A Vision of Locusts
1 The Lord God showed me that he is going to send locusts to attack your crops. It will happen after the king has already been given his share of the grain and before the rest of the grain has been harvested. 2 In my vision the locusts ate every crop in the land, and I said to the Lord, “Please forgive your nation. It's so weak. How can it survive?”
3 Then the Lord felt sorry and answered, “I won't let it be destroyed.”
A Vision of Fire
4 The Lord showed me that he is going to send a ball of fire to burn up everything on earth, including the ocean. 5 Then I said, “Won't you please stop? How can our weak nation survive?”
6 Again the Lord felt sorry and answered, “I won't let it be destroyed.”
A Vision of a Measuring Line
7 The Lord showed me a vision of himself standing beside a wall and holding a string with a weight tied to the end of it. The string and weight had been used to measure the straightness of the wall. 8 Then he asked, “Amos, what do you see?”
“A measuring line,” I answered.
The Lord said, “I'm using this measuring line to show that my people Israel don't measure up, and I won't forgive them any more. 9 Their sacred places will be destroyed, and I will send war against the nation of King Jeroboam.”
Amos and Amaziah
10 Amaziah the priest at Bethel sent this message to King Jeroboam of Israel, “Amos is plotting against you in the very heart of Israel. Our nation cannot put up with his message for very long. 11 Here is what he is saying:
‘Jeroboam will be put to death,
and the people will be taken
to a foreign country.’ ”
12 Then Amaziah told me, “Amos, take your visions and get out! Go back to Judah and earn your living there as a prophet. 13 Don't do any more preaching at Bethel. The king worships here at our national temple.”
14 I answered:
I'm not a prophet! And I wasn't trained to be a prophet. I am a shepherd, and I take care of fig trees. 15 But the Lord told me to leave my herds and preach to the people of Israel. 16 And here you are, telling me not to preach! 17 Now, listen to what the Lord says about you:
Your wife will become
a prostitute in the city,
your sons and daughters
will be killed in war,
and your land will be divided
among others.
You will die in a country
of foreigners,
and the people of Israel
will be dragged
from their homeland.
Siseņi, uguns un svērtenis
1 Tā man parādīja Kungs Dievs, redzi: viņš radīja siseņus, kad sāka dīgt atāls, un, redzi, tas bija atāls pēc ķēniņa pļaujas. 2 Un, kad no zemes bija noēsta visa zāle, es teicu: “Kungs Dievs, jel piedod, kā lai izdzīvo Jēkabs, jo viņš ir mazs!” 3 Un Kungs par viņu apžēlojās. “Tā nebūs!” teica Kungs.
4 Tā man parādīja Kungs Dievs, redzi: Kungs Dievs sauca uz uguns tiesu, un tā aprija plašās dzīles un rija zemi. 5 Un es teicu: “Kungs Dievs, mitējies jel, kā lai izdzīvo Jēkabs, jo viņš ir mazs!” 6 Un Kungs par viņu apžēlojās. “Arī tā nebūs!” teica Kungs Dievs.
7 Tā viņš man parādīja, redzi: Kungs nostājies taisni pār mūri, un rokā tam svina svērtenis, 8 un Kungs man teica: “Ko tu redzi, Amoss?” Un es teicu: “Svina svērteni!” Un Kungs teica: “Redzi, es lieku svina svērteni pa vidu savai tautai, Israēlam, vairs nekad es nebūšu pie tiem!
9 Tad Īzaka pakalni pārvērtīsies par izpostījumu
un Israēla svētvietas kļūs par drupām,
un es celšos ar zobenu pret Jārobāma namu!”
Amacjāhu apsūdz Amosu un saņem Dieva spriedumu
10 Tad Bēteles priesteris Amacjāhu sūtīja pie Israēla ķēniņa Jārobāma un lika teikt: “Israēla namā pret tevi ir sazvērējies Amoss, zeme nepanes to, ko viņš saka, 11 jo Amoss ir teicis:
no zobena Jārobāms mirs,
un Israēls aizies trimdā no savas zemes!”
12 Un Amacjāhu sacīja Amosam: “Redzētāj, ej un bēdz uz Jūdas zemi, ēd tur savu maizi un pravieto tur! 13 Bētelē vairs nepravieto nekad, jo tā ir ķēniņa svētnīca, tur ir valsts sēdeklis!”
14 Tad Amoss atbildēja Amacjāhu: “Es neesmu pravietis, nedz pravieša dēls, bet gan zemnieks, kas kopj mežavīģes. 15 Kungs mani paņēma, kad es kopu savas avis, un Kungs man teica: “Ej, pravieto manai tautai Israēlam!” 16 Un tagad klausies Kunga vārdu tu, kas saki: “Nepravieto par Israēlu un nerunā daudz par Īzaka namu!”
17 Tādēļ tā saka Kungs:
“Tava sieva pilsētā kļūs par netikli,
tavi dēli un meitas no zobena kritīs,
tavu zemi ar mērauklu dalīs,
un tu pats mirsi nešķīstā zemē,
un Israēls aizies trimdā no savas zemes!””