(A psalm by Asaph.)
God Is Good
1 God is truly good to Israel,
especially to everyone
with a pure heart.
2 But I almost stumbled and fell,
3 because it made me jealous
to see proud and evil people
and to watch them prosper.
4 They never have to suffer,
they stay healthy,
5 and they don't have troubles
like everyone else.
6 Their pride is like a necklace,
and they commit sin more often
than they dress themselves.
7 Their eyes bulge with fat,
and their minds are flooded
with foolish thoughts.
8 They sneer and say cruel things,
and because of their pride,
they make violent threats.
9 They dare to speak against God
and to order others around.
10 God will bring his people back,
and they will drink the water
he so freely gives.
11 Only evil people would say,
“God Most High cannot
know everything!”
12 Yet all goes well for them,
and they live in peace.
13 What good did it do me
to keep my thoughts pure
and refuse to do wrong?
14 I am sick all day,
and I am punished
each morning.
15 If I had said evil things,
I would not have been loyal
to your people.
16 It was hard for me
to understand all this!
17 Then I went to your temple,
and there I understood
what will happen
to my enemies.
18 You will make them stumble,
never to get up again.
19 They will be terrified,
suddenly swept away
and no longer there.
20 They will disappear, Lord,
despised like a bad dream
the morning after.
21 Once I was bitter
and brokenhearted.
22 I was stupid and ignorant,
and I treated you
as a wild animal would.
23 But I never really left you,
and you hold my right hand.
24 Your advice has been my guide,
and later you will welcome me
in glory.
25 In heaven I have only you,
and on this earth
you are all I want.
26 My body and mind may fail,
but you are my strength
and my choice forever.
27 All-Powerful Lord God,
those who stay far from you
will be lost,
and you will destroy those
who are unfaithful.
28 It is good for me
to be near you.
I choose you as my protector,
and I will tell about
your wonderful deeds.
(PSALMI 73–89)
Bezdievim un taisnajam ir katram sava alga
1 Āsāfa psalms.
Tiešām vēlīgs Dievs Israēlam,
tiem, kam sirds šķīsta.
2 Bet man teju vai sametās kājas,
gandrīz vai misējās solis –
3 es sāku apskaust katru iznireli,
kad palūkojos, cik ļaundariem labi!
4 Nav tiem nekādu likstu,
dūšīgi tie un brangi miesās,
5 tie nemokās kā visi,
nedz tos piemeklē kā citus,
6 tādēļ lepnība tiem kaklarota
un varmācība kā apmetnis tos sedz,
7 tiem acis no taukuma spiežas,
kārībā kūsā tiem sirds,
8 tie ņirgājas un runā ļaunu,
nicīgi tie ar spēku draud,
9 tie debesīs ar savu muti,
ar mēli pa zemi lodā,
10 un viņa tauta iet tiem līdzi
un ūdens veldzi pie tādiem rod!
11 Tie runā: kā uzzinās Dievs?
Vai tad Visuaugstais visu zina? –
12 Redzi, tādi ir ļaundari,
allaž tie dīki, bet manta nāk.
13 Tad velti es šķīstīju sirdi
un nevainībā mazgāju rokas –
14 sists es tiku augu dienu
un pārmācīts ik rītu.
15 Ja es nolemtu: runāšu kā tie! –
es būtu pievīlis tavu bērnu cilti.
16 Kad es pūlējos izprast,
tas man likās pārlieku grūti,
17 līdz ienācu Dieva svētnīcā –
tur sapratu, kāds tiem būs gals!
18 Patiesi, kur glums, tu tos ved,
tu liec tiem sabrukt pīšļos!
19 Redzi, tie satriekti vienā mirklī,
aizrauti prom nāves šausmās.
20 Kā nomoda sapnis tie ir, mans Kungs, –
kad modīsies, tev riebs viņu tēli!
21 Kad rūgtin rūga mana sirds
un manās iekšās durtin dūra,
22 es biju nejēga bez saprašanas
kā kustonis tavā priekšā.
23 Nu esmu vienmēr ar tevi,
tu ņem mani aiz labās rokas,
24 ar savu padomu vadi mani,
vēlāk tu godā mani pieņemsi!
25 Kas man debesīs?
Kad tu kopā ar mani –
neko nevēlos virs zemes!
26 Nīks mana miesa un sirds,
bet manas sirds klints un daļa – Dievs mūžam!
27 Jo, redzi, kas tālu no tevis, ies bojā,
tu izdeldē visus, kas neuzticīgi tev!
28 Bet es – Dieva tuvumā man ir labi,
pie Dieva Kunga es tveros,
lai paustu visus tavus darbus!