1 Bet pēc sabata, pirmajai nedēļas dienai austot, Marija Magdalēna un otra Marija nāca kapu apraudzīt. 2 Un redzi, notika liela zemestrīce, jo Tā Kunga eņģelis nāca no debesīm, piegājis novēla akmeni no durvīm un sēdās tam virsū. 3 Un viņa izskats bija kā zibens un viņa drēbes baltas kā sniegs. 4 Bet sargi drebēja aiz bailēm un kļuva kā miruši. 5 Bet eņģelis uzrunāja sievas, sacīdams: "Nebīstieties, jo es zinu, ka jūs meklējat Jēzu, krustā sisto. 6 Viņš nav šeitan, jo Viņš ir augšāmcēlies, kā Viņš sacījis. Nāciet šurp un raugait to vietu, kur Viņš gulēja. 7 Un eita steigšus un sakait Viņa mācekļiem, ka Viņš ir no miroņiem augšāmcēlies; un redzi, Viņš jums pa priekšu noiesuz Galileju, tur jūs Viņu redzēsit. Redzi, es jums to esmu sacījis." 8 Un tās steigšus izgāja no kapa ar bailēm un ar lielu prieku un tecēja to vēstīt Viņa mācekļiem. 9 Un redzi, Jēzus nāca tām pretim un sacīja: "Esiet sveicinātas!" Bet tās piegāja pie Viņa, apkampa Viņa kājas un krita Viņa priekšā pie zemes. 10 Tad Jēzus saka uz tām: "Nebīstieties, eita un sakait to Maniem brāļiem, lai viņi noiet uz Galileju, un tur viņi Mani redzēs." 11 Bet, Viņam aizejot, redzi, kādi no sargiem atnāca pilsētā un pastāstīja augstajiem priesteriem visu, kas bija noticis. 12 Un tie sapulcējās ar vecajiem, nolēma bagātīgi dot kareivjiem naudu 13 un tos pamācīja: "Sakiet, ka Viņa mācekļi naktī atnāca un, mums guļot, Viņu nozaga. 14 Un, ja tas zemes pārvaldniekam taptu zināms, mēs viņu gan nomierināsim un gādāsim par to, ka jums nekas nenotiek." 15 Un sargi ņēma naudu un darīja, kā bija mācīti. Un šī valoda ir izpaudusies starp jūdiem līdz šai dienai. 16 Bet Viņa vienpadsmit mācekļi nogāja uz Galileju, uz to kalnu, kur Jēzus tiem bija pavēlējis. 17 Un, kad tie Viņu redzēja, tie nokrita Viņa priekšā ceļos, bet citi šaubījās. 18 Un Jēzus piegāja pie tiem un uzrunāja tos, sacīdams: "Man ir dota visa vara debesīs un virs zemes. 19 Tāpēc eita un darait par mācekļiem visas tautas, tās kristīdami Tēva, Dēla un Svētā Gara Vārdā, 20 tās mācīdami turēt visu, ko Es jums esmu pavēlējis. Un redzi, Es esmu pie jums ik dienas līdz pasaules galam."
Jesus Is Alive
(Mark 16.1-8Luke 24.1-12John 20.1-10)1 The Sabbath was over, and it was almost daybreak on Sunday when Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to see the tomb. 2 Suddenly a strong earthquake struck, and the Lord's angel came down from heaven. He rolled away the stone and sat on it. 3 The angel looked as bright as lightning, and his clothes were white as snow. 4 The guards shook from fear and fell down, as though they were dead.
5 The angel said to the women, “Don't be afraid! I know you are looking for Jesus, who was nailed to a cross. 6 He isn't here! God has raised him to life, just as Jesus said he would. Come, see the place where his body was lying. 7 Now hurry! Tell his disciples he has been raised to life and is on his way to Galilee. Go there, and you will see him. This is what I came to tell you.”
8 The women were frightened and yet very happy, as they hurried from the tomb and ran to tell his disciples. 9 Suddenly Jesus met them and greeted them. They went near him, held on to his feet, and worshiped him. 10 Then Jesus said, “Don't be afraid! Tell my followers to go to Galilee. They will see me there.”
Report of the Guard
11 While the women were on their way, some soldiers who had been guarding the tomb went into the city. They told the chief priests everything that had happened. 12 So the chief priests met with the leaders and decided to bribe the soldiers with a lot of money. 13 They said to the soldiers, “Tell everyone that Jesus' disciples came during the night and stole his body while you were asleep. 14 If the governor hears about this, we will talk to him. You won't have anything to worry about.” 15 The soldiers took the money and did what they were told. The people of Judea still tell each other this story.
What Jesus' Followers Must Do
(Mark 16.14-18Luke 24.36-49John 20.19-23Acts 1.6-8)16 Jesus' eleven disciples went to a mountain in Galilee, where Jesus had told them to meet him. 17 They saw him and worshiped him, but some of them doubted.
18 Jesus came to them and said:
I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth! 19 Go to the people of all nations and make them my disciples. Baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, 20 and teach them to do everything I have told you. I will be with you always, even until the end of the world.