Their Friends Speak:
1 Most beautiful of women,
tell us where he has gone.
Let us help you find him.
She Speaks:
2 My darling has gone down
to his garden of spices,
where he will feed his sheep
and gather lilies.
3 I am his, and he is mine,
as he feeds his sheep
among the lilies.
He Speaks:
4 My dearest, the cities of Tirzah
and Jerusalem
are not as lovely as you.
Your charms are more powerful
than all of the stars
in the heavens.
5 Turn away your eyes—
they make me melt.
Your hair tosses about
as gracefully as goats
coming down from Gilead.
6 Your teeth are whiter
than sheep freshly washed;
they match perfectly,
not one is missing.
7 Behind your veil are hidden
beautiful rosy cheeks.
8 What if I could have
sixty queens, eighty wives,
and thousands of others!
9 You would be my only choice,
my flawless dove,
the favorite child
of your mother.
The young women, the queens,
and all the others
tell how excited you are
as they sing your praises:
10 “You are as majestic
as the morning sky—
glorious as the moon—
blinding as the sun!
Your charms are more powerful
than all the stars above.”
She Speaks:
11 I went down to see if blossoms
were on the walnut trees,
grapevines, and fruit trees.
12 But in my imagination
I was suddenly riding
on a glorious chariot.
Their Friends Speak:
13 Dance! Dance!
Beautiful woman from Shulam,
let us see you dance!
She Speaks:
Why do you want to see
this woman from Shulam
dancing with the others?
1 “Kurp aizgājis tavs mīļais,
tu, visskaistākā starp sievām?
Kurp devies tavs mīļais? –
Mēs iesim tev līdzi to meklēt.”
2 “Mans mīļais nokāpis
savā dārzā pie mētru dobēm
apraudzīt dārzus,
saplūkt lilijas.
3 Es – mīļajam
un mīļais – man,
viņš, kurš lilijās gana.”
4 “Skaista tu,
draudzene mana, kā Tirca,
daiļa kā Jeruzāleme,
barga kā karogoti pulki.
5 Novērs acis no manis,
jo tās mani satrauc.
Tavi mati kā kazu bars,
kas pa Gileāda nogāzēm tek.
6 Tavi zobi kā avju pulks,
kas kāpj augšup pēc peldes, –
katra no tām dvīņus atnesusi,
un izmetušos nav viņu vidū.
7 Kā granātābola šķēles
tavi vaigi aiz plīvura.
8 Seši desmiti valdnieču,
astoņi desmiti mīļāko,
un jaunavām skaita nav, –
9 viena vienīga dūja mana,
mana nevainojamā,
viena vienīga savai mātei,
savai dzemdētājai šķīsta,
meitas to uzlūko
un sauc to laimīgu,
valdnieces un mīļākās
viņu slavina.
10 Kura ir tā, kas raugās lejup kā ausma,
skaista kā mēnesnīca,
šķīsta kā saule,
barga kā karogoti pulki?
11 Es nokāpu riekstu dārzā
palūkot dzinumus ielejā,
raudzīt, vai vīnstīga rieš,
vai plaukst granātkoki,
12 es nezināju,
ka mana dvēsele mani iecēlusi
Ammīnādība ratos.”