Dāvids – ķēniņš pār visu Israēlu
(2Sam 5:1–3)1 Tad viss Israēls sapulcējās pie Dāvida Hebronā un sacīja: “Redzi, mēs esam no tava kaula un tavas miesas! 2 Gan vakar, gan aizvakar, gan tad, kad Sauls bija ķēniņš, tu esi vadījis Israēlu, un Kungs, tavs Dievs, tev ir sacījis: tu ganīsi manu tautu Israēlu un kļūsi valdnieks manai tautai, Israēlam!” 3 Tad visi Israēla vecajie nāca pie ķēniņa uz Hebronu, un Hebronā Dāvids noslēdza ar tiem derību Kunga priekšā, un tie svaidīja Dāvidu par Israēla ķēniņu, kā Kungs bija sacījis Samuēlam.
Jeruzālemes ieņemšana
(2Sam 5:6–10)4 Dāvids un viss Israēls devās uz Jeruzālemi – tā ir agrākā Jebūsa, tajā zemē dzīvoja jebūsieši. 5 Jebūsas iedzīvotāji sacīja Dāvidam: “Tu šeit neienāksi!” Bet Dāvids ieņēma Ciānas cietoksni, tā ir Dāvida pilsēta. 6 Un Dāvids sacīja: “Kurš pirmais uzbruks jebūsiešiem, tas būs vadonis un pavēlnieks!” Pirmais augšā uzkāpa Joābs, Cerūjas dēls, un viņš kļuva par virspavēlnieku. 7 Dāvids dzīvoja tajā cietoksnī, tādēļ to nosauca par Dāvida pilsētu. 8 Viņš būvēja, sākot no Millo, apkārt pilsētai, bet Joābs atjaunoja pārējo pilsētu. 9 Dāvids kļuva arvien varenāks, jo Pulku Kungs bija ar viņu!
Dāvida vīri un to varoņdarbi
(2Sam 23:8–39)10 Šie ir Dāvida varonīgo vīru vadoņi, kas atbalstīja viņa valsti kopā ar visu Israēlu, lai viņš valdītu, kā Kungs bija teicis par Israēlu.
11 Šie ir Dāvida varoņi: Jāšābāms, Hahmonī dēls, vadonis trīsdesmit vīriem, viņš vadīja savu šķēpu pret trīs simtiem un nokāva tos vienā reizē! 12 Nākamais pēc viņa bija ahohietis Elāzārs, Dodo dēls, viņš bija viens no trim varoņiem. 13 Viņš bija kopā ar Dāvidu Pasdammīmā, kad filistieši pulcējās karam, un tur bija miežu lauks, un tauta bēga no filistiešiem, 14 bet viņš nostājās lauka vidū, pasargāja viņus, kaudams filistiešus! Kungs viņus izglāba, dāvāja varenu glābiņu! 15 Trīs no trīsdesmit vadoņiem nāca lejā pie Dāvida, uz klinti pie Adullāma alas. Filistiešu nometne bija uzcelta Refāiešu ielejā. 16 Tolaik Dāvids bija cietoksnī, bet filistiešu karaspēka mītne atradās Betlēmē. 17 Slāpēs Dāvids teica: “Kurš man dos dzert ūdeni no Betlēmes akas, kas pie pilsētas vārtiem?” 18 Tad tie trīs izlauzās cauri filistiešu nometnei un pasmēla ūdeni no Betlēmes akas, kas pie vārtiem, viņi to ņēma un atnesa Dāvidam. Bet Dāvids negribēja to dzert, viņš to izlēja kā upuri Kungam 19 un teica: “Mans Dievs, pasargi, ka es tā darītu! Vai man jādzer šo vīru asinis un dzīvība? Viņi to atnesa, savu dzīvību netaupot, – es to nedrīkstu dzert!” Tādu darbu paveica trīs varoņi!
