Love Is Better than Wine
1 This is Solomon's
most beautiful song.
She Speaks:
2 Kiss me tenderly!
Your love is better than wine,
3 and you smell so sweet.
All the young women adore you;
the very mention of your name
is like spreading perfume.
* 4 Hurry, my king! Let's hurry.
Take me to your home.
The Young Women Speak:
We are happy for you!
And we praise your love
even more than wine.
She Speaks:
Young women of Jerusalem,
it is only right
that you should adore him.
5 My skin is dark and beautiful,
like a tent in the desert
or like Solomon's curtains.
6 Don't stare at me
just because the sun
has darkened my skin.
My brothers were angry with me;
they made me work in the vineyard,
and so I neglected
my complexion.
7 My darling, I love you!
Where do you feed your sheep
and let them rest at noon?
Don't let the other shepherds
think badly of me.
I'm not one of those women
who shamelessly follow
after shepherds.
He Speaks:
8 My dearest, if you don't know,
just follow the path
of the sheep.
Then feed your young goats
near the shepherds' tents.
9 You move as gracefully
as the pony that leads
the chariot of the king.
10 Earrings add to your beauty,
and you wear a necklace
of precious stones.
11 Let's make you some jewelry
of gold, woven with silver.
She Speaks:
12 My king, while you
were on your couch,
my aroma was a magic charm.
13 My darling, you are perfume
between my breasts;
14 you are flower blossoms
from the gardens of En-Gedi.
He Speaks:
15 My darling, you are lovely,
so very lovely—
your eyes are those of a dove.
She Speaks:
16 My love, you are handsome,
truly handsome—
the fresh green grass
will be our wedding bed
17 in the shade of cedar
and cypress trees.
1 Dziesmu dziesma, kas Sālamanam.
2 “Lai viņš mani skūpsta
savas mutes skūpstiem,
jo tava mīla
par vīnu gardāka,
3 jaukāka par tavas eļļas dvesmu.
Tavs vārds
ir kā izlieta eļļa –
tādēļ jaunavas tevi mīl.
4 Velc mani sev līdzi –
mēs skriesim;
valdnieks ved mani
savos mājokļos!”
priecāsimies ar tevi,
daudzināsim tavu mīlu
vairāk nekā vīnu –
pelnīti tevi mīl.”
5 “Es melna un daiļa,
Jeruzālemes meitas,
kā Kēdera teltis,
kā Sālamana aizkari.
6 Nebrīnieties,
ka es melnīgsnēja,
jo saule mani apdedzinājusi.
Manas mātes dēli
apskaitušies uz mani,
viņi lika man sargāt
vīnadārzus –
savu vīnadārzu
es nenosargāju.
7 Teic man, tu,
ko mana dvēsele mīl:
kur tu gani?
Kur guldini avis diendusā?
Kādēļ man būt kā tām,
kas aizsegtas klaiņo
gar tavu biedru
8 “Ja tu to nezini,
visuskaistā starp sievām,
dodies pa avju pēdām
un gani savus kazlēnus
pie ganu mājokļiem.”
9 “Manai ķēvei faraona ratos
es tevi pielīdzinu, draudzene mana.
10 Tavi vaigi ir skaisti rotās
un tavs kakls krellēs.”
11 “Zelta rotas mēs tev kalsim –
ar sudraba lāsumiem.”
12 “Kamēr valdnieks pie sava galda,
smaržo mana narde.
13 Mīļais man ir mirru pušķis,
kas dus starp manām krūtīm.
14 Mīļais man ir hennas ziedu ķekars
Ēngedī vīnadārzos.”
15 “Redzi, cik tu skaista, draudzene mana!
Redzi, cik tu skaista – tavas acis ir dūjas!”
16 “Redzi, cik tu skaists,
mīļais mans, un tīkams,
ak, mūsu guļvieta zaļo!
17 Mūsu nama sienas ir ciedri,
mūsu griesti ir cipreses.