiesas zāli, un noklāja to ar ciedra koku no grīdas līdz griestiem. 8 Un dzīvojamo – gan namu, gan lieveni – uzcēla tādu pašu kā šo. Faraona meitai, kuru Sālamans bija ņēmis par sievu, viņš uzcēla tādu pašu namu kā šo.
9 Visi nami bija darināti no dārga akmens – pēc mēra cirsta, ar zāģi apzāģēta – iekšpusē un ārpusē, no pamata līdz korei, no priekšpuses līdz lielajam pagalmam. 10 Pamatā bija lieli un dārgi akmeņi, desmit elkoņu akmeņi un astoņu elkoņu akmeņi, 11 un uz tiem bija dārgi, pēc mēra cirsti akmeņi un ciedra koks. 12 Lielajam pagalmam visapkārt bija trīs rindas skaldītu akmeņu un rinda tēstu ciedru. Tāds pats bija Kunga nama iekšējais pagalms un nama lievenis.
Varkaļa Hīrāma darbs
(2L 3:15–172L 4:11–18)13 Ķēniņš Sālamans sūtīja pēc Hīrāma no Tīras. 14 Tas bija atraitnes dēls no Naftaļa cilts – viņa tēvs bija vara kalējs no Tīras. Viņš bija pilns gudrības, sapratnes un zināšanu un prata no vara izgatavot jebkuru lietu. Viņš nāca pie ķēniņa Sālamana un darināja visas ķēniņa lietas.
15 Viņš izgatavoja divus vara stabus, viena staba augstums bija astoņpadsmit elkoņi, un abu apkārtmērs bija divpadsmit elkoņi. 16 Un viņš darināja divus kapiteļus, lai tos liktu uz stabu galiem, tos izlēja no vara – pieci elkoņi bija viena kapiteļa augstums, un pieci elkoņi bija otra kapiteļa augstums. 17 Kapiteļus, kas bija uz stabu galiem, rotāja tīklu pinumi no ķēžu vītnēm, septiņi vienam un septiņi otram kapitelim. 18 Tā viņš darināja stabus un divas granātābolu rindas visapkārt tīklam, kas pārklāja kapiteļus stabu galos, tādu pašu viņš darināja arī otru kapiteli. 19 Kapiteļi, kas balstījās uz lieveņa stabiem, bija izveidoti kā lotosi – četrus elkoņus augsti. 20 Abu stabu kapiteļi bija cieši virs lodes, kas bija zem tīkla, un divi simti granātābolu rindās visapkārt katram kapitelim. 21 Tā viņš uzcēla stabus tempļa lievenim. Viņš uzcēla stabu labajā pusē un nosauca to par Jāhīnu un uzcēla stabu kreisajā pusē un nosauca to par Boazu. 22 Uz stabu augšgaliem bija darināti lotosi, un viņš pabeidza darbu pie stabiem.
23 Tad viņš darināja jūru, atliedams to no vara visapkārt apaļu, tai bija desmit elkoņi no malas līdz malai, tās augstums bija pieci elkoņi un apkārtmērs – trīsdesmit elkoņi. 24 Zem malas visapkārt tai bija pumpuru rotājumi – desmit uz katru elkoni, visapkārt divās rindās, izlieti vienā lējumā. 25 Tā stāvēja uz divpadsmit vēršiem – trīs pagriezti uz ziemeļiem, trīs pagriezti uz rietumiem, trīs pagriezti uz dienvidiem un trīs uz austrumiem, un vara jūra bija uz vēršiem, bet vēršu mugurpuses bija vērstas pret vidu. 26 Jūras biezums bija plaukstas platumā, tās mala bija izveidota kā kausa mala – kā lotosa zieds, tajā ietilpa divi tūkstoši batu .