20 Abīšajs, Joāba brālis, bija galvenais trijiem, viņš vadīja savu šķēpu pret trīs simtiem un tos nokāva. Viņš tika godāts triju vidū. 21 Viņš tika godāts arī starp otriem trim un bija to virsnieks, bet nekļuva tāds kā pirmie trīs.
22 Benājāhu, Jehojādas dēls, stiprinieka dēls no Kabceēlas, darīja varenas lietas – viņš kāva divus moābiešus, kuri bija kā lauvas! Viņš devās un bedrē kāva lauvu, turklāt todien sniga! 23 Viņš kāva arī ēģiptieti, kurš bija piecas olektis garš, ēģiptietim rokā bija šķēps kā audēja riestava, bet viņš pie tā devās ar zizli, izrāva ēģiptietim no rokas šķēpu un nokāva to ar viņa paša šķēpu! 24 To paveica Benājāhu, Jehojādas dēls, un viņš tika godāts trīs varoņu vidū. 25 Viņš bija visgodājamākais no trīsdesmit, bet ne tāds, kā pirmie trīs. Un Dāvids viņu iecēla par savu sargu.
26 Karaspēka varoņi bija Asāēls, Joāba brālis, Elhānāns, Dodo dēls no Betlēmes, 27 harorietis Šamma, pelonietis Helecs, 28 tekoietis Īra, Ikēša dēls, anatotietis Abīezers, 29 hušātietis Sibehajs, ahohietis Īlajs, 30 netofātietis Mahrajs, netofātietis Hēleds, Baānas dēls, 31 Itajs, Rībaja dēls, no Gibas Benjamīna dēliem, pirātonietis Benājāhu, 32 Hūrijs no Gaašas ielejām, arbatietis Abīēls, 33 bahūrīmietis Azmāvets, šaalbīmietis Eljahba, 34 gizonieši Hāšēma dēli, harārietis Jonatāns, Šāges dēls, 35 harārietis Ahīāms, Sāhāra dēls, Elīfals, Ūras dēls, 36 meherātietis Hēfers, pelonietis Ahija, 37 karmelietis Hecro, Naarajs, Ezbaja dēls, 38 Joēls, Nātāna brālis, Mibhārs, Hagrī dēls, 39 amonietis Celeks, berotietis Nahrajs, Joāba, Cerūjas dēla, ieroču nesējs, 40 jitrietis Īra, jitrietis Gārēbs, 41 hetietis Ūrija, Zābāds, Ahlāja dēls, 42 rūbenietis Adina, Šīzas dēls, Rūbena vadonis, un pie viņa bija trīsdesmit vīri. 43 Hānāns, Maaha dēls, mitnietis Jehošāfāts, 44 aštārotietis Uzija, Šāma un Jeiēls, aroērieši Hotāma dēli, 45 tīcieši Jedīaēls, Šimrī dēls, un viņa brālis Joha, 46 mahanaimietis Elīēls, Jerībajs un Jošavja, Elnaama dēli, un moābietis Jitma, 47 mecobajieši Elīēls, Obēds un Jaasiēls.
David Becomes King of Israel and Judah
(2 Samuel 5.1-10)1 All the people of Israel went to David at Hebron and said to him, “We are your own flesh and blood. 2 In the past, even when Saul was still our king, you led the people of Israel in battle, and the Lord your God promised you that you would lead his people and be their ruler.” 3 So all the leaders of Israel came to King David at Hebron. He made a sacred alliance with them, they anointed him, and he became king of Israel, just as the Lord had promised through Samuel.
4 King David and all the Israelites went and attacked the city of Jerusalem. It was then known as Jebus, and the Jebusites, the original inhabitants of the land, were still living there. 5 The Jebusites told David he would never get inside the city, but David captured their fortress of Zion, and it became known as “David's City.” 6 David said, “The first man to kill a Jebusite will be commander of the army!” Joab, whose mother was Zeruiah, led the attack and became commander. 7 Because David went to live in the fortress, it came to be called “David's City.” 8 He rebuilt the city, starting at the place where land was filled in on the east side of the hill, and Joab restored the rest of the city. 9 David grew stronger and stronger, because the Lord Almighty was with him.
