Slava visuvarenajam Dievam
1 Alelujā! Teiciet Tā Kunga Vārdu, teiciet, jūs Tā Kunga kalpi, 2 kas jūs stāvat Tā Kunga namā, mūsu Dieva nama pagalmos! 3 Teiciet To Kungu, jo Viņš ir žēlīgs, dziediet Viņa Vārdam, jo Viņš ir mīlīgs! 4 Jo Tas Kungs Jēkabu Sev izredzējis un arī Israēlu par Savu īpašumu. 5 Tiešām, es zinu: liels ir Tas Kungs, un mūsu Dievs ir lielāks par visiem dieviem. 6 Visu, ko Tas Kungs grib, to Viņš izdara debesīs un virs zemes, jūrā un ūdeņu dzelmē. 7 Viņš liek pacelties miglai no zemes galiem, ievada ar zibeņiem lietu, izved vēju no tā slēptuvēm. 8 Viņš nokāva Ēģiptes pirmdzimušos - gan cilvēkus, gan lopus; 9 Viņš darīja zīmes un brīnumus tavā vidū, Ēģiptes zeme, pret faraonu un visiem viņa kalpiem. 10 Viņš sagrāva lielas tautas un nogalināja varenus ķēniņus: 11 Sihonu, amoriešu ķēniņu, un Ogu, Basanas ķēniņu, un sagrāva visas Kānaāna ķēniņu valstis, 12 un atdeva viņu zemi par mantojumu, par mūža mantojumu Savai Israēla tautai. 13 Ak, Kungs, Tavs Vārds paliek mūžīgi, Tava slava, Kungs, uz radu radiem, 14 jo Tas Kungs spriedīs tiesu Savai tautai, un Viņš apžēlosies par Saviem kalpiem. 15 Citu tautu elki ir sudrabs un zelts, tie ir cilvēku roku darināti, 16 tiem ir mute, bet tie nevar runāt, tiem ir acis, bet tie neredz, 17 tiem ir ausis, bet tie nevar dzirdēt, tiem nav arī dvašas mutē. 18 Tādi paši ir arī tie, kas tos darina, un visi, kas paļaujas uz tiem! 19 Jūs, Israēla nams, teiciet To Kungu! Jūs, Ārona nams, teiciet To Kungu! 20 Jūs, Levija nams, teiciet To Kungu! Jūs, kas bīstaties To Kungu, teiciet To Kungu! 21 No Ciānas lai ir slavēts Tas Kungs, kas mājo Jeruzālemē! Alelujā!
In Praise of the Lord's Kindness
1 Shout praises to the Lord!
You are his servants,
so praise his name.
2 All who serve in the temple
of the Lord our God,
3 come and shout praises.
Praise the name of the Lord!
He is kind and good.
4 He chose the family of Jacob
and the people of Israel
for his very own.
5 The Lord is much greater
than any other god.
6 He does as he chooses
in heaven and on earth
and deep in the sea.
7 The Lord makes the clouds rise
from far across the earth,
and he makes lightning
to go with the rain.
Then from his secret place
he sends out the wind.
8 The Lord killed the first-born
of people and animals
in the land of Egypt.
9 God used miracles and wonders
to fight the king of Egypt
and all of his officials.
10 He destroyed many nations
and killed powerful kings,
11 including King Sihon
of the Amorites
and King Og of Bashan.
He conquered every kingdom
in the land of Canaan
12 and gave their property
to his people Israel.
13 The name of the Lord
will be remembered forever,
and he will be famous
for all time to come.
14 The Lord will bring justice
and show mercy to all
who serve him.
15 Idols of silver and gold
are made and worshiped
in other nations.
16 They have a mouth and eyes,
but they can't speak or see.
17 They are completely deaf,
and they can't breathe.
18 Everyone who makes idols
and all who trust them
will end up as helpless
as their idols.
19 Everyone in Israel,
come praise the Lord!
All the family of Aaron
20 and all the tribe of Levi,
come praise the Lord!
All of his worshipers,
come praise the Lord.
21 Praise the Lord from Zion!
He lives here in Jerusalem.
Shout praises to the Lord!