1 Un notika, kad Jēzus bija pabeidzis visas šīs runas, tad Viņš sacīja Saviem mācekļiem: 2 "Jūs zināt, ka pēc divām dienām būs Pashā, un Cilvēka Dēls tiks nodots, lai Viņu krustā sistu." 3 Tad sapulcējās augstie priesteri un ļaužu vecaji augstā priestera Kajafas pilī. 4 Un tie apspriedās, kā Jēzu ar viltu saņemt un nokaut. 5 Bet tie sacīja: "Tikai ne svētkos, lai ļaudīs neceltos nemiers." 6 Bet, kad Jēzus bija Betānijā spitālīgā Sīmaņa namā, 7 viena sieva piegāja pie Viņa, tai bija akmens trauciņš ar dārgu svaidāmo eļļu, kuru tā izlēja Viņam uz galvu, Viņam sēžot pie galda. 8 Kad mācekļi to redzēja, tie apskaitās un sacīja: "Kamdēļ šī izšķērdība? 9 To varēja dārgi pārdot un naudu izdalīt nabagiem." 10 Bet Jēzus, to nomanījis, sacīja tiem: "Kam jūs apgrūtināt šo sievu? Viņa pie Manis ir padarījusi labu darbu. 11 Jo nabagi ir arvien pie jums, bet Es neesmu arvien. 12 Jo, izliedama šo eļļu uz Manu miesu, viņa gribējusi Mani kapam svaidīt. 13 Patiesi Es jums saku: kur vien visā pasaulē sludinās šo evaņģēliju, tur arī sacīs viņai par piemiņu, ko tā ir darījusi." 14 Tad viens no divpadsmit, saukts Jūda Iskariots, nogāja pie augstajiem priesteriem 15 un sacīja: "Ko jūs man dosit, es jums Viņu nodošu?" Un viņi iedeva tam trīsdesmit sudraba gabalus. 16 Un no tā laika tas meklēja izdevīgu brīdi, lai Viņu nodotu. 17 Bet pirmajā Neraudzētās maizes dienā mācekļi nāca pie Jēzus un sacīja Viņam: "Kur Tu gribi, lai mēs Tev sataisām ēst Pashā jēru?" 18 Bet Viņš sacīja: "Noeita pilsētā pie kāda un sakait tam: Mācītājs saka: Mans laiks ir tuvu klāt, pie tevis Es turēšu Pashā ar Saviem mācekļiem." 19 Un mācekļi darīja tā, kā Jēzus bija tiem pavēlējis, un viņi sataisīja Pashā jēru. 20 Un, kad vakars metās, Viņš apsēdās ar divpadsmit mācekļiem, 21 un, tiem ēdot, Viņš sacīja: "Patiesi Es jums saku: viens no jums Mani nodos." 22 Un tie ļoti noskuma un sāka cits pēc cita Viņam sacīt: "Taču ne es, Kungs?" 23 Bet Viņš atbildēja un sacīja: "Kas ar Mani mērc savu roku bļodā, tas Mani nodos. 24 Cilvēka Dēls gan aiziet, kā par Viņu rakstīts, bet vai tam cilvēkam, kas nodod Cilvēka Dēlu! Tam būtu labāk, ka nemaz nebūtu dzimis." 25 Bet Jūda, kas Viņu nodeva, atbildēja un sacīja: "Taču ne es, rabi?" Viņš saka uz to: "Tu to teici." 26 Bet, tiem vēl ēdot, Jēzus ņēma maizi, svētīja, pārlauza un deva to Saviem mācekļiem un sacīja: "Ņemiet, ēdiet, tā ir Mana miesa." 27 Un Viņš ņēma biķeri, pateicās un deva to tiem, un sacīja: "Dzeriet visi no tā. 28 Jo tās ir Manas jaunās derības asinis, kas par daudziem tiek izlietas grēku piedošanai. 29 Bet Es jums saku: Es no šī laika vairs nedzeršu no šiem vīnakoka augļiem līdz tai dienai, kad Es to ar jums no jauna dzeršu Sava Tēva valstībā." 