David's Famous Soldiers
(2 Samuel 23.8-39)10 This is the list of David's famous soldiers. Together with the rest of the people of Israel, they helped him become king, as the Lord had promised, and they kept his kingdom strong.
11 First was Jashobeam of the clan of Hachmon, the leader of “The Three.” He fought with his spear against three hundred men and killed them all in one battle. 12 Next among the famous “Three” was Eleazar son of Dodo, of the clan of Ahoh. 13 He fought on David's side against the Philistines at the battle of Pas Dammim. He was in a barley field when the Israelites started to run away, 14 so he and his men took a stand in the middle of the field and fought the Philistines. The Lord gave him a great victory.
15 One day three of the thirty leading soldiers went to a rock where David was staying near Adullam Cave, while a band of Philistines was camping in Rephaim Valley. 16 At that time David was on a fortified hill, and a group of Philistines had occupied Bethlehem. 17 David got homesick and said, “How I wish someone would bring me a drink of water from the well by the gate in Bethlehem!” 18 The three famous soldiers forced their way through the Philistine camp, drew some water from the well, and brought it back to David. But he would not drink it; instead he poured it out as an offering to the Lord 19 and said, “I could never drink this! It would be like drinking the blood of these men who risked their lives!” So he refused to drink it. These were the brave deeds of the three famous soldiers.
20 Joab's brother Abishai was the leader of “The Famous Thirty.” He fought with his spear against three hundred men and killed them, and became famous among “The Thirty.” 21 He was the most famous of “The Thirty” and became their leader, but he was not as famous as “The Three.”
22 Benaiah son of Jehoiada from Kabzeel was a famous soldier; he did many brave deeds, including killing two great Moabite warriors. He once went down into a pit on a snowy day and killed a lion. 23 He also killed an Egyptian, a huge man seven and a half feet tall, who was armed with a gigantic spear. Benaiah attacked him with a club, snatched the spear from the Egyptian's hand, and killed him with it. 24 Those were the brave deeds of Benaiah, who was one of “The Thirty.” 25 He was outstanding among “The Thirty,” but not as famous as “The Three.” David put him in charge of his bodyguard.
26-47 These are the other outstanding soldiers:
Asahel, Joab's brother
Elhanan son of Dodo from Bethlehem
Shammoth from Harod
Helez from Pelet
Ira son of Ikkesh from Tekoa
Abiezer from Anathoth
Sibbecai from Hushah
Ilai from Ahoh
Maharai from Netophah
Heled son of Baanah from Netophah
Ithai son of Ribai from Gibeah in Benjamin
Benaiah from Pirathon
Hurai from the valleys near Gaash
Abiel from Arbah
Azmaveth from Bahurum
Eliahba from Shaalbon
Hashem from Gizon
Jonathan son of Shagee from Harar
Ahiam son of Sachar from Harar
Eliphal son of Ur
Hepher from Mecherah
Ahijah from Pelon
Hezro from Carmel
Naarai son of Ezbai
Joel brother of Nathan
Mibhar son of Hagri
Zelek from Ammon
Naharai, Joab's armorbearer, from Beeroth
Ira and Gareb from Jattir
Uriah the Hittite
Zabad son of Ahlai
Adina son of Shiza (a leading member of the tribe of Reuben, with his own group of thirty soldiers)
Hanan son of Maacah
Joshaphat from Mithan
Uzzia from Ashterah
Shamma and Jeiel, sons of Hotham, from Aroer
Jediael and Joha, sons of Shimri, from Tiz
Eliel from Mahavah
Jeribai and Joshaviah, sons of Elnaam
Ithmah from Moab
Eliel, Obed, and Jaasiel from Zobah