27 Viņš darināja arī desmit vara pamatnes katlu uzlikšanai, katra pamatne bija četrus elkoņus gara, četrus elkoņus plata un trīs elkoņus augsta. 28 Šādi bija taisītas pamatnes – sānu malas tām bija starp līstēm. 29 Uz sānu malas, kas ir starp līstēm, bija lauvas, vērsis un ķerubi, un uz līstēm – virs un zem lauvām un vērša – bija iekārtas vītnes. 30 Katrai pamatnei bija četri vara riteņi un vara asis – četras pēdas tām bija par balstiem, zem katla bija lieti balsti, un katrā pusē bija vītnes. 31 Tās atvere bija augšmalā, viena elkoņa augstumā, atvere bija taisīta apaļa – pusotru elkoni liela, un arī uz atveres bija grebumi, bet sānu malas bija četrstūrainas, nevis apaļas. 32 Četri riteņi bija zem sānu malām. Pie pamatnes bija riteņu stiprinājumi, viena riteņa augstums bija pusotrs elkonis. 33 Riteņi bija taisīti tāpat kā kaujas ratu riteņi, to stiprinājumi, loki, spieķi un rumbas bija lieti. 34 Četri balsti bija uz katras pamatnes četriem stūriem, pamatne un balsti bija no viena gabala. 35 Uz pamatnes puselkoņa augstumā bija apaļš riņķis, uz pamatnes bija stiprinājumi un sānu malas. 36 Viņš iegravēja ķerubus, lauvas un palmas uz stiprinājumu virsmas un sānu malām – atbilstoši katras laukumam, un visapkārt bija vītnes. 37 Tā viņš darināja desmit pamatnes, ikvienu izlejot pēc viena mēra un veida.
38 Viņš taisīja desmit vara katlus, ikvienā ietilpa četrdesmit batu, un ikviens katls bija četrus elkoņus plats – uz katras no desmit pamatnēm pa katlam. 39 Viņš lika piecas pamatnes nama labajā pusē un piecas kreisajā pusē, un vara jūru viņš lika nama labajā malā, starp austrumiem un dienvidiem.
40 Hīrāms darināja katlus, liekšķeres un laistāmos traukus. Hīrāms pabeidza visus darbus, ko viņš darīja Kunga namā ķēniņam Sālamanam, – 41 divus stabus un kapiteļu kausus, kas bija uz abu stabu galiem, un divus tīklojumus abu kausu pārsegšanai, kas bija uz stabu galiem, 42 un četrsimt granātābolus abiem tīklojumiem – granātāboli bija divās rindās uz katra tīklojuma, tie bija abu kapiteļu kausiem, kas bija domāti stabu pārsegšanai, 43 un desmit pamatnes un uz pamatnēm desmit katlus, 44 vienu vara jūru un divpadsmit vēršus zem tās, 45 un katlus, liekšķeres un laistāmos traukus – visi šie trauki, ko Hīrāms darināja ķēniņam Sālamanam priekš Kunga nama, bija no spodrināta vara. 46 Ķēniņš tos atlēja Jordānas ielejas mālainajā zemē starp Sukotu un Cāretānu. 47 Trauku lielā daudzuma dēļ Sālamans tos atstāja nesvērtus un nenoteica to vara svaru. 48 Sālamans darināja visus Kunga nama traukus, zelta altāri un tā priekšā zelta galdu, uz kura bija upurmaize, 49 un no tīra zelta piecus gaismekļus labajā pusē un piecus kreisajā pusē iekšnamam un ziedus, eļļas lukturīšus un knaibles no zelta. 50 Bļodas, dzirkles, laistāmie trauki, kausi un ogļu pannas bija no tīra zelta, arī apkalumi nama durvīm svētumu svētumā un tempļa nama durvīm bija no zelta.
51 Kad ķēniņš Sālamans bija pabeidzis visus darbus Kunga namā, viņš ienesa tur sava tēva Dāvida svētlietas – sudrabu, zeltu un traukus – un novietoja tos Kunga nama dārgumu krātuvēs.
Solomon's Palace
1 Solomon also built a palace for himself, and it took him thirteen years. 2-3 The Hall of the Forest of Lebanon was 150 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high. It had three rows of cedar pillars, 15 in each row, with cedar beams resting on them. The ceiling was of cedar, extending over storerooms, which were supported by the pillars. 4 On each of the two side walls there were three rows of windows. 5 The doorways and the windows had rectangular frames, and the three rows of windows in each wall faced the opposite rows.
6 The Hall of Columns was 75 feet long and 45 feet wide. It had a covered porch, supported by columns.
7 The Throne Room, also called the Hall of Judgment, where Solomon decided cases, had cedar panels from the floor to the rafters.
8 Solomon's own quarters, in another court behind the Hall of Judgment, were made like the other buildings. He also built the same kind of house for his wife, the daughter of the king of Egypt.
9 All these buildings and the great court were made of fine stones from the foundations to the eaves. The stones were prepared at the quarry and cut to measure, with their inner and outer sides trimmed with saws. 10 The foundations were made of large stones prepared at the quarry, some of them twelve feet long and others fifteen feet long. 11 On top of them were other stones, cut to measure, and cedar beams. 12 The palace court, the inner court of the Temple, and the entrance room of the Temple had walls with one layer of cedar beams for every three layers of cut stones.