30 Un, pateicības dziesmu dziedājuši, tie aizgāja uz Eļļas kalnu. 31 Tad Jēzus saka tiem: "Jūs visi šinī naktī pret Mani apgrēcināsities, jo stāv rakstīts: Es sitīšu ganu, un ganāmā pulka avis izklīdīs.- 32 Bet pēc Manas augšāmcelšanās Es jums pa priekšu aiziešu uz Galileju." 33 Bet Pēteris atbildēja un uz to sacīja: "Kad visi pret Tevi apgrēcinātos, es nemūžam neapgrēcināšos." 34 Jēzus sacīja tam: "Patiesi Es tev saku: šinī naktī, pirms gailis dziedās, tu Mani trīs reizes aizliegsi." 35 Pēteris saka Viņam: "Jebšu man būtu jāmirst ar Tevi, taču nemūžam Tevi neaizliegšu." Tāpat arī visi citi mācekļi sacīja. 36 Tad Jēzus aiziet ar Saviem mācekļiem uz kādu vietu ar nosaukumu Ģetzemane un saka mācekļiem: "Nosēdieties šeit, Es paiešu tālāk un pielūgšu Dievu." 37 Un Viņš ņēma Sev līdzi Pēteri un abus Cebedeja dēlus un sāka skumt un baiļoties. 38 Tad Viņš saka tiem: "Mana dvēsele ir noskumusi līdz nāvei: palieciet šeit un esiet ar Mani nomodā." 39 Un, nedaudz pagājis, Viņš krita uz Sava vaiga pie zemes, lūdza Dievu un sacīja: "Mans Tēvs, ja tas var būt, tad lai šis biķeris iet Man garām, tomēr ne kā Es gribu, bet kā Tu gribi." 40 Un Viņš nāk pie mācekļiem un atrod tos guļam un saka uz Pēteri: "Tātad jūs nespējat nevienu pašu stundu būt ar Mani nomodā? 41 Esiet modrīgi un lūdziet Dievu, ka jūs neiekrītat kārdināšanā, gars ir gan labprātīgs, bet miesa ir vāja." 42 Viņš atkal aizgāja otru reizi un lūdza Dievu, sacīdams: "Mans Tēvs, ja šis biķeris nevar Man iet garām, lai nebūtu tas jādzer, tad lai notiek Tavs prāts." 43 Un Viņš nāk un atrod tos atkal guļam, jo viņu acis bija pilnas miega. 44 Un Viņš tos atstāja un atkal nogāja un lūdza Dievu trešo reizi, tos pašus vārdus sacīdams. 45 Tad Viņš nāk pie Saviem mācekļiem un saka uz tiem: "Jūs arvien vēl guļat un dusat! Redzi, tā stunda ir klāt, Cilvēka Dēls tiek nodots grēcinieku rokās. 46 Celieties, ejam! Redzi, kas Mani nodod, ir klāt." 47 Un, Viņam vēl runājot, redzi, nāca Jūda, viens no divpadsmit, un viņam līdzi liels ļaužu pulks no augstajiem priesteriem un tautas vecajiem ar zobeniem un nūjām. 48 Bet nodevējs bija tiem devis tādu zīmi un sacījis: "Kuru es skūpstīšu, tas ir Tas, To gūstait." 49 Un tūdaļ viņš piegāja pie Jēzus un sacīja: "Esi sveicināts, rabi," - un skūpstīja Viņu. 50 Bet Jēzus tam sacīja: "Draugs, kāpēc tu esi šeit?" Tad tie piegāja pie Jēzus, pielika Tam rokas un To saņēma. 51 Un redzi, viens no tiem, kas bija pie Jēzus, izstiepa roku, izvilka zobenu, cirta augstā priestera kalpam un nocirta viņam ausi. 52 Tad Jēzus saka tam: "Bāz savu zobenu viņa vietā, jo visi, kas ņem zobenu, no zobena aizies bojā. 53 Jeb vai tu domā, ka Es nevarētu lūgt Savu Tēvu un Viņš Man nesūtītu tūlīt vairāk nekā divpadsmit leģionu eņģeļu? 