Isaiah Offers Hope to King Ahaz
1 Ahaz, the son of Jotham and the grandson of Uzziah, was king of Judah when King Rezin of Syria and King Pekah son of Remaliah of Israel went to attack Jerusalem. But they were not able to do what they had planned. 2 When news reached the royal palace that Syria had joined forces with Israel, King Ahaz and everyone in Judah were so terrified that they shook like trees in a windstorm.
3 Then the Lord said to me:
Take your son Shearjashub and go see King Ahaz. You will find him on the road near the cloth makers' shops at the end of the canal that brings water from the upper pool. 4 Tell Ahaz to stop worrying. There's no need for him to be afraid of King Rezin and King Pekah. They are very angry, but they are nothing more than a dying fire. Ahaz doesn't need to fear 5 their evil threats 6 to invade and defeat Judah and Jerusalem and to let the son of Tabeel be king in his place.
7 I, the Lord, promise that this will never happen. 8-9 Damascus is just the capital of Syria, and King Rezin rules only in Damascus. Samaria is just the capital of Israel, and King Pekah rules only in Samaria. But in less than 65 years, Israel will be destroyed. And if Ahaz and his officials don't trust me, they will be defeated.
A Son Named Immanuel
10 Once again the Lord God spoke to King Ahaz. This time he said, 11 “Ask me for proof that my promise will come true. Ask for something to happen deep in the world of the dead or high in the heavens above.”
12 “No, Lord,” Ahaz answered. “I won't test you!”
13 Then I said:
Listen, every one of you in the royal family of David. You have already tried my patience. Now you are trying God's patience by refusing to ask for proof. 14 But the Lord will still give you proof. A virgin is pregnant; she will have a son and will name him Immanuel. 15-16 Even before the boy is old enough to know how to choose between right and wrong, he will eat yogurt and honey, and the countries of the two kings you fear will be destroyed. 17 But the Lord will make more trouble for your people and your kingdom than any of you have known since Israel broke away from Judah. He will even bring the king of Assyria to attack you.
The Threat of an Invasion
18 When that time comes, the Lord will whistle, and armies will come from Egypt like flies and from Assyria like bees. 19 They will settle everywhere—in the deep valleys and between the rocks, on every thornbush and all over the pastureland.
20 The Lord will pay the king of Assyria to bring a razor from across the Euphrates River and shave your head and every hair on your body, including your beard.
21 Anyone who is able to save only one young cow and two sheep, 22 will have enough milk to make yogurt. In fact, everyone left in the land will eat yogurt and honey.
23 Vineyards that had 1,000 vines and were worth 1,000 pieces of silver will turn into thorn patches. 24 You will go there to hunt with your bow and arrows, because the whole country will be covered with thornbushes. 25 The hills where you once planted crops will be overgrown with thorns and thistles. You will be afraid to go there, and your cattle, sheep, and goats will be turned loose on those hills.
Jesaja drošina ķēniņu Āhāzu
(2Ķēn 16:52L 28:5–15)1 Jūdas ķēniņa Āhāza, Jotāma dēla, Uzijāhu dēla, dienās Arāma ķēniņš Recīns un Israēla ķēniņš Pekahs, Remaljāhu dēls, nāca pret Jeruzālemi, lai karotu ar to, bet tie nevarēja to pieveikt. 2 Un Dāvida namam tika pavēstīts: “Arāms jau izvietojies Efraimā!” – tad drebēja sirds gan ķēniņam, gan viņa tautai – kā mežā no vēja dreb koki! 3 Un Kungs teica Jesajam: “Dodies pie Āhāza kopā ar savu dēlu Šeārjāšūbu uz augšējā dīķa kanāla galu, kas pa ceļam uz Velētāju tīrumu, 4 un viņam saki: rimsties un klusē! Nebaidies, lai tava sirds neļimst no šiem abiem apdegušajiem un kūpošajiem ugunskura bluķiem – no aramieša Recīna dusmu kvēles un no Remaljāhu dēla! 5 Arāms, Efraims un Remaljāhu dēls ir sazvērējušies pret tevi, sakot: 6 iesim pret Jūdu, iedzīsim tam bailes, paņemsim to sev un iecelsim tur par ķēniņu Tābala dēlu! –
7 Tādēļ tā saka Kungs Dievs:
tas nenotiks, un tā nebūs,
8 jo Arāma galva ir Damaska
un Damaskas galva ir Recīns –
ne sešdesmit pieci gadi nepaies,
kad sakaus Efraimu, ka tas nebūs vairs tauta!
9 Efraima galva ir Samarija,
un Samarijas galva ir Remaljāhu dēls! –
ja neticēsiet, tad nepastāvēsiet!”
Zīme no Dieva – Immānūēls
10 Un Kungs vēl runāja uz Āhāzu un teica: 11 “Prasi sev zīmi no sava Dieva Kunga – vai no šeola dziļumiem vai no augšas augstumiem!” 12 Bet Āhāzs teica: “Es neprasīšu, Kungu es nepārbaudīšu!” 13 Tad Jesaja teica: “Klausies jel, Dāvida nams! Vai maz, ka jūs tielējaties ar cilvēkiem – nu arī ar manu Dievu?! 14 Tādēļ Kungs pats dos jums zīmi, redzi, jaunava kļūs grūta, dzemdēs dēlu un dos viņam vārdu Immānūēls . 15 Viņš ēdīs krējumu un medu, līdz mācēs atmest ļaunu un izvēlēties labu. 16 Jo, pirms zēns mācēs atmest ļaunu un izvēlēties labu, tā zeme, kuras abi ķēniņi tev tagad iedzen šausmas, gulēs pamesta. 17 Kungs liks, lai tev, tavai tautai un tava tēva namam pienāk tādas dienas, kādas nav bijušas kopš tā laika, kad Efraims atšķēlās no Jūdas. Nāks Asīrijas ķēniņš!”
18 Tajā dienā būs tā:
Kungs pasvilps mušām,
kas Ēģiptes upes deltā,
un bitēm, kas Asīrijas zemē!
19 Tās visas nāks un apmetīsies
ieleju kraujās un klinšu aizās,
visos krūmājos, visās ganībās!
20 Tajā dienā Kungs skūs
ar asmeni, kas aizupē nolīgts,
ar Asīrijas ķēniņu –
gan galvu, gan kāju spalvas,
gan bārdu jums nodzīs!
21 Tā būs tajā dienā –
viens turēs teli un divas avis,
22 un tās dos tik daudz piena,
ka viņš varēs ēst krējumu –
jo krējumu un medu ēdīs ikviens,
kas tai zemē būs atlicis!
23 Un tajā dienā būs tā –
it visas vietas, kur tagad aug
tūkstoš vīnakoku, tūkstoš sudraba vērti,
par ērkšķiem un dzelkšņiem kļūs!
24 Ar bultām un lokiem tur ies,
jo visa zeme būs ērkšķi un dzelkšņi!
25 Un visos vīnadārzos, ko aprauš ar kapli, –
neies bailēs no ērkšķiem un dzelkšņiem,
tie būs vēršu aploki, avis tos mīs!