Huram's Task
(2 Chronicles 2.132 14)13 King Solomon sent for a man named Huram, a craftsman living in the city of Tyre, who was skilled in bronze work. 14 His father, who was no longer living, was from Tyre, and had also been a skilled bronze craftsman; his mother was from the tribe of Naphtali. Huram was an intelligent and experienced craftsman. He accepted King Solomon's invitation to be in charge of all the bronze work.
The Two Bronze Columns
(2 Chronicles 3.15-17)15 Huram cast two bronze columns, each one 27 feet tall and 18 feet in circumference, and placed them at the entrance of the Temple. 16 He also made two bronze capitals, each one 7½ feet tall, to be placed on top of the columns. 17 The top of each column was decorated with a design of interwoven chains 18 and two rows of bronze pomegranates.
19 The capitals were shaped like lilies, 6 feet tall, 20 and were placed on a rounded section which was above the chain design. There were 200 pomegranates in two rows around each capital.
21 Huram placed these two bronze columns in front of the entrance of the Temple: the one on the south side was named Jachin and the one on the north was named Boaz. 22 The lily-shaped bronze capitals were on top of the columns.
And so the work on the columns was completed.
The Bronze Tank
(2 Chronicles 4.2-5)23 Huram made a round tank of bronze, 7½ feet deep, 15 feet in diameter, and 45 feet in circumference. 24 All around the outer edge of the rim of the tank were two rows of bronze gourds, which had been cast all in one piece with the rest of the tank. 25 The tank rested on the backs of twelve bronze bulls that faced outward, three facing in each direction. 26 The sides of the tank were 3 inches thick. Its rim was like the rim of a cup, curving outward like the petals of a lily. The tank held about 10,000 gallons.
The Bronze Carts
27 Huram also made ten bronze carts; each was 6 feet long, 6 feet wide, and 4½ feet high. 28 They were made of square panels which were set in frames, 29 with the figures of lions, bulls, and winged creatures on the panels; and on the frames, above and underneath the lions and bulls, there were spiral figures in relief. 30 Each cart had four bronze wheels with bronze axles. At the four corners were bronze supports for a basin; the supports were decorated with spiral figures in relief. 31 There was a circular frame on top for the basin. It projected upward 18 inches from the top of the cart and 7 inches down into it. It had carvings around it. 32 The wheels were 25 inches high; they were under the panels, and the axles were of one piece with the carts. 33 The wheels were like chariot wheels; their axles, rims, spokes, and hubs were all of bronze. 34 There were four supports at the bottom corners of each cart, which were of one piece with the cart. 35 There was a 9-inch band around the top of each cart; its supports and the panels were of one piece with the cart. 36 The supports and panels were decorated with figures of winged creatures, lions, and palm trees, wherever there was space for them, with spiral figures all around. 37 This, then, is how the carts were made; they were all alike, having the same size and shape.
38 Huram also made ten basins, one for each cart. Each basin was 6 feet in diameter and held 200 gallons. 39 He placed five of the carts on the south side of the Temple, and the other five on the north side; the tank he placed at the southeast corner.
Summary List of Temple Furnishings
(2 Chronicles 4.11—5.1)40-45 Huram also made pots, shovels, and bowls. He completed all his work for King Solomon for the Lord's Temple. This is what he made:
The two columnsThe two bowl-shaped capitals on top of the columnsThe design of interwoven chains on each capitalThe 400 bronze pomegranates, in two rows of 100 each around the design on each capitalThe ten cartsThe ten basinsThe tankThe twelve bulls supporting the tankThe pots, shovels, and bowlsAll this equipment for the Temple, which Huram made for King Solomon, was of polished bronze. 46 The king had it all made in the foundry between Sukkoth and Zarethan, in the Jordan Valley. 47 Solomon did not have these bronze objects weighed, because there were too many of them, and so their weight was never determined.
48 Solomon also had gold furnishings made for the Temple: the altar, the table for the bread offered to God, 49 the ten lampstands that stood in front of the Most Holy Place, five on the south side and five on the north; the flowers, lamps, and tongs; 50 the cups, lamp snuffers, bowls, dishes for incense, and the pans used for carrying live coals; and the hinges for the doors of the Most Holy Place and of the outer doors of the Temple. All these furnishings were made of gold.
51 When King Solomon finished all the work on the Temple, he placed in the Temple storerooms all the things that his father David had dedicated to the Lord—the silver, gold, and other articles.