54 Bet kā tad raksti lai piepildītos? Jo tam tā būs notikt." 55 Tanī pašā stundā Jēzus sacīja uz ļaužu pulku: "Kā pret slepkavu jūs esat izgājuši ar zobeniem un nūjām Mani gūstīt. Ik dienas Es pie jums sēdēju Templī mācīdams, un jūs Mani neesat aiztikuši. 56 Bet tas viss noticis, lai praviešu raksti piepildītos." Tad visi mācekļi atstāja Viņu un bēga. 57 Bet tie Jēzu saņēma un aizveda pie augstā priestera Kajafas, kur rakstu mācītāji un vecaji bija sapulcējušies. 58 Bet Pēteris Viņam sekoja no tālienes līdz augstā priestera pilij un, tur iegājis, apsēdās pie sulaiņiem noskatīties, kā viss beigsies. 59 Bet augstie priesteri, vecaji un visa augstā tiesa meklēja viltus liecību pret Jēzu, lai To varētu nokaut, 60 un tomēr neatrada, jebšu uzstājās daudz viltus liecinieku; beidzot divi nāca priekšā un sacīja: 61 "Viņš ir teicis: Es varu noplēst Dieva Templi un to atkal trijās dienās uzcelt." 62 Un augstais priesteris piecēlās un sacīja uz Viņu: "Vai Tu neatbildi nekā uz to, ko tie liecina pret Tevi?" 63 Bet Jēzus cieta klusu. Un augstais priesteris sacīja Tam: "Pie dzīvā Dieva es Tevi zvērinu, saki mums: vai Tu esi Kristus, Dieva Dēls?" 64 Jēzus tam saka: "Tu to teici. Bet Es jums saku: no šī laika jūs redzēsit Cilvēka Dēlu sēžam pie Visuspēcīgā labās rokas un nākam uz debess padebešiem." 65 Tad augstais priesteris saplēsa savas drēbes un sacīja: "Viņš ir Dievu zaimojis. Kam mums vēl liecinieku vajag? Redzi, tagad jūs paši Viņa Dieva zaimošanu dzirdējāt. 66 Kā jums šķiet?" Bet tie atbildēja: "Viņš ir nāvi pelnījis." 67 Tad tie Viņam spļāva vaigā un sita ar dūrēm; bet citi Viņu pļaukāja 68 un sacīja: "Pravieto mums, Kristu, kurš Tevi sita?" 69 Bet Pēteris sēdēja priekšnamā. Un pie viņa pienāca kalpone un sacīja: "Tu arīdzan biji ar Jēzu Galilieti." 70 Bet viņš liedzās visu priekšā, sacīdams: "Es nesaprotu, ko tu runā." 71 Un, kad viņš bija izgājis vārtu priekšā, kāda cita, ieraudzījusi viņu, saka tiem, kas tur bija: "Šis arīdzan bija ar Jēzu Nacarieti." 72 Un viņš atkal liedzās, zvērēdams: "Es to Cilvēku nepazīstu." 73 Un pēc maza brīža tie, kas tur stāvēja, piegāja pie Pētera un sacīja uz to: "Patiesi, arī tu esi viens no tiem, jo tava valoda jau nodod tevi." 74 Tad viņš sāka lādēties un dievoties: "Es to Cilvēku nepazīstu." Un tūdaļ gailis dziedāja. 75 Un Pēteris atcerējās Jēzus vārdus, ko Viņš tam bija sacījis: "Pirms gailis dziedās, tu Mani trīs reizes aizliegsi." Un viņš izgāja ārā un gauži raudāja.
The Plot To Kill Jesus
(Mark 14.1Mark 2Luke 22.1Luke 2John 11.45-53)
1 When Jesus had finished teaching, he told his disciples, 2 “You know two days from now will be Passover. This is when the Son of Man will be handed over to his enemies and nailed to a cross.”
