Don't Brag about Tomorrow
1 Don't brag about tomorrow!
Each day brings
its own surprises.
2 Don't brag about yourself—
let others praise you.
3 Stones and sand are heavy,
but trouble caused by a fool
is a much heavier load.
4 An angry person is dangerous,
but a jealous person
is even worse.

5 A truly good friend
will openly correct you.
6 You can trust a friend
who corrects you,
but kisses from an enemy
are nothing but lies.
7 If you have had enough to eat,
honey doesn't taste good,
but if you are really hungry,
you will eat anything.

8 When you are far from home,
you feel like a bird
without a nest.
9 The sweet smell of incense
can make you feel good,
but true friendship
is better still.
10 Don't desert an old friend
of your family
or visit your relatives
when you are in trouble.
A friend nearby is better
than relatives far away.

11 My child, show good sense!
Then I will be happy
and able to answer anyone
who criticizes me.
12 Be cautious and hide
when you see danger—
don't be stupid and walk
right into trouble.
13 You deserve to lose your coat
if you loan it to someone
to guarantee payment
for the debt of a stranger.
14 A loud greeting
early in the morning
is the same as a curse.
15 The steady dripping of rain
and the nagging of a wife
are one and the same.
16 It's easier to catch the wind
or hold olive oil in your hand
than to stop a nagging wife.

17 Just as iron sharpens iron,
friends sharpen the minds
of each other.
18 Take care of a tree,
and you will eat its fruit;
look after your master,
and you will be praised.
19 You see your face in a mirror
and your thoughts
in the minds of others.
20 Death and the grave
are never satisfied,
and neither are humans.
21 Gold and silver are tested
in a red-hot furnace,
but we are tested by praise.
22 No matter how hard
you beat a fool,
you can't pound out
the foolishness.

23 You should take good care
of your sheep and goats,
24 because wealth and honor
don't last forever.
25 After the hay is cut
and the new growth appears
and the harvest is over,
26 you can sell lambs and goats
to buy clothes and land.
27 From the milk of the goats,
you can make enough cheese
to feed your family
and all your servants.
1 Nedižojies ar rītdienu –
tu nezini, ko tā nesīs.
2 Lai cits tevi liela, ne paša mute –
svešas, ne tavas lūpas!
3 Akmens ir smags, un smilts sver pulka,
bet muļķa dusmas smagākas par abiem!
4 Naids ir cietsirdīgs, dusmas ir trakas –
bet kas var pastāvēt skaudības priekšā?!
5 Labāks izsacīts pārmetums
nekā noklusēta mīlestība!
6 Kad draugs sāpina, tas no sirds!
Kad naidnieks skūpsta, tas no lieka!
7 Paēdis nonievā medus kāres,
neēdušam pat rūgts ir salds!
8 Kā putns atstāj savu ligzdu,
tā vīrs savas mājas!
9 Eļļa un kvēpināmais priecē sirdi,
draudzības saldums stiprina dvēseli.
10 Turies pie draugiem un pie sava tēva draugiem,
ka tev nelaimes dienā nav jātek uz brāļa namu –
labāk kaimiņš, bet tuvu,
nekā brālis, bet tālu!
11 Dēls, esi gudrs un priecē manu sirdi,
lai man ir ko atbildēt tam, kas mani peļ!
12 Gudrais patveras, manīdams briesmas,
vientieši brāžas – un dabū sodu.
13 Kurš galvo par svešu, tam atņem mēteli!
Kurš galvo par svešinieci, tam atņem visu!
14 Skaļš kaimiņa slavinājums
rīta agrumā ir gluži kā lāsts.
15 Ķildīga sieva un nepārtraukta pilēšana
lietainā dienā ir viens un tas pats:
16 kas grib to apvaldīt, tas ķer pēc vēja,
tas lūko eļļu sasmelt ar delnu!
17 Dzelzi asina dzelzs,
cilvēku – otrs cilvēks.
18 Kas kopj vīģeskoku, ēdīs tā augļus,
kas rūpējas par savu kungu, nāks godā.
19 Kā ūdenī vaigs pret vaigu,
tā cilvēka sirdī – otrs cilvēks.
20 Šeolu un pazušanu nevar piebarot,
un cilvēka acis nevar piebarot!
21 Tīģelis – sudrabam un krāsns – zeltam,
bet vīru noskata pēc viņa slavas.
22 Kaut tu muļķi ar piestu grūstu
miezerī kopā ar putraimiem,
pat tad viņa muļķība no tā neatlēks!

23 Lūkot lūkojies pēc savām kazām,
uzmani savus govju pulkus –
24 neba uz mūžiem manta,
nedz kronis uz audžu audzēm!
25 Zāle nopļauta, un atāls aug,
un saplūktas kalnu mētras –
26 nu jēri tavam ģērbam
un āži, ko maksāt par lauku,
27 un gana kazas piena, ko pašam cienāties,
ko cienāt saimi, ko mielot kalpones!