More of Solomon's Wise Sayings
1 Here are some more
of Solomon's proverbs.
They were copied by the officials
of King Hezekiah of Judah.
2 God is praised
for being mysterious;
rulers are praised
for explaining mysteries.
3 Who can fully understand
the thoughts of a ruler?
They reach beyond the sky
and go deep in the earth.
4 Silver must be purified
before it can be used
to make something of value.
5 Evil people must be removed
before anyone can rule
with justice.
6 Don't try to seem important
in the court of a ruler.
7 It's better for the ruler
to give you a high position
than for you to be embarrassed
in front of royal officials.
Be sure you are right
8 before you sue someone,
or you might lose your case
and be embarrassed.
9 When you and someone else
can't get along,
don't gossip about it.
10 Others will find out,
and your reputation
will then be ruined.
11 The right word
at the right time
is like precious gold
set in silver.
12 Listening to good advice
is worth much more
than jewelry made of gold.
13 A messenger you can trust
is just as refreshing
as cool water in summer.
14 Broken promises
are worse than rain clouds
that don't bring rain.
15 Patience and gentle talk
can convince a ruler
and overcome any problem.
16 Eating too much honey
can make you sick.
17 Don't visit friends too often,
or they will get tired of it
and start hating you.
18 Telling lies about friends
is like attacking them
with clubs and swords
and sharp arrows.
19 A friend you can't trust
in times of trouble
is like having a toothache
or a sore foot.
20 Singing to someone
in deep sorrow
is like pouring vinegar
in an open cut.
21 If your enemies are hungry,
give them something to eat.
And if they are thirsty,
give them something
to drink.
22 This will be the same
as piling burning coals
on their heads.
And the Lord
will reward you.
23 As surely as rain blows in
from the north,
anger is caused
by cruel words.
24 It's better to stay outside
on the roof of your house
than to live inside
with a nagging wife.
25 Good news from far away
refreshes like cold water
when you are thirsty.
26 When a good person gives in
to the wicked,
it's like dumping garbage
in a stream of clear water.
27 Don't eat too much honey
or always want praise.
28 Losing self-control
leaves you as helpless
as a city without a wall.
Sālamana izteicieni: līdzības un pamācības
1 Arī šie ir Sālamana sakāmvārdi, ko pārrakstījuši Jūdas ķēniņa Hizkijas vīri.
2 Dieva gods – apslēpt,
bet ķēniņu gods – atklāt.
3 Ne debesu augstumu, ne zemes dziļumu,
ne ķēniņu domas nevar izmērot.
4 Prom sārņus no sudraba –
un kalējam iznāks trauks,
5 prom ļaundari no ķēniņa galma –
un stiprs taisnībā būs viņa tronis!
6 Nedižojies ķēniņa galmā
un starp augstmaņiem nenostājies –
7 labāk lai saka: nāc tu tuvāk! –
nekā tev atkāpties augstdzimuša priekšā!
Ko tavas acis redzējušas,
8 nesteidzies tūdaļ celt tiesas priekšā,
jo ko gan darīsi,
ja tas otrs apkaunos tevi?
9 Tiesājies ar vienu,
bet cita noslēpumus neatklāj,
10 jo tevi liks kaunā, kas to padzirdēs,
un neslava neatstāsies no tevis!
11 Kā zelta āboli, sudrabā iedarināti,
tā vārdi, vietā pasacīti!
12 Kā zelta gredzens un tīrzelta rota,
tā gudrā rājiens dzirdīgām ausīm!
13 Kā sniega dzestrums pļaujas laikā,
tā uzticams vēstnesis tiem, kas viņu sūta!
Viņš atspirdzina dvēseli savam kungam!
14 Mākoņi un vējš, bet lietus nav –
tāpat tas, kurš tik sola un sola!
15 Kas savaldīgs, dabū valdnieku savā pusē,
un mīksta mēle lauž kaulus.
16 Atradi medu? – ēd ar sātu,
ja būs tev pār mēru, izvemsi to!
17 Neej par biežu kaimiņa namā,
ja būs tam pār mēru, viņš ienīdīs tevi!
18 Kā milna un šķēps un kā asa bulta –
tāds, kurš pret kaimiņu liecina melus!
19 Kā aizlūzis zobs, kā grīļīga kāja –
uz viltvārdi paļauties posta dienā!
20 Kā novilkt mēteli aukstā dienā,
kā liet etiķi pie sārma –
tā dziesmas dziedāt skumīgai sirdij!
21 Ja tavs naidnieks izsalcis, paēdini viņu,
un, ja tam slāpst, padzirdi viņu –
22 tu būsi sarausis kvēlošas ogles uz viņa galvas,
un Kungs tev atlīdzinās.
23 Ziemeļvējš apmāc debesis –
vaigu nomāc aprunāšana.
24 Labāk tad mājot jumta galā,
ne vienā namā ar ķildīgu sievu!
25 Vēss ūdens kaltušai rīklei –
ir laba vēsts no tālas zemes!
26 Taisnais, kas piekāpjas ļaundarim,
ir kā duļķaina aka un izbradāts avots.
27 Ne pārēsties medu ir labi,
ne paģērēt godu ir gods!
28 Nograuta pilsēta bez mūriem –
tāds ir vīrs, kurš nevalda pār savu garu!