(A psalm by Asaph for the music leader. To the tune “Lilies of the Agreement.”)
Help Our Nation
1 Shepherd of Israel, you lead
the descendants of Joseph,
and you sit on your throne
above the winged creatures.
Listen to our prayer
and let your light shine
2 for the tribes of Ephraim,
Benjamin, and Manasseh.
Save us by your power.
3 Our God, make us strong again!
Smile on us and save us.
4 Lord God All-Powerful,
how much longer
will the prayers of your people
make you angry?
5 You gave us tears for food,
and you made us drink them
by the bowlful.
6 Because of you,
our enemies who live nearby
laugh and joke about us.
7 Our God, make us strong again!
Smile on us and save us.
8 We were like a grapevine
you brought out of Egypt.
You chased other nations away
and planted us here.
9 Then you cleared the ground,
and we put our roots deep,
spreading over the land.
10 Shade from this vine covered
the mountains.
Its branches climbed
the mighty cedars
11 and stretched to the sea;
its new growth reached
to the river.
12 Our Lord, why have you
torn down the wall
from around the vineyard?
You let everyone who walks by
pick the grapes.
13 Now the vine is gobbled up
by pigs from the forest
and other wild animals.
14 God All-Powerful,
please do something!
Look down from heaven
and see what's happening
to this vine.
15 With your own hands
you planted its roots,
and you raised it
as your very own.
16 Enemies chopped the vine down
and set it on fire.
Now show your anger
and destroy them.
17 But help the one who sits
at your right side,
the one you raised
to be your very own.
18 Then we will never turn away.
Put new life into us,
and we will worship you.
19 Lord God All-Powerful,
make us strong again!
Smile on us and save us.
Lūgšana par Dieva vīnadēstu
1 Korvedim. Pēc meldijas “Liecības lilijas”. Āsāfa psalms.
2 Israēla gans, ieklausies!
Tu, kas ved Jāzepu kā ganāmpulku,
kas ķerubos sēdi, atspīdi jel
3 Efraima un Benjamīna, un Manases priekšā –
urdi savu spēku, nāc un glāb mūs!
4 Dievs, atjauno mūs
un liec savam vaigam starot,
ka mēs tiktu glābti!
5 Kungs, Pulku Dievs,
cik ilgi vēl kūpēs
tavas dusmas pret tavas tautas lūgšanām?
6 Tu barojis viņus ar asaru maizi
un devis tiem asaras dzert krūkām,
7 tu mūs noliki kaimiņiem ko skaisties
un mūsu naidniekiem ko smiet savā starpā, –
8 Pulku Dievs, atjauno mūs
un liec savam vaigam starot,
ka mēs tiktu glābti!
9 Vīnadēstu tu izraki Ēģiptē –
tautas tu izrāvi, bet to iestādīji,
10 tu ravēji tam visapkārt,
tas sakņojās un piepildīja zemi –
11 kalnus apklāja tā ēna
un tā pazares Dieva ciedrus,
12 tas stiepj zarus līdz jūrai
un līdz upei sniedz atvases –
13 tad kādēļ tu nogāzi tā žogu,
lai plūc katrs, kas garām staigā?
14 Plosa to mežakuilis,
un lauku tekuļi nogana to!
15 Pulku Dievs, jel pievērsies,
no debesīm paveries un ieraugi to,
un aprūpē šo vīnadēstu,
16 šo stumbru, ko stādījusi
tava labā roka, –
šo dēlu, ko tu sev stiprinājis!
17 To ugunī sadedzinājuši, to nocirtuši!
Tava vaiga bardzībā lai tie iznīkst!
18 Lai tava roka pār to,
kurš tev pie labās rokas, –
pār cilvēka dēlu, ko tu sev stiprinājis!
19 Mēs nenovērsīsimies no tevis –
dzīvini mūs,
un tavu vārdu mēs piesauksim.
20 Kungs, Pulku Dievs, atjauno mūs
un liec savam vaigam starot,
ka mēs tiktu glābti!