3 At that time the chief priests and the nation's leaders were meeting at the home of Caiaphas the high priest. 4 They planned how they could sneak around and have Jesus arrested and put to death. 5 But they said, “We must not do it during Passover, because the people will riot.”
At Bethany
(Mark 14.3-9John 12.1-8)
6 Jesus was in the town of Bethany, eating at the home of Simon, who had leprosy. 7 A woman came in with a bottle of expensive perfume and poured it on Jesus' head. 8 But when his disciples saw this, they became angry and complained, “Why such a waste? 9 We could have sold this perfume for a lot of money and given it to the poor.”
10 Jesus knew what they were thinking, and he said:
Why are you bothering this woman? She has done a beautiful thing for me. 11 You will always have the poor with you, but you won't always have me. 12 She has poured perfume on my body to prepare it for burial. 13 You may be sure that wherever the good news is told all over the world, people will remember what she has done. And they will tell others.
Judas and the Chief Priests
(Mark 14.10Mark 11Luke 22.3-6)
14 Judas Iscariot was one of the twelve disciples. He went to the chief priests 15 and asked, “How much will you give me if I help you arrest Jesus?” They paid Judas 30 silver coins, 16 and from then on he started looking for a good chance to betray Jesus.
Jesus Eats the Passover Meal with His Disciples
(Mark 14.12-21Luke 22.7-13John 13.21-30)
17 On the first day of the Festival of Thin Bread, Jesus' disciples came to him and asked, “Where do you want us to prepare the Passover meal?”
18 Jesus told them to go to a certain man in the city and tell him, “Our teacher says, ‘My time has come! I want to eat the Passover meal with my disciples in your home.’ ” 19 They did as Jesus told them and prepared the meal.
20-21 When Jesus was eating with his twelve disciples that evening, he said, “One of you will surely hand me over to my enemies.”
22 The disciples were very sad, and each one said to Jesus, “Lord, you can't mean me!”
23 He answered, “One of you men who has eaten with me from this dish will betray me. 24 The Son of Man will die, as the Scriptures say. But it's going to be terrible for the one who betrays me! That man would be better off if he had never been born.”
25 Judas said, “Teacher, you surely don't mean me!”
“That's what you say!” Jesus replied. But later, Judas did betray him.
The Lord's Supper
(Mark 14.22-26Luke 22.14-231 Corinthians 11.23-25)
26 During the meal Jesus took some bread in his hands. He blessed the bread and broke it. Then he gave it to his disciples and said, “Take this and eat it. This is my body.”
27 Jesus picked up a cup of wine and gave thanks to God. He then gave it to his disciples and said, “Take this and drink it. 28 This is my blood, and with it God makes his agreement with you. It will be poured out, so that many people will have their sins forgiven. 29 From now on I am not going to drink any wine, until I drink new wine with you in my Father's kingdom.” 30 Then they sang a hymn and went out to the Mount of Olives.
Peter's Promise
(Mark 14.27-31Luke 22.31-34John 13.36-38)
31 Jesus said to his disciples, “During this very night, all of you will reject me, as the Scriptures say,

‘I will strike down
the shepherd,
and the sheep
will be scattered.’

32 But after I am raised to life, I will go ahead of you to Galilee.”
33 Peter spoke up, “Even if all the others reject you, I never will!”
34 Jesus replied, “I promise you before a rooster crows tonight, you will say three times that you don't know me.” 35 But Peter said, “Even if I have to die with you, I will never say I don't know you.”
All the others said the same thing.
Jesus Prays
(Mark 14.32-42Luke 22.39-46)
36 Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane. When they got there, he told them, “Sit here while I go over there and pray.”
37 Jesus took along Peter and the two brothers, James and John. He was very sad and troubled, 38 and he said to them, “I am so sad that I feel as if I am dying. Stay here and keep awake with me.”
39 Jesus walked on a little way. Then he knelt with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, don't make me suffer by drinking from this cup. But do what you want, and not what I want.”
40 He came back and found his disciples sleeping. So he said to Peter, “Can't any of you stay awake with me for just one hour? 41 Stay awake and pray that you won't be tested. You want to do what is right, but you are weak.”
