The Law of God Makes Sense
1 Wicked people run away
when no one chases them,
but those who live right
are as brave as lions.
2 In time of civil war
there are many leaders,
but a sensible leader
restores law and order.
3 When someone poor takes over
and mistreats the poor,
it's like a heavy rain
destroying the crops.
4 Lawbreakers praise criminals,
but law-abiding citizens
always oppose them.
5 Criminals don't know
what justice means,
but all who respect the Lord
understand it completely.
6 It's better to be poor
and live right,
than to be rich
and dishonest.
7 It makes good sense
to obey the Law of God,
but you disgrace your parents
if you make friends
with worthless nobodies.
8 If you make money by charging
high interest rates,
you will lose it all to someone
who cares for the poor.
9 God cannot stand the prayers
of anyone who disobeys
his Law.
10 By leading good people to sin,
you dig a pit for yourself,
but all who live right
will have a bright future.
11 The rich think highly
of themselves,
but anyone poor and sensible
sees right through them.
12 When an honest person wins,
it's time to celebrate;
when crooks are in control,
it's best to hide.
13 If you don't confess your sins,
you will be a failure.
But God will be merciful
if you confess your sins
and give them up.
14 The Lord blesses everyone
who is afraid to do evil,
but if you are cruel,
you will end up in trouble.
15 A ruler who mistreats the poor
is like a roaring lion
or a bear hunting for food.
16 A heartless leader is a fool,
but anyone who refuses
to get rich by cheating others
will live a long time.
17 Don't give help to murderers!
Make them stay on the run
for as long as they live.
18 Honesty will keep you safe,
but everyone who is crooked
will suddenly fall.
19 Work hard, and you will have
a lot of food;
waste time, and you will have
a lot of trouble.
20 God blesses his loyal people,
but punishes all who want
to get rich quick.
21 It isn't right to be unfair,
but some people can be bribed
with only a piece of bread.
22 Don't be selfish
and eager to get rich—
you will end up worse off
than you can imagine.
23 Honest correction
is appreciated
more than flattery.
24 If you cheat your parents
and don't think it's wrong,
you are a common thief.
25 Selfish people cause trouble,
but you will live a full life
if you trust the Lord.
26 Only fools would trust
what they alone think,
but if you live by wisdom,
you will do all right.
27 Giving to the poor
will keep you from poverty,
but if you close your eyes
to their needs,
everyone will curse you.
28 When crooks are in control,
everyone tries to hide,
but when they lose power,
good people are everywhere.
1 Ļaundari bēg, kaut neviens nevajā,
bet taisnie ir droši kā lauvas.
2 Dumpīgai zemei valdnieku bez skaita –
bet, kur ļaudis prātīgi, tā zeme pastāvēs.
3 Varens vīrs dara sūrdieņiem pāri –
kā lietusgāze, kas apsit labību!
4 Kas bauslību atmet, slavina ļaundarus,
kas bauslību ievēro, karo pret viņiem.
5 Ļaundari nesaprot, kas ir tiesa,
bet, kas meklē Kungu, tie saprot visu!
6 Labāk nabags, kas krietnumā staigā,
ne bagātais, kas iet līkus ceļus.
7 Kas bauslību pilda, tas gudrs dēls,
kas ar dzīrotājiem turas, apkauno savu tēvu.
8 Kas vairo savu mantu, uz augļiem aizdodams,
tas krāj to tam, kas pret sūrdieni labs!
9 Kas no bauslības vērš prom ausi –
tam pat lūgšana ir nelietība!
10 Kas taisnos vedina uz ļauna ceļa,
pats savā bedrē kritīs, bet krietnie tiks atalgoti.
11 Bagātais gudrs pats savās acīs,
bet prātīgs nabags redz šim cauri!
12 Kad taisnie līksmo – tie tik ir godi!
Kad ļaundari uzvar – tukšs un kluss!
13 Kas slēpj savus pārkāpumus, tam neveiksies,
kas atzīst un nožēlo, tas tiks apžēlots.
14 Svētīti bijīgie –
bet, kas savu sirdi nocietina, kritīs nelaimē.
15 Kā rūcošs lauva un plēsīgs lācis –
tā ļauns valdnieks nabaga tautai!
16 Valdnieks, kam trūkst prāta, negausīgi apspiež,
bet, kas nīst alkatību, dzīvos ilgi.
17 Kas izlējis otra asinis,
bēguļos līdz kapa malai –
neviens lai tam nepalīdz!
18 Kas krietnumā staigā, tiks glābts,
kas iet līkus ceļus, reiz kritīs.
19 Kas kopj savu zemi, tas sāts maizes,
kas dzenas pēc tukša – sāts trūkuma!
20 Uzticīgam papilnam svētības –
kas dzenas tik pēc bagātības, netiks attaisnots.
21 Nav labi dot priekšroku tiesā –
par maizes drusku ielaisties grēkā!
22 Mantrausis tik steidz pēc mantas –
nejauš, ka trūkums šo apsteidz!
23 Kas nebaidās norāt, to vēlāk ciena –
vairāk nekā lišķa mēli!
24 Kas aplaupa tēvu un māti
un saka: nav jau grēks! –
draugs un biedrs tāds maitātājam!
25 Negausis tik saceļ ķildas –
kas uztic Kungam, top sāti atalgots.
26 Kas uzticas savam prātam, tas muļķis,
bet, kas staigā gudrībā, tas paglābsies.
27 Kas nabagam dod, tam pašam netrūks,
bet, kurš novērš acis, to lādēs daudzi!
28 Kad ļaundari uzvar, ļaudis paslēpjas,
bet, kad tie izput, taisnie pieņemas.