42 Again Jesus went to pray and said, “My Father, if there is no other way, and I must suffer, I will still do what you want.”
43 Jesus came back and found them sleeping again. They simply could not keep their eyes open. 44 He left them and prayed the same prayer once more.
45 Finally, Jesus returned to his disciples and said, “Are you still sleeping and resting? The time has come for the Son of Man to be handed over to sinners. 46 Get up! Let's go. The one who will betray me is already here.”
Jesus Is Arrested
(Mark 14.43-50Luke 22.47-53John 18.3-12)
47 Jesus was still speaking, when Judas the betrayer came up. He was one of the twelve disciples, and a large mob armed with swords and clubs was with him. They had been sent by the chief priests and the nation's leaders. 48 Judas had told them ahead of time, “Arrest the man I greet with a kiss.”
49 Judas walked right up to Jesus and said, “Hello, teacher.” Then Judas kissed him.
50 Jesus replied, “My friend, do what you came for.”
The men grabbed Jesus and arrested him. 51 One of Jesus' followers pulled out a sword. He struck the servant of the high priest and cut off his ear.
52 But Jesus told him, “Put your sword away. Anyone who lives by fighting will die by fighting. 53 Don't you know that I could ask my Father, and he would at once send me more than twelve armies of angels? 54 But then, how could the words of the Scriptures come true, which say this must happen?”
55 Jesus said to the mob, “Why do you come with swords and clubs to arrest me like a criminal? Day after day I sat and taught in the temple, and you didn't arrest me. 56 But all this happened, so that what the prophets wrote would come true.”
All Jesus' disciples left him and ran away.
Jesus Is Questioned by the Council
(Mark 14.53-65Luke 22.54Luke 55Luke 63-71John 18.13John 14John 19-24)
57 After Jesus had been arrested, he was led off to the house of Caiaphas the high priest. The nation's leaders and the teachers of the Law of Moses were meeting there. 58 But Peter followed along at a distance and came to the courtyard of the high priest's palace. He went in and sat down with the guards to see what was going to happen.
59 The chief priests and the whole council wanted to put Jesus to death. So they tried to find some people who would tell lies about him in court. 60 But they could not find any, even though many did come and tell lies. At last, two men came forward 61 and said, “This man claimed he could tear down God's temple and build it again in three days.”
62 The high priest stood up and asked Jesus, “Why don't you say something in your own defense? Don't you hear the charges they are making against you?” 63 But Jesus did not answer. So the high priest said, “With the living God looking on, you must tell the truth. Are you the Messiah, the Son of God?”
64 “That is what you say!” Jesus answered. “But I tell all of you,

‘Soon you will see
the Son of Man
sitting at the right side
of God All-Powerful
and coming on the clouds
of heaven.’ ”

65 The high priest then tore his robe and said, “This man claims to be God! We don't need any more witnesses! You have heard what he said. 66 What do you think?”
They answered, “He is guilty and deserves to die!” 67 Then they spit in his face and hit him with their fists. Others slapped him 68 and said, “You think you are the Messiah! So tell us who hit you!”
Peter Says He Doesn't Know Jesus
(Mark 14.66-72Luke 22.56-62John 18.15-18John 25-27)
69 While Peter was sitting out in the courtyard, a servant girl came up to him and said, “You were with Jesus from Galilee.”
70 But in front of everyone Peter said, “That isn't so! I don't know what you are talking about!”
71 When Peter had gone out to the gate, another servant girl saw him and said to some people there, “This man was with Jesus from Nazareth.”
72 Again Peter denied it, and this time he swore, “I don't even know that man!”
73 A little while later some people standing there walked over to Peter and said, “We know you are one of them. We can tell it because you talk like someone from Galilee.”
74 Peter began to curse and swear, “I don't know that man!”
Right then a rooster crowed, 75 and Peter remembered that Jesus had said, “Before a rooster crows, you will say three times you don't know me.” Then Peter went out and cried bitterly.